Its me again >>11377893

its me again bahahaha. btfo all the anons that told me to close my short and long instead. meanwhile im up 24%. get fucked lmfaooooo. time to rip open a 50x long here.

fucking dumbfucks. always do the opposite of what biz says is not a fucking meme lmao. stupid retards

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wow it’s nothing

>24% in a day is nothing
in 60 days i will have $1.3 million. kys

pic related are the anons that called me a retard. literally the entire thread was just you stupid fucking anons making fun of me and calling me a retard. Well guess who the retard is now?!?!
l m a o
lmao i was like lmao get fucked

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>baby’s first gains

cute. you’ll lose it all though.

butthurt much?

Livestream so we can watch your luck run out on the third trade. Getting bored of this price action, watching you blow your brains out might pick me up

already +8% on my long faggot. closing it out here as well and setting a bid for another 50x long at 6114

Not saying you aren't making the right trades, whether on your own or following someone else, but your risk management is shit by the sounds of it and the game will play you eventually

Can you maybe do YouTube episodes on this please? Some kind of video journal maybe? I really feel like we're missing out on some of the intensity and character that is behind the scenes of these events. If you like I could maybe set up a GoFundMe or Patreon or something to help with the funding for production and equipment costs. What do you think? Is this something that you might like to think about?

lmao. your literally never gunna make it if your using anything less than 20x lev. unless you want boomer gains. 10% a day and im to $60k in 59 days now. feelsgoodman. ive made multiple threads on here about my trades and each time, every single reply tells me its the wrong trade. guess what retards. i know more than you. im part of the 1% of traders that actually MAKES MONEY.

>Ill be ridign shotgun
>under the hot sun
>feeling like a someone

were all gunna make it fren. go big or go home. you dont even have to countre trade just use super high lev and scalp then when bart comes (itll be a pump to 6500 ish range) you close out 1900%

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I don't get it
Btc price is 6201 rn
How are u up

You're trading on ranges so thin that just the fees at such a high leverage will eat up 7-10% of your equity. Shit has been going sideways since the last thread and you're acting as if there's been a 10% dump and you've made 6 months worth of wagecuckery.

The only real reason you're still alive is that there's 0 volatility and just because you've stayed alive for a while you're starting to feel confident. Congratulations, you're caught in the gambling dopamine feedback loop.

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who is this thot and where can i see her naked?

The pic is from an unofficial video to "sail" from Awolnation.

You opened a short at 6196 and made 24% even though btc never went below 6100.

Nice LARP .

are you retarded? 50x short at 6196 and then it went down to 6168 is 24% profit. kys

So you gambled and got lucky on 50x, lmao can't wait to see you get liquidated. I bet you won't post when you do though.

youre a dumbfuck
pls leave this board

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share bot or larp