Everyone, even the most dedicated permabulls are giving up. Its over folks. Get out now if you want to salvage anything

Everyone, even the most dedicated permabulls are giving up. Its over folks. Get out now if you want to salvage anything.

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unironically bullish

I don't like this simulation anymore

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You have to be insane. There is no volume and we are on the verge of breaking the last resistance. Crypto is basically dead at this point.

BTC will likely never see 1k again. That is a sixth of the the current value. Even half of the current value, 3k, is UNLIKELY.

>he wasn't alive in 2014

I am alive in 2018 when crypto finally died.

Btc is going down to 4k for awhile but I don't care, just buying 0.1 btc every paycheck anyway

crypto is only dead when nobody wants uncensorable, unconfiscatible, non-inflationary money.

this is not just going away, no amount of volatility can extinguish that spark once lit.

(speaking as someone who held from $5 to $1000, to $200, to $20K, etc.)

if this is actual truth you're a monumental idiot. You could have sold at $500 and been so comfy

I hate people like u

pretty comfy now tee bee aitch

not much of original BTC left, but way up in sats. I have never really cared about wealth for its own sake, what I want is a stake in the evolution of the planetary financial system, and all the spergy libertarian shit that goes with that.

so I let it ride, and keep myself intellectually and emotionally invested in this process. maybe next bull run I'll cash out and stablecoin up a small fraction, enough to ride out the next wave.

for now, life is good.


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Thoughts on BTC vs BCH? Also I’m curious if you have any price predictions for a few years from now

you would be an idiot to pull out

this means they all have their money on teh sidelines, hoping to push the price a bit lower, waiting to enter

this is the time to buy

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on a technical and game theoretic level, I think the small-blockers are mostly right. full nodes do need to be practical for trustless use and L2+ scaling.

mostly though, the debate is frustrating because it exists within the artificial bounds of the original Bitcoin design. it's "worse is better" all over again. Proof of Work had exactly one role to fulfil that could not be replaced by PoS, and that was the bootstrapping of coin distribution by permissionless mining. that job is now done. think of Proof of Stake ICO launches as being essentially a time-bound one-shot Proof of Work, where instead of the sacrifice of electricity and capital for waste heat over an extended period, you have the sacrifice of capital into a semi useful form (where it may be carefully corralled and deployed in pursuit of common goods, this is possible but as we see, fraught with danger. look for the networks that have navigated this successfully).

in the medium term (5 years), 'generic cryptographic reserve asset' will still be a more capital-intensive class than 'digital cash'.

I believe in the relevance of the log-quadratic meme graph, but applied to all cryptoassets, not just BTC.

bullish sign lo

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Just remember dumb hodler who would never sell is irrelevant during a crash, and they will be the biggest losers.

Hodling was just a loose collective agreement by early adopters to inflate the price of bitcoin in order to dump bags on normies ... it was never meant to last forever.

Nice. I'm in the same boat

this... if the twitter fag wasn't a literal nobody

Excuse me, Crypto Dog is a prominent voice in the crypto Twitter community.

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Why? They put out these tweets so nobody can accuse them of only posting bullish stuff

it'll be fine if crypto dies at this stage, at least all those "crypto somebody" fags on twitter will disappear

All this means is us Jow Forumsinessmen have to prep the bull. We have the experience.

And this is why it's bullish. You gave up, everyone did. Look at the meme-chart. What do you think where are we?

no better buy signals when every last bagholder sold and they are giving up. imaging the buy pressure when they all FOMO back in into the pumps.

also laughing at the retards who think low volume and lowest possible price doesn't mean we bottomed out.

>dude you just gotta believe!

Everyone is holding somthing hoping to get rich. What a strange world we live in.

nobody is holding, everybody sold, that's why the price went down. very hard to understand.

Are you going to answer my question, or memeing?

> The year is 2020, bitcoin is worth 0.34c and only 4 nodes are still active
> only AJ pompliano and ran neuers parent are still holding and recent events have made him bullish on bitcoin and crypto overall

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If everyone sold then why isn't it 0?

suckers tried to warn you for years Jow Forums was right again

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Well I don't want to sound like bagholder's bingo but unironically if sentiment is so low and price is still at $6300 doesn't it mean the potential upside is way greater than the downside? Risk reward ratio seems bullish to me. Even if we go to 5k what's so dramatic about it? you lose another few k in your portfolio on average? that's a few months of wagecucking but if btc goes to 40k that would be life changing to many people.

Missing out on a good price
Its inherent, humans need to repress to advance

imagine being such a LATE ADOPTER that you're currently IN THE RED


Stopped reading right there

I think the exchanges made most money

ligthing network doesn't work.
the routing problem isn't solved.
Blockstream was bought up by an investment firm AXA. They decide what happens and what doesn't. that's why we had to pay 50 dollar fees in december, that's why we have no opcodes, thats why bitcoin core is a shit cripple JEWED network.

We are all early adopters. The entire field is under assault from bankers and governments. Events are playing out exactly like Andreas Antonopoulos predicted.

this. and its the only spot on post I saw today. /biz is becoming the pit of misery. dily dily

Are you stupid? Serious question.

>Buy all BTC at 0.
>Then sell at 1 dollar.
>Become instant multi-millionaire.

Shut the fuck up, negative nazi. Just because you don’t like crypto doesn’t mean no one does. Practice some fucking empathy

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you keep posting this for a reason




plz buy and hodl btc

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As long as there are darknet markets, there will be a sustainable volume for buttcoins

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Cryptofags on twitter are double digit IQ retards. Not surprised they're selling low.

Im buying around 1350$ if it goes to 750$ i will buy more. You have to understand blood in the streets are at these levels.

No more selling pressure.

and no more buying pressure

There is literally no buyers. The volume has flat-lined, its dead. Even if there was supposed to be a reverse bart it would have happened by now.

That's what a bottom looks like

And yet this low volume, bears have yet to substantially get it under 6k for months on end now. Weird.

And when it inevitably breaks it is going to be absolute pandemonium.

Bitcoin is being held on pure manipulation. This doesn't work like a regulated market.

Yeah, yeah. It's been "dying" for ages now. Tell that to my bank account, bitch.

Genuinely can't tell if you guys are just retarded or if this is some circlejerk CT psyop.
Either way, you're all faggots. No matter which way we end up going -- and i don't give a fuck what your perspective is on this -- i'm gonna make money. And every single one of you here should be prepared for whatever situation comes around so you're not left holding your dick and reeing your little hearts out.
Just fucking play the game, nignogs.

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"it will never break 6k" "6k support unbreakable". when it breaks, they will shit their bull panties and capitulate.

Get yourself back in real investments kid. If you made money on this manipulated shitshow then count your blessings. Fake internet money has proven it has no use, no institutional investors want to buy it and no businesses want to take it.
There is just no future and its all being propped up on the delusion of those who wanted to get rich quick.

>even the most dedicated permabulls are giving up.
voskcoin (gpu miner youtube normie) capitulated and dumped his mining rigs. looks like the mining bottom is in.

>they will shit their bull panties and capitulate.
if they havent sold at 6k given a dozen chances over 10 months why sell at 5k or 3k. buy the dip and hold

Nah, you're just a lying bagholder.

no one cares, crypto twitter is full of pathetic, faggot larpers who lie about buying the bottom and selling the top
the only good thing about CT is the drama between prominent developers and shitposts

LMAO, calm your tits. user, I know what I'm doing.
And I know what I'm not doing: I'm not panicking like an emotionally volatile faggot.I literally do not fucking care which way btc goes. Money either way. And if crypto actually dies, whoops. Money somewhere else.
Appreciate the concern.

one last fart before i hit the road: bros, every moment you spend here jerking yourselves retarded over p o s s i b i l i t i e s and discussing the most shallow bullshit with your fellow autists is one less moment in which you're actually developing as traders.
remember that next time some random dude swings by with a "WE DOOM" or "WE BULL" sandwich sign just to slap your balls a little and get you standing at attention
fucking retards, do you really think anyone gives a shit about you

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I never really bought this BTC bullshit. "It's a way to store value". That didn't make any sense to me until now. My country's currency is getting devalued every day. BTC is the only thing that can help me. I have converted 50% of my savings into it.

>no uses
>can buy tons of shit with it faster than with a bank transfer.

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If you knew what you were doing then you would know that crypto is a dead end.

Can I drive down to a store and use crypto? Can I go to Amazon and use crypto? No, I can literally do nothing except for stare at it in a wallet or exchange and hope the speculation gets manipulated to go up.

It can't even be used as money in a reliable fashion lmao, but sure yes maybe it won't go away, but it sure can lose its value real quick, champ.

Could you drive to any store and use a credit/debit card 30 years ago? Dumb argument.

OP btfo!

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30 years ago was 1988. Yes, yes I could you zoomer child.

Nah. Half the people selling aren't doing so to save their losses, it's to acquire more crypto. That should tell you something.

From what I think, downside will never make as much money as the upside.

Lets be honest, all these FUDsters are just trolling bag holders. Why would they even be here if they weren't?

everywhere? lmao no ya boomer

Ya, every somewhat modern country sure. Credit cards have existed since the 50s.

you can't be fucking serious

Sounds more like damage control to me.

what even is a stop loss?
sounds like some pussy shit to me.

>Joined July 2017

literally before the golden bull run started

fucking newfags

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Don't be fucking ridiculous.

>I believe in the relevance of the log-quadratic meme graph, but applied to all cryptoassets, not just BTC.

If you believe that Ethereum will unironically become 10x what bitcoin ever will

all combined, user

>can buy tons of shit with it faster than with a bank transfer.

lolwut? What can you buy other than reddit tier meme shit for autistic manchildren cucks? Also it's not faster than a simple credit card purchase. You literally have to have some type of cognitive dissonance going on to justify the current capabilities of crypto.

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Unironically just bought in after waiting out this entire storm
This sell-off was important for the crazy gains to come. You can't get on the moon without starting from somewhere

When the ct retards are giving up you know its time to start buying.

This 100%

This, people caring about crypto twitter, much less crypto twitter NEWFAGS in current year LOL

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Everything. Just have to find somebody dealing in crypto. Personally I sold phones, drugs, alcohol, trading cards, graphic cards, chemicals and a TV for crypto and bought watches, socks, drugs, ammo and an electro schocker with crypto

oi goy,dont buy! wait until next moon!

Are people seriously still holding bitcoin long term? If it breaches important levels, just fucking short it with a portion of your BTC and make sure your stack just keeps on growing while BTC goes down in price.. this way you're not losing shit even if BTC crashes to 4k, $500 or whatever.
When(if) BTC finally starts its bullish run again up towards 20k, your stack will be massive.

>started mining #bitcoin in 2011

i especially hate the fucking women that think theyre crypto queens because they bought like $100 worth of bitcoin. they need a fucking cyanide pill in their fucking frappucino

If you haven't sold yet and aren't actively looking for the bottom to buy back in you'll never make it.