How is it like to start something in there ? I’ve heard that it’s easy as hell and that would be great to catch a piece of all the money Western European countries send them.
Anyone knows about procedure or any other information ?
Open up a business in Slovakia
Financne poradenstvo, financna gramotnost naroda na bode mrazu, prakticky mozes robit bitconnectove piramidky legalne.
Samozrejme moje napady co si otvorim ked vycashujem moje LINKY ti nepoviem, kolko drzis ?
Luzri sa hraju s falosnymi internetovymi peniazmi. Frajeri vypaluju.
Alebo skor ludia doveruju preinflaciovanym papierikom :) Ja sa osobne nehram, kupujem s mojimi stovkami bitcoinmi zlato a cakam na recesiu :) Decembrovi frajeri minuleho roku kricia "Bitcoin je podvod". Skory bitcoinovi obchodnici sa na frajeroch len smeju :)
Speak english, slavbros
Well, one slovak is a LINK marine furiously masturbating to sergey and another one calls crypto fake money and says its better to make money by distilling liquor.
How the fuck you want to start business in slovakia if you can't understand shit.
Wat you sey bruh ? wan to dead ?
Another link marine from svk here.
Im slowly losing faith in the fat russian
How many of us ?
Wrong. I meant extortion, not distilling liquor
They have the best women. Good luck learning the language. If you dont, btfo immigrant fag.
Nevedel som že na 4chane sú Slováci
Checking in. Let's make a party post-singularity.
I got only 1k link tho
That's a cool $1 mil.
češi jsou akceptovaní? Mám 60k LINKů takže..
Slovak American here
I think you should consider opening a business as west as possible. I have lots of family outside of Kosice and for the most part, people there make pretty shit wages so I doubt a traditional business will make a lot unless its tourist based and in the center of the city. Bratislava seems like it has lots of opportunity though, you should look there.
what type of business?
also tourism is not that big here
Gov decides who gets the western gibs
You have to invest in political parties first
Zabudni na to bracho
Jow Forums su len Slovaci a Cesi,
len si robime picu a piseme vacsinou po anglicky
kokot pekny samefag uz to prestan robit
you're gonna have a great time if you're a mobster, tax evader, lobbyist, soros puppet and the like
otherwise, you'll get robbed quick by the above and will learn to love it