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the greatest banking shill and mad nocoiner that has ever existed
I saw him in the hearing yesterday, what a joke.
he's basically only tweeting about crypto now
bullish as fuck
>libertarian decentralisation
What did he mean by this?
He was awful in the hearing. Still have half to go but literally doesn’t understand cryptocurrencies and why having decentralised financial systems is a good thing. Kept blabbering on about fintech and China, called Bitcoin centralised due to miners, and so on. Ultimately his entire testimony was boomer FUD. There was an amusing Zoomer in the back that literally couldn’t stop laughing as he kept winning boomer bingo with everything Roubini said. He was also called Doctor Ribena at some point, with the same credibility.
>fascists are against evil centralized governments and corporation?
I don't know who this cunt is but everyone and their mother is aware of the current world state, I mean even ((them)) themselves haven't been hiding new world order and globalization for over a century if not more. The word conspiracy itself was created by the CIA to instill confusion and paranoia.
In any case ((they)) were already on the bitcoin train a long time ago anyway, so it doesn't matter. It's another ponzi, but easier to ride for the average person unlike controlled stock/fiat market. You just have to have a little bit of brains and luck, and if you do you can ride the world destruction comfy with ((them)) by the side.
They wanted to reduce world population by various means, I would say reducing it by removing the stupid genes is probably the best way to do so.
Good, the west needs some good ole fascism again
they don't want to reduce world population. just substitute current middle class with low iq immigrants who will be grateful for being let in the first world and who won't be rioting against unequal wealth distribution. they won't need common folk in the future
What's the problem if I don't live (((them)))?
Who is she.... She's perfect
>not recognizing Orwellian propaganda Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
Bitcoin is evil
china is evil
china owns big part of coinfarms
kripto is evil
nourriel is going to die
kill the boomers
>who won't be rioting against unequal wealth distribution
>oh no no no
He is right in every fucking aspect. Go back to Jow Forums fucking right wing faggots.
T. not retarded
fuck off commie
Unironically neck yourself my dude
How is he wrong? Fucking subhuman right wingers
how can so much idiocity fit into one single person? he's trolling, right?
Nah, he is just saying what everyone important wants to hear. Important people will bring you to heel or crush you like maggots.
>libertarian decentralisation
you can kill yourself now
Came to post this. Roubini is an idiot.
No, this is 100% correct. That's why the revolution & proletariat uprising is starting now - by purchasing Chainlink you deny wealth to the bankers and NeetSocs, and ensure that those funds are made available for our oppressed comrades worldwide. Fully automated luxury gay space communism needs decentralised Oracles, and Sergey will be the Che Guevara of our generation.
Hes not an idiot, hes a shill.he knows that everything he types is fucking retarded, but the sheep will eat it up. Most people in the world dont understand how the world really works and have no curiosity to know, so they will take everything said from a seemingly "legit" source as truth
go fuck yourself you kike-inflation-government loving faggot
>eyebrows plucked to a narrow line
>pierced brow
>a ton of makeup
>duck face
boy, you sure have low standards
In my opinion all centralised governments are inherently evil and fascism goes part in parcel with strong governments and corporate control over the nation.
Do you actually know anything about fascism? The actual principles are closer to america's Democrats then republicans lol
hol up
(((Roubini))) is another tribe globalist. wgaf at all what he thinks.
literally a Jew's tweet, idiot
LINKish flag, stronk buy signal
Seems like the image checked out then huh?
my bad
>libertarian decentralization
>fascist at core!
sieg heil
What is a black helicopter?
nobody can do anything about "unequal wealth distribution" im certainly not giving a cent to anybody else. the issue is the shitskin problem is real and at some point we need to cull a large percentage of the population if we're ever going to be able to move forward as a species. leaving lesser-evolved beings behind is just common seense.
103 is an interesting number.
Did anons know that there are 1100111 Bitcoin in the Tulip Trust..
This is the binary translation of 103
which also means Bitcoin cash now you can see that.
That means Bitcoin Cash was planned since at least the beginnging days
There are also 310 bitcoins in the bitcoin challenge image
oh btw gl with this one
he's pulling out all the stops
who gives a fuck. both sides can be invited. this is about making money it's not a high school fashion show.
satoshi was a globalist when you think about it
Fuck you you unimaginative cunt. We don't need to kill anyone because you suck as a problem solver.
We can scale society 1000x and be fine with the right technology.
he probably things hating blacks and jews is what fascism is all about. when in fact fascism is about strong rigid hierarchy where all social class knows it's place and in theory it would be based on ability and merit but we all know in practice it's just the good old feudal system in disguise.
> anti-government, centralized authorities
> fascist
These people are so stupid sometimes that I need to pretend sometimes that they're conducting some kind of elaborate trolling op.
"Fascism" is the favorite normie word for "evil".
What he means is that crypto is anti-semitic.
Idk guys the more I read this guys tweets the more sense they are making to me.
He basically calls out all the garbage in this area.
A lot of his stuff seems like bait.
this. we should all unerstand the only valid political ideology to overcome feudalism is no holds barred caveman anarchy as enabled by the blockchain
we absolutely need to cull lesser beings if we want to progress society forward. how do you think scientific progress is made? the poor, unintelligent, those held back by religion, are left out to dry, as everybody else moves forward.
The problem with 'culling' is that you can never tell where genius will pop up
Of course there is a genetic component
But as soon as you try and control this, you will probably just make it worse.
You have to set up a society in which the best can rise easily
his argument is basically "banks and corporations are never going to use public networks where miners in china or russia are providing the security" he is right. the rebuttal is that bitcoin isn't asking them to and that it could kill the ones that don't over the long term. nobody wants to have that conversation in congress.
Now him and vitalik are supposedly going to debate and all the maximalists are on nouriels side. Pathetic.
There are a lot of conversations that no one is willing to have right now. Really its still too early to have those conversations because a lot of what is going on in this space is still behind the scenes and covered up.
For good, or for bad? No one knows.
But for example, I found a paper the other day called Avalanche that seems to solve Buterin's trinity dilemma. And it was published by a guy who spoke at Satoshi's Vision conference some time ago.
There's a lot about this space that isn't fully in the open yet. We have to wait and see how things play out.
the fucking craziest part from yesterday though was when the guy asked him about steps the fed is taking to get to instantly clearing funds in the legacy financial system and he admitted that we have had the technology for a long time to open the fed's balance sheet to all individuals and that it could easily be done that way. OOPS but that would have *an effect* on the banking system that they would need to, um, adjust to because they, er, currently fund their operations with customer deposits which would no longer be necessary under that system.
top fucking kek when nouriel roubini explains that we've had the technology for years to massively reduce payments friction in the domestic economy but we just choose to allow banks to remain as middlemen because we don't want to take away the ability for them to extract an unneccessary rent from the economy
the absolute FUCKING STATE of this motherfucker
Is he an idiot
or a master troll?
Exposing the FED
Or defending it?
That's what I'm trying to figure out right now by checking his twitter + related out.
Either way 99% of people in crypto land need to hear his message.
Exchanges are scammers, majority of coins are scams, everythings rigged, full of criminals ,etc.
But there's some hope.
daily reminder that (((inflation))) is the source of all evil in this world.
Your money worth less and less ->can't afford housing->can't afford a family->depopulation 101 in velvet gloves
The people of his kind call "fascist" whatever they don't like.
>called Bitcoin centralised due to miners
He's right on that matter. PoW is shit by design. All your coins are being possessed by the folk with ASICs.
This. Society needs true freedom and unity to advance. Culling is not going to work but non biased education could.
he's definitely very smart when it comes to economics. I can't think of anyone better to have as the counterpoint to van valkenburgh (also great). I think he's just being a curmudgeon, it's that simple. also the way he describes mining as an oligopoly seems somewhat intellectually dishonest and I'm not sure if it's on purpose or he just doesn't exactly understand it. but having 6 dominant pools is not exactly like having 6 cartel members when pools are made of individual actors that can switch at will. not that bitcoin mining doesn't have centralization problems (that's its major weakness IMO) but they are centered around bitmain being a chinese company that possibly controls more than 51% of the hashrate, and therefore a vector for an economically-motivated attack from a government that is playing with enough wealth to be able to destroy bitcoin and profit in other areas. that should be what is being discussed not the "6 different large miners" which are really just temporary aggregations of many independent actors
Whites have invented nearly everything important in the world.
The West is Greek philosophy, Roman statecraft, Germanic engineering.
Genocide is quite ok, dumb fuck.
Fascism doesnt disguise feudalism,
Capitalism does.
Roubini r/t'd this.
I've made up my mind now that he is a master troll.
There's been plenty of arguments for censorship resistance and lower fees, those alone don't rely on the world or banks collapsing in order to succeed.
Something for everyone in that tweet. Makes me think of putinbots. Foreign powers have divided your population well indeed
Oh I agree
But I think that they WAY things are currently done does need to collapse.
Not asking for banks to go away, or for the world to go into an unrecoverable crash, just for things to change for the better.
His tweets seem to be bait like I thought.
This post was meant to quote:
This is almost as embarassing as 'bitcoin is worse than killing babies.'
>if you dont have the same tastes as me you have low standards
stfu pleb, shes sexy
Im watching the Senate hearing now...my fucking God, his very first sentence is straight Biz FUD, this guy must be buying as much as he can right now for missing the boat. The anger in his voice is hilarious!
le angry merchant mad he didn't 100x his money.
>The child of Iranian Jews, he was born in Turkey and grew up in Italy.
Oh nice
Grats to whomever.
There's interesting picture of him on the net partying with celebs and other high level israelis
time to buy
Hey man, that's anti semitic, how dare you follow the money and come to the conclusion that the world bankers are jewish
What did he meant by these?
Taleb and Soros both deserve respect. Say what you will about Soros and using his money for influence and all that, the man knows how money works. Politics aside, Soros should be a Jow Forums hero.
Soros uses his money for destabilization, there's nothing respectful about that.
is he praysing it? i don't get it
he's trolling
yeah, he's praising it if you read btween the lines
Based Fascist Spain
hes right..
Very woke and redpilled and all, but they DO want to reduce the population.
You're spot on on the rest, the reduced population will be full of grateful idiots bootlicking their owners
dr. noicoiner
He's a fucking moron is what he meant.
hitler was one of the first to use keynesian economics (the current system).
the double speak is getting too much
it's the exact opposite
youth is thinking inflation is the crumbling of value
adulthood is realizing it is the incentive to always improve, to never stagnate
stagnation = degeneracy
fuck off
childhood is realising gold is money and getting rich off the suffering of others
adulthood is realising we should design societies to benefit the individual because there is no end to hedonistic materialism