I-is this a good time to buy?

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No, savvy people are selling their homes and buying condos.

Condos is the way to go nowadays. Fuck houses

I really don't like the idea of paying a condo fee though, nor the idea that I don't own the land that I'm on.

Kind of feels like renting.

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Pretty much is.
Your rent won't go up if you buy, but then your condo fees may very well go up because the Mexicans who moved in are not paying their fees so the condo has to collect more money from the other tenants.
But if you buy a house you're still paying rent to the government cause property taxes. The government raises those taxes because the mexicans coming in don't have enough money to afford their own house so the government needs mo money fo dem programs.

I don't even know what to do.

Only a fool would buy a house now. Stock market is at records, unemployment is at record lows, yet government debt, corporate debt and consumer debt is at all time highs. This is not sustainable.

With a condo you are still paying for property taxes. The only benefit is that you don't have to deal with things that condo fees are covering for you.

For few people, that couild make sense. However I don't think it makes sense for most people. My main point would be that THE CONDO IS MAKING A PROFIT from those fees - you are not getting your lawn cut at a discount. And if they decide they want a bit more money out of you, what are your options? Move. Now you have to find someone else who wants to pay at least as much as you did for the place, and that will be harder with higher HOA fees.

Doesn't make sense to me at least and I'm curious about people praising them to give their side.

People don't pay condo fees because they worry about maintenance or getting the grass cut. They pay them because it keeps the slime out and property values high.

>keeps slime out
I'm not really sure I buy into that. Sure, everyone is guaranteed to keep their home appearences neat which will have a slight effect on value, sure. But all you're paying for is the APPEARENCE of a nice neighborhood. Your neighbors could be a trashy, slimy people as long as they have the money you do.

You're going to be living with your income bracket and the type of people that brings regardless. I don't think anything indicates that people who live in homes or condos are any better than one another.

>But all you're paying for is the APPEARENCE of a nice neighborhood. Your neighbors could be a trashy, slimy people as long as they have the money you do.
That's pretty much america in a nutshell. It's propaganda called marketing. Just like your 400k box made out of particle board and covered in stucco lulz.

And when your bathroom ceiling leaks because the neighbor above you has a shower thats leaking water then you are really cucked.

It's not sustainable, but could easily go on for 3-4 more years climbing even higher. This is why "timing" the market is nearly impossible.

Condos are the way to get stuck with a fucking albatross around your finances. They’re overpriced, harder to sell than a house with a lawn, and get justed hard when the housing market dips and take longer to recover. They’re only slightly better as an investment than a brand new car and unironically worse than just paying rent.

The only condo worth buying is in an assisted living community when you’re old and pathetic with no family and need someone to care for you. Or if you’re rich and want to dump your parents off there instead of caring for them in their final years.

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It’s all the shitty parts of renting but all the expense and financial obligation of owning a home. Condos are shit-tier unless you’re wealthy and it’s just a vacation home you rent out on AirBNB too.

This. And the people who get really involved in the HOA politics are usually petty, micromanaging shitbags who want to control what everyone else can and cannot do in their own home under the pretense of keeping property values high. I once dated a developer who built condos and they had so many bullshit headaches from old assholes getting jealous of neighbors and trying to determine what kind of furniture and decorations they had in their own homes or trying to shut down a small online business that one was running out of his house. A lot of times they’d just start baseless, pointless drama simply to annoy their neighbors.

>paying a monthly strata fee

Condo fags are the worst. Don't do it user. Buying a house from a boomer for 10x what they bought it for isn't much better. The smartest shit to do right now is build a good cash position and wait. This shit is going to collapse within 5 years. The same house you can buy for 400k now, will be 200k within 5 years.

This. Build cash and wait.

also very interested in housing market

by the way 4chans stock/crypto/forex room also has an alt-finance room for shit like this

Any time line lads?

im at around 80k in savings, making 60k a year but a good saver
any advice?

This guy gets it.

what exactly can 1 expect from this group

its stock/finance/crypto/programming
education, working togehter, having some fun
actually a great community that is surprisingly organized for being form Jow Forums


dumb advice from a bitter poorfag coping. maybe true in some markets but over the long term this is always wrong.

>Shitbird neighbors literally above, below and to the sides.
>Can hear them shitting/fucking/murdering their kids at all hours.
>Between property tax and association dues, your are still basically renting even when the fucking thing is paid off.

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Beginner friendly, by any chance, or would a noob just be pissing in everyone's pool?

kill yourself commie

Checked and kek'd

lmao @ these posts

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