What popular coins do you think are going to be worthless?
What popular coins do you think are going to be worthless?
Cryptographic ultra money
all of them in due time
Holochain will be a big failure
Everything's on life support.
EOS is the most obvious one.
ethereum, XRP
This and BCH + EOS is going to btfo fudders on the other hand.
all of them
except bitcoin
only retards will disagree
All the currency ones for sure. Bitcoin will just assimilate all the good qualities of them all.
Lol, kiddies here are so retarded. Bitcoin goes down say bye bye to all your other coins. In the eyes of seasoned investors bitcoin is the only worthwhile coin out there, once that goes then the rest drops with it.
Eth maybe. BTC is dinosaur.
dinosaurs ruled earth for millions of years
>BTC is dinosaur.
i agree but it will die hard. mark my words this t-rex will rule the landscape for an other decade and rodents will cower in fear listening to it's death throes.
pretty much everything but bitcoin, and maybe ethereum if they can get proof of stake working at scale. everything else is here for 1-5 years before other things take their place, or coins like bitcoin and ethereum grow so fast they get left behind as the old speculator coins.
no, the dinosaurs are those that missed out on bitcoin and have to resort to buying random alts instead.
Bitcoin is more like a religious movement. The bitcoin maximalists are obviously not interested in technological advancement, just pumping their bags. It might die down a lot in time but there will always be those retarded maximalists that will hold on to their bitcoin no matter what. For once in their life they got lucky getting into bitcoin early and they will never let it go.
Also agree with EOS, I can't see the point of it. Somehow they managed to get a lot of institutional money to fall for their scam so that might keep it going for awhile.
the real answer is that bitcoin has one thing every other alt or coin can never have, de facto status as the original, most fair store of value. you can never replicate that because as soon as bitcoin became even a little bit popular shitcoins were popping up everywhere just trying to abuse the speculative nature of them.
as long as crypto exists, bitcoin, or more importantly the UTXO set of bitcoin is going to be around forever.
in the distant future all of them will be worthless
but within our lifetimes everything currently existing except bitcoin, monero and doge
Hello noobs how is it going today?
>muh bitcoin is slow and old outdated tech thread
Everything but Bitcoin
Only retards think alts are long term
BTC is losing more and more in % of total market cap though.
might just be a temporary wave of scam tokens etc. that will disappear with the first serious market breakdown, but the trend is undeniable.
also: if BTC is supposed to grow to astronomical heights (100k+ as some suggest here) it will need to be adopted by normies out there.
how exactly are you going to convince a random 90IQ boomer to exchange decades of savings for 0.27 units of a digital currency he doesn't understand?
what i mean by that is that there is a psychological component to BTCs price: people have been raised with a certain idea of how many units of a currency it takes to purchase certain things - they think in orders like "1 unit is a drink, 100 units is a small electronic item, 1000 units a TV, 10.000 units a car" etc.
this creates a psychological barrier for normies to buy/try out BTC because it *looks* like you're not getting much
i know it sounds retarded, but thats how normies are
The biggest that will be worthless in due time are ETH, XRP, EOS, and TRX.
Referring to whether BTC was going to absorb innovation. It won't. It's not moving.
Why would seasoned investors buy into bitcoin now? You realize the smart money gets in early not late? Bitcoin has been out for 10 fucking years already. There's not much gains left in it.
so just sell them sats, they'll get millions
Keep gambling on and buying the scamcoins then and come back in 20 years and let us know how that strategy turned out for you
Buy btc + xmr genius
Lol, you people will be mindlessly defending BTC even when it goes to zero.
i think people flock to scamtokens because they don't expect BTC to have a lot of potential growth left - and i never said scamtokens were a viable strategy, i merely stated the *fact* that they are gaining total market cap percentage.
Scamcoins with custom codebases. Scamcoin with custom products. Cross chain, atomic swaps, too many innovations to list.
I guess if you're an idiot you can't see the differences though and everything looks like a scam.
in 10 years only living coin will be btc and maybe monero from current top 10.Tech will imrpove and replace the rest.
Even if bitcoin eventually went to something insane like 60k it's only a 10x from here. Why would anyone buy such a risky investment with so little upside left in it? Only use for bitcoin now is trading it into coins that have more potential gains left in them. Trading is the only use case for crypto anyway.
I'm saying its the only one thats actually recognized as having ever been profitable besides maybe ethereum but thats a stretch. Also its too volatile and the only time it went up was probably just a fluke. Thats why seasoned investors don't recognize crypto as being a sound investment.