Be careful for "The Prophet" tripfag. He keeps posting in threads innocently...

Be careful for "The Prophet" tripfag. He keeps posting in threads innocently, calling others out and starting humble discussion at the same time. He's attempting to make a name for himself on here.

Tripfags are always scammers
He's probably going to make a pro-chainlink thread or something.

These are all Lenocinium tactics. Pic related.

Attached: 0011.png (785x531, 590K)

>tripfags always scammers
>says a tripfag
thanks bought 100k

How do I get paid to shitpost?

holy shit, in january I did package A for TRX free as fuck


This is slander.

I'm a name fag anyways, anyone can use my name.

Attached: the prophet 4.png (500x517, 251K)

im the real The Prophet, fuck you scammer

I have been blessed by kek, witness my numbers!

Attached: 1538552117985.jpg (1168x2048, 537K)

>tfw I shilled so many coins for free while some fucking pajeets got paid for it

Pic related, its u

Attached: ABSOLUTESTATE.jpg (396x756, 49K)

no im the real propphet.
chainlink is a scam.

Praise be upon his loyal followers

Attached: The prophet 6.jpg (500x500, 69K)

> g-guys look I posted the lenocinium website again
Yeah we get it. For someone with an extra chromosome it was probably a difficult site to make and it was really disheartening that it was btfo within like 30 mins using babby's first whois. I appreciate the effort you put into it and would recommend if you do it again, maybe let it sit a few months next time.

I do not need a trip, my numbers are the proof of my legitimacy.

Attached: 1538550960169.jpg (690x1024, 198K)

eat shit and die

yeah.. i don't trust tripfags

There is literally nothing in the universe worse than a tripfag

agreed... fucking scum

O.O w-will steer discussion for 1/10 o...of that price
.01 BTC

Attached: sweatysnaek.gif (364x489, 526K)

Hey user did you see those anons posting their dicks yesterday?

Man that was really funny haha

Attached: The prophet 2.png (484x750, 288K)

