Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-13 at 5.05.33 PM.png (909x516, 112K)

Imo that's a bit of a stretch to say not happening in 2018. It could be a small bug. Idk why he would even state that.

absolute state

No fork also means no block reward reduction. Lmao

No wonder eth tanked
Devs were dumping

Cuz they knew this would happen?

2018 is the year of shaking moon boys aka useless dumb money.

Meant for

For him to straight away say not happening in 2018 it sure sounds like it.
But it's not like eth price bumped up since the block reward reduction announcement.

Hello eth dev

I wish I was that intelligent

This is why multiple implementations on something like Eth is a terrible idea. It's a guaranteed fuckup.

I swear, this fucktard dev probably shorts his own coin before fudding on twitter

Attached: stop.jpg (970x400, 48K)

Not really all u need is two implementations to come to consensus and it's better than a single. It's not like this is mainnet

once again the idiots behind parity can't write software without letting other people steal their user's money, locking up their own money, or breaking consensus with ethereum.

parity has done so much more damange to ethereum than good.

I have insider information that Ethereum is going to implode sometime tomorrow. This includes all the projects building on top, including LINK, ZRX, and other projects we all want to see moon.

Your safest bet is to go into Bitcoin or fiat as Ethereum implodes internally. You should send all your Ethereum to exchanges at least to beat the crowd so that in the event of the crash, you can sell instead of waiting a long time for your transaction to be confirmed, or worse yet, not be able to access the Ethereum network.

In this Armageddon, stay away from decentralized exchanges, move all your coins to an exchange like Binance, or prepare for the worst by selling into Bitcoin or fiat.


None of the clients are syncing I thought? But yea they seem sloppy idk why is the most popular client

Every single needed improvement has been delayed without any end in sight. They know know Constantinople and Casper will never happen and they are just buying their time until the jig is up. Vitalik was fuding eth because he has a guilty conscience and knows this. XRP will be #2 by the end of the month.

What is the best client?

Attached: 1538337226650.jpg (1176x1200, 235K)

its popular because they had a light mode first, and have a full pruning mode, something that is a great feature and needs to be implemented into geth.

Vitalik FUDs ETH because hes a dirty ass scammer and he knows any negative tweet he makes causes a 2-3% crash on the coin, so he load his shorts before.

Can't wait for that faggot to get arrested.

Attached: vit.jpg (378x378, 38K)


Thanks for the info!

I literally stopped caring months ago.

What causes the implosion ?
Explain or you're full of shit

He wrote this yesterday too. Its copypasta

Multiple implementations make the system stronger, not weaker.