Decentralised "currency" to change billions of lives (Yeah, right)

>decentralised "currency" to change billions of lives (Yeah, right)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>an anonymous computer geek found a way to transfer value to anyone in the world, in seconds, without the need for banks.
>another economist sneered and said "they say bitcoin will change the world, but really anyone who supports this, is supporting a ponzi scheme"

Maybe. But it‘s not gonna be LINK.

imagine thinking some shitcoin is going to change anything other than daytraders clicking on a different symbol on a centralized exchange

only bitcoin changes anything

fucking retard. i wasnt talking about your meme shitcoins. bitcoin is the only thing that matters

I would put XRP, XLM, XMR, and IOTA into that list as well.

XMR maybe, though you can still get the same anonymity with a bitcoin sidechain. the others are shit

You‘ve got some anger built up. Time to let your bags rest. Maybe Sergey will come lick your balls to soothe the pain.

No, he's right, at least in a fundamentally significant way. XMR is great for being private, but there is such a demand for transparency that BTC would be fundamentally better. In terms of XRP and XLM, We already have huge centralized/pseudo decentralized databases all over. IOTA still has a long, long way to go before doing anything good.

yeah right

IOTA is a scam. A Dag doesnt scale any better than a blockchain. in fact, it scales even worse since every full node can be spammed with tx's to the point that they cant be processed/verified anymore. Anyone with enough hashrate can generate the nonce required for the PoW at a faster rate than the average bandwidth required to receive each tx.

The internet was actually useful. There is no use for crypto.

Why do they always FUD? Like literally why?

Can you imagine our ancestors back in the day - one of them started hitting flint against a rock to make sparks. I bet an oogabooga with an extraordinarly large nose started saying to the other tribe members: "Grug stupid, spark not good, he waste time instead of hunt he spark all day, tribe kill Grug!"

Then when Grug nailed his technique and set tinder of fire and warmed up his tribe, the long nosed one made sure he was closest to the flames at night. "Always knew Grug idea good!"


Rent free

>there is no use for a currency that can be sent cross borders in seconds without the need for third party custodians
>there is no use for a currency whose supply can be audited and trusted by everyone instead of trusting a handful of (((people))) in the government

Bitcoin is used more for speculation than as an actual currency. No crypto investor gives a fuck about changing other people's lives but their own.

That’s not a Luddite that’s a brainlet, a Luddite would say

>ooga booga, Grugg sparks will kill grugg family he use too much

And he was probably right since grugg probably burned his house down. Technology long term increases net suffering.

Real talk: it's actually far (far) too late to make a go at Bitcoin, right? Doubly so for poorfags.

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>by Dot Commee
>real article

people knew about fire and its usefulness long before they found out how to make it themselves btw. they only could get it if lightnings stroke trees and they went up in flames by some chance so they guarded it thoroughly. I reckon the first person who made fire manually was viewed as bill gates today

yeah, I have no confidence in DAG, it has not been proven at all. If anyone gets it right, i'm going to guess that it might be byteball. I also think that user missing ETH is either dumb or in the know. Smart contracts are cool, but BTC is getting a second layer for that through RSK that will render ETH as a shitty heap for scammers for the rest of time. I'm fucking hyped for RSK. XLM might end up being as good as or better than BTC funtionally, but it will only be as good as what we have already.

>I pay at least 20 dollars to transfer money between borders
>I like to let the government touch my shit
>I want to be told what I can and cannot spend my money on

>is used more for speculation than as an actual currency
currently, you're probably right
>No crypto investor gives a fuck about changing other people's lives but their own
nice projection. you're so fucking self absorbed that you must believe something like you're one of the first group to the scene and that you're the basis for everyone else that is interested in crypto.
>there's no way that someone could be interested in token economics and the intersection of automation and human incentive systems
>people don't study boring old redundant databases, that's fucking stupid
faggot, sell. sell all us all the way back to $8, I triple dog dare you.

>The fees are slightly too high to buy coffee right now. What's even the point?

>Why do they always FUD? Like literally why?
Nigga, they are behind digital currency.

I knew digital currencies would be a huge thing back at 2012/2013 before I discovered bitcoin was a thing and didnt brought anything to not hellp the system.
still dont have coins before you ask, I am here just for the theorical side of stuff.

>nice projection. you're so fucking self absorbed that you must believe something like you're one of the first group to the scene and that you're the basis for everyone else that is interested in crypto.

Whatever, lying cunt. You wouldn't be so mad if you really give a fuck about other people.

you're just a fag, and deserve to get called a fag. your post read exactly like every entitled brat in a university finance program that I've had to gag around. at least be fucking honest about what you're posting. My favorite finance guys are the ones that say "I'm that dirtbag that will step on you when it's convenient, and use everything given to me for myself."

Fuck you, you worthless piece of shit. You're just mad that other people aren't buying your bags. You're the typical asshole who demand that other people care, but you won't give two fucks about helping other people out. If you really care about other people, you won't be telling other people to buy crypto, of all things, fucking conniving asshole.

Get a room already

No, you go sleep with that fag.

literally short it to 8 fucking dollars on fucking 100x leverage and make out like a bandit, i could not give a flying fuck. I have the fucking tecnology sitting here on my desktop to have money wherever the fuck i go, that can be sent to whoever the fuck I want, and every transaction can be verified by anyone and everyone.

>You're the typical asshole who demand that other people care
I literally don't and never claimed to have

>you won't be telling other people to buy crypto, of all things, fucking conniving asshole.
I literally haven't, and tell people to stay away

and I'm too busy enjoying the pastebin here , but too lazy to get it out of the embed, and too entertained fencing with a shitposter on a nearly dead wakandan spear chucking practice forum

None of that means anything if you cant use it. No legitimate business will accept it, that by itself dooms any possibility that crypto will be anything more than a novelty we all laugh at in 10 years.

>No legitimate business will accept it, that by itself dooms any possibility that crypto will be anything more than a novelty we all laugh at in 10 years
fool, stellar and ripple will do just fine for this purpose, and for the specific reason that they have a centralized point of culpability. here's the key parts

stellar is centralized and culpable
bitcoin is decentralized and inculpable

stellar can be used by businesses because they will have someone to blame when it fails. bitcoin cannot, because there is no one to blame if it fails. that said, stellar is much more susceptible to failure, to censorship, and to regulation. bitcoin may be deemed as the mark of a pirate or a traitor, but bitcoin will never stop you.

>No legitimate business will accept it (literally the largest camgirl site) accepts it...

"muh scaling" is a meme that will be figured out in the next 1-3 years. The last bullrun literally injected $billions in capital for devs to build and work on stuff

It took 20 years before it was recognized as useful, back then only a fool would believe that a hobby run by a bunch of geeks was anything but useless.

If you read the actual article in the pic- the internet was invented by cern. How can I profit from knowing this, biz?

The best you have is that some cam whore accepts it? Talk about grasping at straws.

you want me to list every vendor btc has? kys. i was just responding to
>No legitimate business will accept it
talk about moving the goalposts...

daily reminder there has never been non debasable currency in human history
Bitcoin is the greatest innovation since the agricultural revolution

>No legitimate business will accept it

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Actual truth is if the coin cant buy coffee then mass adoption is hindered thus the coin cannot sustain its value long term vs coins that can.

> But muh decentralization

You only need enough decentralization to get the job done. Any more than that and you are just being an idiot.

Not everyone is a right wing nazi. Everyone normal jumping the ship due to ponzi like gains. Ian and ico investors are prime examples.

Tell me when I can drive down to the store and use crypto in my daily life. Who gives a shit if some nobody on the internet takes it. When will I be able to buy groceries with it? Never, and that is the problem.


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>thinks shops get paid instantly when the customer uses a credit card

Don't be a brainlet user, you're being a slave to their narrative.

You do realize that is a fake article to present bitcoin on a good light, right?

>Hint for low IQ's

it's not too late, it's just getting started..

anybody watching this with a brain has a chance to 'become free' financially

you work, save, invest every cent into BTC

keep doing this until you have enough

$1to$10, $10 to $100, $100 to 1k, and where we at now - $1k to $10k.

Next is $10k to $100k, then $100k to $1mil..

As long as BTC is the only real game in town, this will continue.

Everyone new the internet was going to be massive. You could have listened to buffet sama back in the late 90s predicting it would utterly change the business landscape, and in fact he predicted it to change society for the better.
I think you're familiar with his crypto views.

What about ETH?

ETH isn't the same as BTC.

There's no 21mil cap. A single group/company controls it.

You can't even sync a node with a powerful desktop.

I don't think ETH is worth much at all. It's a broken product. I personally do not hold any.

BTC and some maybe some Monero, that plus a few small projects - more for fun.

You can't go wrong with 100% BTC at this stage in the game.


it can do a lot more than Skycoin

Permanently air-gapped from the internet, security is absolutely guaranteed to secure your private keys

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This article was from the 1990.