I made this painting. I want to auction it to the highest bidder. I want the auction to last exactly 7 days...

I made this painting. I want to auction it to the highest bidder. I want the auction to last exactly 7 days. I need a way of facilitating payment without relying upon trusting people. It would be nice to maintain some level of buyer/seller anonymity because people on the internet can be weird. There are also many 3rd parties that would be involved(shipping, insurance, etc). Anyone know how this would work in Ethereum or equivalent? I'm still learning and it seems onchain auctions with offchain assets is pretty complicated.

Attached: blegreenblue.png (1459x909, 2.62M)

Oh wow its green AND blue. Im game.

unless you pee on it or sth I doubt anybody would be interested

Confido, CFD.
>Team is legit.
>Now's the time to get in.
>It's gonna be a monster.

This is a post-modern rendition of Pepe

I'm getting antshare vibes


what did they mean by this?

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Are onchain auction houses even a thing? How would they even go about the legal hell that would be coordinating moving offchain assets.

I improved it for you, should fetch double the price now. Send me 15%

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The mainnet is down and they're implementing a Byzantine state protocol routing preference to the second layer nodes of the test net. The team really has their shit together. It'll be a monster when the mainnet is back up.

good meme friend

>be me
>rode the bitcoin cash pump day before when BTC fees went skyhigh due to network spammed and 2x my stack
>sold at peak and then bought into Confido
>got fucking JOOST'd and sold for a 90% loss

Have to laugh at it now though, your posts trigger me still

Idk. If the team has their shit together, shouldn't mainnet be functional? Can't quite do an auction if their network is down.

isnt that the ones that put penis on the site and went awol

I would like to offer you the opportunity to display your art in my office. It would be on loan from you and you may remove it after a period of time stipulated in our contract. You will receive good exposure for this opportunity. Many people will see it, such as perhaps my landlord, and maybe some sloot I've brought home for a one nighter, and my pet geckos.


This user is the reason why I can't trust.

Some rich faggot might actually buy this. I have seen some pretty horrendous shit on their walls.

Memes are going to be made about the Confido team. Wait and see.

Stealth Chainlink shill.


Is there a platform that exists where rich faggots can congregate to bid on pretty horrendous shit art to put on their walls? Trying to figure out if one exists or not.

"High art" is a Jewish money laundering scheme retard, it's supposed to look stupid and you're supposed to make fun of it, that's how Jews manage to launder millions and go under the radar. You really think a canvas with a single black line thorugh it is really considered high art and worth millions? No, but a bunch of kikes get together and pretend it is so they can "buy it" aka launder money through it and since art people are regarded as weirdos nobody suspects a thing.


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are all artists cunts because nobody compensates them fairly for their work or does nobody compensate them fairly for their work because they're cunts?


if I was an actor in Hollywood I'd wear a burqa to interviews and make talent agents pay just to look at my face- that'll teach them to make me work for free!

and YOU! that's right freeloader! I'm talking to you! you can't just read my post for free- this is art! That'll be $7.50. And if you'd like to see more incredible posts from an artist like my self I'm willing to discuss a retainer fee.

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It looks like the embodiment of Pepe in deep remorse

That is an interesting theory. I am just interested with the part that allows people to bid on items. Then executes each state conditionally to facilitate payment and delivery and all the steps between.

>I am just interested with the part that allows people to bid on items.
Unless you are well connected I doubt anyone would help you honestly, even just to price the piece. High art is a VERY closed loop. You don't get in unless you are either a rich jew or some artist they really like. It's not like flipping houses or Cars, these people are usually involved with tax invasion and don't let insiders in.

You don't understand. My audience is the internet. The internet can bid on whatever they want. Something can be $20, something could be $200,000. I don't determine the price. I just want to be able to make art, sell it to whoever, and get payment in crypto. Need $ for supplies.

you should do an auction with ethereum, starting bid, 10 ETH

I've never shipped anything in my life before. Is there a way to do anonymous shipping? I don't want to become some anons lamp shade.

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I would do an auction with Ethereum. I'd do the starting bid at $10 USD equivalent in ETH and let the internet decide what it's worth. I'd want to do it for about a week.

Create a business account. The address will be linked to the entity name and not your real name.

How do I do that?

Where are you selling this from?

Nice Painting.

I don't know. From the heart.

Thank you Jack.

Which company is best for shipping?

I meant country you fucking mongoloid.


trips of salvation


Go fuck yourself jordan

Well we both are speaking english on a nerubian basket weaving forum what country do you think I'm shipping from

Fuck off leaf and burn that piece of shit painting and yourself

If you buy my painting, you can fuck it, burn it and shit on it yourself.

I'll stab it and throw it off the top of a building but im not paying for that piece of shit

You need more talent. Seriously nobody is going to pay money for that piece of shit, practice more

ill unironically give you 10 btc post your address

this shit is terribad. Good luck bro.

Thank you for the input. Do you know of any onchain auction houses?

Okay cool. Where do you want me to ship it?

out of complete interest, you two wouldn't have any relation with CP110500, would you?

Really says a lot about the current state of crypto in that instead of being able to offer a real life solution to a problem user has they just shill shitcoins.

Or namefag and don't understand the point of OP's point.

Stay low IQ biz

Point of OP's question*

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Have got fucking no clue what you're talking about

there's probably none, give it another ten years. maybe start a website that tells people this painting will be sold onchain when that technology becomes available. you could have a counter that shows how long it's been waiting to be sold.

I'm interested in making my own auction house to sell my art. I was going to build a platform if one did not already exist. Asking biz if something like this already exists. Wondering about the idea of how to go about an onchain auction house that moves off chain goods or assets and can track and verify that they indeed got to their desired location without any damage like water or fire.

y r u trippin

I PMS every time i see something that annoys me like chainlink or your shitty "art"

chainlink runs thie board fool u on the wrong board lol

>this post is art

Attached: 1536687678728m.jpg (1024x763, 35K)

>this post is art

i offer you 5 bitconnect

get that SHIT outta here