Why is this sub all “crypto”?

It’s not even remotely legitimate, like the actual market. Are you all seriously trying to pump and dump that badly?

Can we talk about something that might actually help people, like how to find and get a good job?

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>help people
Get your ass back to plebit faggot. No gibs here nigger

Le Reddit is all you have?


fuck off. you have no friends here.

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Fuck off bitch nigga.

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What is so appealing about playing with Tulips and never making any money unless you randomly get lucky?

It’s just gambling, go to a casino.

You're fucking dumb.

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Do you have more retarded and stupid questions you literal NPC

None of the “crypto currencies” do anything useful, and are actually destructive of the environment due to using so much electricity is pursuit of that nothing useful.

The NPC thing to do is get scammed by someone who sells you on magic beans you only bought because an online echo chamber told you it was a good idea (all while holding said bean so they could sell it at an inflated price).

This sub is all crypto because it’s the latest internet get rich quick scheme. Before crypto we had affiliate marketing, drop shipping, blogging, whatever the fuck Tim Ferris did in the 4 hour work week, penny stocks, etc.

Jow Forums is “business and finance” for niggers, basically. Small businesses and high salary jobs are shunned here because they require talent, hard work, and leaving the warm embrace of momma’s tendies.

You're really fucking dumb.

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sorry OP
Nothing but Pajeet scammers and Teens here

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You’ve got many excellent memes, but few arguments, and you sound like a bag holder.

lol you just dont get it. $100k by 2020
stupid boomer

You sound like you're fucking dumb.

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getting a job is pathetic

A job? Yeah....no.

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so is raping women

You aren't very subtle with baits, are you? Calling this board "sub", criticizing the board's raison d'etre and then sprouting NPC-tier advice. You could do better

just no.

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