
wtf I have screwed my life I have bought into this crypto scam since 2017 may and I have lost all my savings from 500,000 EURO to 2,900 EURO. My parents literally disown me for falling for an "obvious" scam and my girlfriend of three years left me. I literally sold my house a few weeks ago and I'm living alone. The friends that heard about me are avoiding me and they don't even respond to my messages, no one has even tried to start a conversation with me on any type of social media.

I can't even travel or buy anything tasty I like since I am so broke. I now have to pay taxes on all of my Euros that I am cashing out now, which will put me in the negative region.

Anons, fuck this fucking life of mine, what the fuck. I can't even leave this house, car costs are too expensive and if I crash my life becomes fucked. I'm already in 34,000 EURO of debt and I'm essentially imprisoned by my house. Is there anyone here to talk? Anyone?? I feel like I am a simulation stuck in the world, please someone, an outsider, reply to this post. let me keep my sanity at least.

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I'm calling larp how the fuck did you go from 500k to 3k WTF

how the fuck did you manage to lose 99% of your portfolio

are u stupid

i guess im getting baited but did you go all in on bitconnect or what

get rekt idiot. lmao

even worse he went all in on REQTCONNECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Hi fren, thanks for replying. I made very big trading mistakes and got scammed half of my money. Main losses are from NANO, REQ and GNO. Thanks for at least replying fren, I appreciate your time

Hi frens, I know it is unbelievable but I have made big mistakes in my life.

Any suggestions on how to get out of this?

Also I don't really see the reason why I would larp my losses, I really get no benefit

Boy , today is my birthday and my wish is you are a larper.
Fuck you for ruining my b/day wish list !

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I wish I was LARPing too, don't worry

well all you have left is to invest in LINKCONNECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

just make an account on bitmex and go 100x

I literally, cannot physically do that.

I cannot invest anymore, my finances are rekt

don't worry user. if it makes you feel any better the world economy is going to collapse soon. end of time is coming. you won't have to suffer alone, we're all going to suffer with you

Thanks for the comfort. I'd rather my debts be wiped in this collapse than everyone else suffer. Thanks fren

i know it's easier said then done, but is it possible for you to just "start over"?

1. Go to the gym, get some cardio in, lift some weight, just to get some energy/confidence back

2. Work, work, work. Work as much as possible, but reward yourself a little on the weekend. Is there Uber where you're from? If so then drive Uber, great flexibity. Work as much as possible so that it'll keep you busy and your mind from going crazy thinking how hopeless things are.

3. Save as much as possible. Refinance your debt.

4. Dump all your savings in BTC and ETH every time the market crash. Go for some "win big or go home" shitcoins too like TRX

5. Cash out BTC @100K in 2021

Crypto might crippled you now, but it's still probably your best hope of getting it all back plus some in 2021

Thanks fren for the advice
>1. Go to the gym, get some cardio in, lift some weight, just to get some energy/confidence back
I can't really afford gym, so I'm trying my best to do situps/pushups at home.
>2. Work, work, work. Work as much as possible, but reward yourself a little on the weekend. Is there Uber where you're from? If so then drive Uber, great flexibity. Work as much as possible so that it'll keep you busy and your mind from going crazy thinking how hopeless things are.
My car is uninsured and I'm scared in crashing it. But I will soon take up Uber driving when I'm desperate.
>3. Save as much as possible. Refinance your debt.
That's what I'm doing now, I sold my crypto coins 30 mins ago
>4. Dump all your savings in BTC and ETH every time the market crash. Go for some "win big or go home" shitcoins too like TRX
Already sold my crypto coins literally 30 mins ago to refinance my debt
>5. Cash out BTC @100K in 2021
I wish :(
>Crypto might crippled you now, but it's still probably your best hope of getting it all back plus some in 2021

This is my hopium, hopefully I can pay off my debts and put the remainder into the BTC

Thanks again user for the advice, I will try to implement them.

If you have BTC, don’t cash out. BTC doesn’t seem that good right now so tethering with a stopploss would be a good idea. Otherwise we will likely see 50-100k levels in the years to come

As for your finances, make an Excel sheet of your monthly income and then single out every single monthly expenditure. Subtract it all from the income, then figure out what you can cut down on to save each month.
Set up a payment plan to downpay any debt you have monthly and see how many months you would need to do this before it’s down to an acceptable level

That is assuming when you get income from work

Thanks for the tip, I'll start building one now.

Also I literally cashed out my last BTC to pay off my utilities 30 minutes ago

At this point my job is getting me 25,000 EURO a year after taxes, I may still have hope

If I had 500 000 euros.
I could live comfy on 1000 in my yuropoor country, for 41 years.
I think you were greedy.
and do that for 41 years,

But I'm getting laid off work in the next few months (I know that) but I'm hoping for a miracle that I don't. If I do lose that job it's over

wtf am I reading

I don't think you have ever lived where I live. Shit, food alone costs at least 100 euro a month, how can you live on 1,0000 a year?

Seriously, go fuck yourself dude.

>how can you live on 1,0000 a year?

You're an idiot. If this story isn't made up, I'd seriously off myself.

Take out a loan and buy Nerva. You'll have your money back ten-fold in 1-2 months, easily.

You know you could have bought a house with that and then lived until you die? You fucking spaz? Lol.

Theres always the military before rock bottom.

Im in the same situation except on a smaller scale. € 500k is just stupid but hey, yolo. Start saving up again when you make 40% back you will forget about it.

Bitcoin was like 1800 dollars back in May, how the fuck do you lose 500k on something that is still about 3x the price it was when you bought? What are you an idiot?

>This is my hopium, hopefully I can pay off my debts and put the remainder into the BTC
Stop jumping on memecoins you stupid retard

same.. I went from 1.8mil to 200k
>fell for the bitmex leverage get rich quick scheme

It's not too late user. 2900 euro will net you a nice 2.9 million EOY. Seize the opportunity, save your life, and you might save everything.

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Frogposter btfo

I'm sorry for your loss. How you even live anymore?

You never did invest. All you did is gamble. I can't wait for all crypyos to fail so I see your story repeated 10000000x. All you guys had plenty of warnings from well intentioned people. Every time I made a thread explaining why cryptos are worthless you called me an idiot that doesn't understand technology. Like you there are millions perhaps with less of an obsessive gambling addiction. So even though you lost more than the average the principle is the same. Uneducated and a mental illeness that can't handle gambling. Don't worry about it. It's not your fault. You have no self control.

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because hoping bitcoin to go to 100k
that and too much of a pussy to kill myself

You guys were right, I'm so sorry for not listening...

same here, too much of a pussy. let's hope we see that in our lifetime

I'm never touching LINK, sorry.

you have to hodl 2 more years i think

Never gonna make it

Its my birthday too, happy birthday user.

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That really sucks fren, can't imagine the depression

What country are you from?


this must be a larp.

I thought you had good tax laws there at least

Why did you invest so much? 500k is almost a retirement portfolio

I can tell you it's not, what do I gain out of LARPing a broke loser? I wish it was a LARP though.

500k here is nothing. Everyone is making this amount, the cost of living here is really high. I am considering moving to somewhere 3rd world when I save up enough money.

Hitler went from starving artist to greatest leader in the world. You'll make it eventually, user.

>lost everything making one bad decision after another
>refuses to invest in LINK
Really tickles my pickle

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Thanks fren, looks like there may be hope >:)

>lose everything gambling on magical internet money.
>oh my god, my life is ruined. How do I get out of this?
>bro, get more crypto. It's your best bet.
>go to the gym.
>join the military.
>take out a loan.

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I can't even take out loans atm, and you're asking me to invest in LINK when 100% of my income is to go to servicing debts or buying oatmeal to survive.

this is what you get being greedy.
you are allready in the 1% and put half a milion at the top of the great ponzi?
where are you from to say 500K is nothing?
are you stupid in the face?

>500k here is nothing. Everyone is making this amount, the cost of living here is really high.
Now you are definitely larping
I'm from Northern Europe and nobody makes that much. It is like top 5% wealth if you are under 35

>Take any money you still have, put it in LINK in cold storage.
>Join military.
>Have fun killing sandniggers with friends.
>Return home to nice retirement stack from military and several million dollars from LINK.
It's that simple

join the islamic state. at this point it's your only chance

Have you even been to my country? Everyone has millions in savings, I think you're the one LARPing mister.

Explained this already.

everyone, LMAO. ja dude ive been in germany. I saw many wooden houses right outside of berlin. poorcucks in a few words. REQ, ayyy lmaoo

Lmao no they don't, post some statistics and you will see yourself

Überleg es Dir nochmal. LINK könnte Dein goldenes Ticket sein, um alles rückgängig zu machen. Do your own research!

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>Überleg es Dir nochmal. LINK könnte Dein goldenes Ticket sein, um alles rückgängig zu machen. Do your own research!

ich habe kein Geld...

I literally can't buy anything, even if I wanted to

come to bulgaria and I will be your fren, don't pay a cent in tax

Sorry, didn't see your post. Fuck.

Gormless scamee not guillible enough for stinkies.

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i hear you.

come to laos, cambodia, vietnam and start a small business with a foodcart selling food from wherever you are from. work hard and people will embrace it and you will be back afloat sooner than you think.

here nobody knows you, you will be just fine. i know a few people in your situation that got their life back on track like this

Oh man junge

Gerade als Deutscher nach Hyperinflation ,zig Währungsreformen und Euro solltest du wissen dass Dinge nur etwas wert sind wenn du sie in der Hand hältst.
Du bist nicht der erste der alles verliert. Meine Urgroßeltern waren Reichsmark-Millionäre und haben im 1. WK ihr gesamtes Gold gegen Kriegsanleihen eingetauscht...eine schlechte idee...hinzu kamen 2 Zwangshypotheken nach den WK jeweils...du bist also nicht der erste der alles verliert.

Reich wirst du nichtmehr, aber du kannst immernoch ein normales Leben haben. Hol dir ne Alte aus dem Ausland, mach deinen Job, tret einer Partei bei und leb gesund...so einfach ist das...keine Experimente mit Daytraden undso...das geht immer in die Hose.

How is profitable to start a business there. I got about 150k and want to move there? I was also considering Mexico or any Latin America country since I speak Spanish and Portuguese.

Sounds interesting, I might look into being a wage farmer in a 3rd world country for a while to get back on track.

>Hol dir ne Alte aus dem Ausland

:D Ich werde sehen
danke für die Information :)
Entschuldigung wegen deiner Großeltern :(

Median wealth is 50k and mean wealth 195k in Germany

Ok I admit it, I was greedy. You happy now?

Not even 10%?

No :( still sucks you lost it, lost pretty much myself too

:o How does that work?

Fake as fuck, real eurofags would write 500.000 not "500,000"

Sorry for getting angry at you, I just can't control my emotions much anymore. I think I might start going insane soon, thanks Jow Forums for talking to me, I feel a lot better.

Old money here. You are an NPC. come to terms with this fact ASAP. you dont have independent taughts or will/conscience. otherwise you would have realized all this Crypto coin/Blockchain is heading to the garbage dump after the pubble popped. i for example knew that investing in 2017 was already too late

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Haha, thanks for the laugh. You have a point

yeah true.

Ok I am an NPC, so what now?

how the fuck did you get so much money in the first place being this retarded?

My parents gave them to me.

user I can't help rn but I honestly hope things get better for you. I don't know you but I truly do wish you the best. I believe things happen for a reason and that there's something to learn out of all this, desu.

Think of it like this...you've already reached rock bottom, that's powerful dude. You know the pain, you know how much it hurts, you can take all of that and fuel it into something awesome. This could be the decisive moment that changed your life. Years from now you could look back and say: "I'm so happy I lost it all back then, it was a blessing in disguise."

Fuck, man. I know things seem bleak af rn but there's hope my dude. Your mindset makes you or breaks you. You'll fucking rise above like a phoenix. You'll make all the fucking money back and a shit ton more. I believe in you, user.

now you have to get it in your dense skull that Chainlink will never moon for a whole list of facts. also you should get in Ponzis in the future BUT early on. thats how you make money. BTC turned into a ponzi by accident

I would buy DGTX. It is a token for a decentralized futuretrading exchange. It is kind of a cheaper version of bitmex. One of the reasons crypto is stagnating is because all these greedy fools started gambling on bitmex, instead of putting money in shitcoins. Bitmex trading volume is huge. You will need to buy the token to use digitex, and there are already 200k people in line for using this exchange. it already went up 20x the last couple of weeks, but I would not be surprised to see it go up another 4x

you germans are true drones

Thank you so much for the kind words user. I will surely remember these words. I really want to have the charged hope and power that reflects through your words, and I will make a point to do that.

I'm trying to break out of my depressive state right now. I want to get my shit together, I know this is rock bottom. Thanks for bringing the sense back into me.

It just seems to bleak because I have no one, literally no one in the world that cares about me. At least here I am anonymous and can
rant on with my hearts desire. Thanks again, fren

Yeah I never believed in LINK anyway. Never touching it.

I literally can't invest in anything. I mean even if I try, I can't.
Haha! Interesting :P

I have the same problem, I'm making mistakes all the time now and my mood swings like I am a 14yo girl on her period

could you provide the lists of facts please?

Do you have techniques to control it user?

Risking tax evasion charges is stupid

Ha ha you're not in a simulation bro everything is fine just apply yourself and try again tomorrow!

here we go again. keep puring money in a burst bubble and a currently collapsing ponzi

No, I think I just fucked up my job interview because of it as well.

Privatinsolvenz, fucker. Work it off in 7 years and start over. Shit happens, there is no easy way out now.

I am not puring my money into anything at this moment. Crypto and stocks are way to risky now. But this doesn't explain why link should fail. If the network is up and external data can be linked to smartcontracts, this could potentially be huge. And if the network is used the token price will go up accordingly.

moron sold the bottom. just f'n hold and wait for moon. weak hands deserve no comforting.

tell me some user way to contact you, I'll be your friend.

Damn dude

wäre ich deine eltern würde ich dich postnatal abtreiben