Hi, in pic related, CAPE(Cyclically Adjusted Price to Earnings)(Today's stock price / 10 year average of yearly Earnings Per Share) has a strong correlation to losses that occur at maximum and on average.
The three year average MAXIMUM drawdown was 5.7%, i.e the averaged out worst case scenarios of these stocks with 0-10 CAPE ratios.
This MAXIMUM loss could also be minimised, to neutral numbers over a rolling period by ensuring:
>Earnings are not Pro-Forma
>Stock does not operate in an extremely risky sector(i.e Banks from 2005-2010, tech stocks in 1994-2003, Leveraged, low ROE stocks today)
>Stock is paying out no more than 75-80% of its earnings. The lower the safer, while still paying dividends is a MUST.
There you go anons, this is how wealthy people do it: They refinance a house mortgage between 3-5%, double gear with a margin loan & invest in true bluechip, value stocks. This provides anywhere from 2, to 5x, maximum 20x leverage.
Japan/Denmark(0/negative interest rate countries) have median CAPE ratios of 38 & 24 respectively, whereas more normal countries like Australia have a median CAPE of about 17.
(Numbers from roughly 1980 to 2015)
>As interest rates approach/go below zero, money becomes multiples cheaper in a hyperbola; Money comes closer to being truly free.
Most governments will have, on a 5 year plus horizon, interest rates approaching zero or going negative. This means median stock prices will be skyrocketing as the CAPE ratios go from say 20 to 40(The share doubles in price).
Invest anons, don't speculate, make a good life for your kids and family, start a trust to hold your investments and distribute across family. Show people responsible money and they won't feel trapped.