>Alexander used to be smartcontract.com owner (it was his side project) while working at NXT.
>He hired Ellis.
>They had a fight.
>Alexander says fuck it and sells the site to Ellis.
>Meanwhile, the SEC was cracking down HARD on NXT scam.
>Sergey denies being BCNext on bitcointalk.com post and for some reason flies to Russia (It's been speculated that he was running away from the SEC).
>Creates Secure Asset Exchange and abandons it.
>Ellis contacts him and they register smartcontract.com company.
>Ellis CTO and Sergey CEO.
>Create legit business for centralized oracles.
>Want in in the crypto ponzi.
> smartcontract.com company based in San Francisco BUT chainlink is another company based in Cayman islands.
>Literally get free money for the Link token created out of thin air.
>Don't even distribute all tokens.
>Offer only 30% of the tokens on ICO.
>"We gonna keep the rest of the supply, is for your own good".
>Sell OTC to binance and other exchanges.
>incentivize node operators by paying them in link created literally out of thin air.
>Get free data fetching transactions doing literally nothing.
>Scam complete.
Chainlink timeline
Other urls found in this thread:
An unaccomplished team with no track record of success with poor execution of everything released publicly thus far. I genuinely wonder how people would view this project if it never became a venerated meme.
>Cryptamail - abandoned
>Secure asset exchange - abandoned
>Crowdsale was a failure - didn't even use a smart contract for contributions !!!!!!!
>white paper was released only days before pre-sale
>registered in cayman islands
>have gone almost a year without an update
>tried to trademark the term "smart contract" and got shut down instantly
pretty unprofessional all round
And you bagholders looking for this to make you rich. what the fuck ?
>Partner with literal scams like openlaw and accord
..haha these lawyers wont do anything if we scam them
>scam SWIFT into being invited to do a POC, lol we fooled them
>trick Microsoft into working together on cryptlets, suckers
This fud is trying too hard.
It's so shit its effective
>Partner with literal scams like openlaw and accord
Vechain have Dnvgl, Digibyte citibank - where are they now ? Partnership means shit. Openlaw and accord can be as shit projects as any out there... but i get it, you are worshipping them day and night and they are "partnered" with a coin you invested your lifesavings in so they are gods for you, i get it.
>scam SWIFT into being invited to do a POC
POC, just one POC of centralized oracle, means nothing. Chainlink has a functional product and get themselfs throught payed partnership to SWIFT , to show their centralized product, how transfers CAN work, doesnt mean they WILL work like that.
>trick Microsoft into working together on cryptlets, suckers
Any official Microsoft statement on that ? Instead of your "breadcrumb delusions" hidden behind your bags that you invested your lifesavings in ?
This refute is not even trying to prove me wrong
If the scam is completed, what's the point of continuing the development and going to all conferences? Looks like they are (slowly) delivering instead of exiting. And I say it as nolinker
Lol. How sad is your life. Look at the miserable piece of shit you are.
Did daddy beat you?
To hide from authorities ? They cannot exitscam so obviously... they are going to keep this as legit as possible, then at the end of the day the slowly announce that the network is simply not adopted or functional and quietly abandon... look for their terms above, its all there, they are just covering their asses, they wont exitscam like bitconnect so they have to hide in some shithole for the rest of their lives... they will do it as believable as possible so authorities will have 0 legal levers against their "legal" Cayman millions.
They need to pretend as this is a serious project, that unfortunately after years of development simply failed and not make it obvious, bitconnect style exitscam
I miss spiderman threads
Woah, you just opened my mind. Sold all 50k links, ty m8!
Does baby want some linkies? Will you stop crying if I give you some?
Mannerly present facts and counter agreements to a linkie and all you get back is personal attacks.. no counter agreement, not proper discussion, but attacks...
>Shows how miserable bagholders and make,believe larp believers are you.
> please disregard all appearances and confirmed partnerships with legitimate businesses
> not to mention all of the work in the github which has been in overdrive, especially lately
> if aware of this scam, these businesses in fintech and people involved would risk permanently tarnishing their reputations for a fraction of 32 mil
> if unaware, this is implying that these organisations and people would fall for your puerile fantasy version of a scam
The "link scam" fudders are some of the dumbest people on this board I swear to god.
fud is fud or fud is real?
The problem is, that if authorities don't punish them for scam, then some psychos will assasinate them. There were already people here, or people from Jow Forums who knew people, that were so desperate, that if link ends up a scam then they will assasinate Sergey. In other words he doesn't have a choice. There are thousands of autists willing to destroy him in internet, and from 10-100 which are going to kill him.
This. Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team
This. If Sergey exit scams or if link crashes to near 0, I am personally going to kill him. I swear on the graves of all soldiers who bravely fought for my nation.
> please disregard all appearances and confirmed partnerships with legitimate businesses
Smartcontract startup business whos looking to implement smartcontracts for actual legitimate business, doesnt mean they will be sucessfull, no matter how big partners,researchers, founders and working solutions they have, not every startup project was desired to be todays apple or microsoft, if real big institutions wont accept and adopt their offerings they will simply fail (look at R3 and Corda running out of money). I believe smartcontracts are great inovation but it doesnt 100% mean they will find their adoption.
> not to mention all of the work in the github which has been in overdrive, especially lately
Good point, they are developing, cant refute this, but we need audits and more research what exactly they are developing.
> if aware of this scam, these businesses in fintech and people involved would risk permanently tarnishing their reputations for a fraction of 32 mil
They are risking nothing, they havent announced a single thing, not a single big institution released a partnership with chainlink, only above mentioned startups that are trying to adopt smartcontracts, Swift didnt announced "we are partnering with chainlink and using their network" so whats the "risk" there ? Is openlaw and accord multi-billion enterprise to "risk" something ? no. They are presenting their startup, still developing solutions and thus partnering with another startup solutions.
> if unaware, this is implying that these organisations and people would fall for your puerile fantasy version of a scam
again, not a single organisation failed for a puerile fantasy version of a scam. Dont think link is partnered with Microsoft and Swift and Docusign and Salesforce just because some Jow Forums breadcrums...
The "link is partnered with everyone on the planet because 3 twitter followings" shillers are some of the dumbest people on this board I swear to god.
Just because he is "threathened" doesnt mean he can force this to be sucessfull.
>Its not so hard, especially with millions, to hide out before couple of Jow Forums autists that are really dumb enought to go and kill someone because they invested in some cryptos with their lifesavings. There are lot of smart people that even CIA had problems tracking them, good luck.
You are absolutely fucking terrible at this:
> Smartcontract startup business whos looking to implement smartcontracts for actual legitimate business, doesnt mean they will be sucessfull, no matter how big partners,researchers, founders and working solutions they have, not every startup project was desired to be todays apple or microsoft, if real big institutions wont accept and adopt their offerings they will simply fail (look at R3 and Corda running out of money). I believe smartcontracts are great inovation but it doesnt 100% mean they will find their adoption
Oh wait, so it isn't a scam - they're actually trying and may possibly fail? By definition this is no longer a scam if the intention is to create a working product, you retarded little cockroach.
> Good point, they are developing, cant refute this, but we need audits and more research what exactly they are developing.
You can see the work they are doing on the open repository. You should at least learn what this is before you come on here and waste people's time with your garbage attempt at an argument.
> They are risking nothing, they havent announced a single thing, not a single big institution released a partnership with chainlink, only above mentioned startups that are trying to adopt smartcontracts, Swift didnt announced "we are partnering with chainlink and using their network" so whats the "risk" there ? Is openlaw and accord multi-billion enterprise to "risk" something ? no. They are presenting their startup, still developing solutions and thus partnering with another startup solutions.
So companies like openlaw and accord would not be risking anything if it is found that their decentralized oracle of choice was a scam project? Are you so fucking dense that you can't understand the kind of impact something like that would have to their reputations concerning law and security?
> again, not a single organisation failed for a puerile fantasy version of a scam. Dont think link is partnered with Microsoft and Swift and Docusign and Salesforce just because some Jow Forums breadcrums
Oh right I mean of course, when Cryptlets devs like Klintsevich are contributing to their github, SWIFT gave them the time of day to actually run a POC being at SIBOS for several years, oh and Ari Juels with all of his connections co-writing the whitepaper wasn't significant either. The other user didn't even mention those breadcrumb connections - but even then your mindless bullshit rings hollow when you can collect enough "breadcrums" to reconstruct a loaf of bread.
Don't even bother replying pajeet - just go fuck yourself in the face with a knife until you die. It'll save me the IQ points I'll lose by having to bring myself down to your level again.
>Imagine knowing the complete ins and outs of a "scam" and warning others out of the good of your heart.
>Oh wait, so it isn't a scam - they're actually trying and may possibly fail? By definition this is no longer a scam if the intention is to create a working product, you retarded little cockroach.
Okay, maybe i shouldnt directly imply that its an aimed scam, but your half brained head should understand my points, look at vechain... is partnered with DNVGL, 2,5b risk-management institution thats been shilling them on their own events and twitter and what ? isnt it shit project ? Should i buy as much vechain as possible because of this REAL, 75 YEARS OLD INSTITUTION PARTNERSHIP ?
Look at Sergeys previous Cryptamail and SAE, where is it now ? huh ?
was it serious working project ? yes.
was it scam ? not.
is it sucessfull 3 years later ? not.
>You can see the work they are doing on the open repository. You should at least learn what this is before you come on here and waste people's time with your garbage attempt at an argument.
As i told here , if they want to be as legit as possible they wont do an obvious exitscam, rather they will slowly complete god know how functioning product and slowly back up as "unadopted network". Iam looking at the work they are doing on the open repository and cant see shit about service agreements and reputation systems which are the hardest part of this projects, i dont give a shit about basic things almost every programmer can write. Iam not here to waste peoples time with my arguments, i just want to have my points refuted with actual facts, but the problem is you cannot refute them, and thats the point when deluded bagholders start to attack at you... miserable piece of shit, retarded little cockroach... bla bla bla, save your keyboard clicks and refute my points.
There is no such thing as an oracle problem. Link is shit. Sergey is a faggot. You are all going to wojak and im going to enjoy the new shotgun suicide videos while i get rich off of enigma.
Fucking deluded linkies
LOL at the amount of backpedalling from what I am sure is an obvious bagholder at this point
> "oh, uh, maybe it's not an aimed scam, uh, maybe it just won't succeed then"
> "oh, uh, I mean like maybe they'll just do it slowly or something instead"
> "I-I don't understand what I saw on the repository when I just checked it for the first time but fuck it I'll larp as a coder now as well because what is in there is totally just stuff anyone could do"
The tone of my replies matches what you are worth and it is quite fitting. Maybe try actually refuting the points I make instead of just coming back at me and repeating yourself. I don't know if you actually do that intentionally or if you just don't remember what you say. Point being, it's just tedious seeing these threads over and over again made out of the "kindness of your heart for other anons."
If you want to keep barking at me that's fine, but you aren't going to shake any weak hands until you try to understand what you're actually fudding and maybe stick with a story instead of caving and changing it and just fucking up your own thread.
2 years old STARTUPS, they have 0 reputation because they didnt even have a working product and actual clients, so whats exactly can impact their rep ? Failed project because of 0 adoption ? Its not their problem that their middleware solution failed, they are not scammers, their middleware solution just failed.
Okay, Sergey himself told they are helping with cryptlets, and ? Doesnt mean chainlink is going to be used by cryptlets, they are just helping them with their solution, chainlink is an open source project.
Just a POC of a centralized oracle, nothing groundbreaking, i have commented on that .
>Ari Juels
And ? Lot of crypto projects have big name FOUNDERS and not only advisors and noone cares about them.
It's nice to see that "uncle oldfag" dropped his old tripcode and is now running with the somehow less effective angry womyn poster larp. You keep doing what you're doing. Remember to talk about btc having a built in oracle or whatever it is you believe will make people sell.
>Be Sergey
>Get shot
And my personal favourite
>Be Sergey reading Jow Forums
>Read post
>Shit himself
Comedy Gold
>Maybe try actually refuting the points I make
then you should refute my points about your points on "blah blah institutions involved would risk their reputations" if there are ZERO real world working business involved with chainlink.
And the tone of your replies matches what you are worth and it is quite fitting.
>b-b-but breadcrumbs
>b-b-but assblaster told so
>b-b-but sherlocklink told so
>b-b-but drunkanon told so
>b-b-but riddleanon told so
>b-b-but some litteral who startup companies are trying for something
>you aren't going to shake any weak hands
Not my point pal. i just want to archive this thread and laught at all of you for beaing deluded with your fat sergey memes. And speaking of that, me being Sergey i would fail this project on purpose (would already have great experience with failing) just because you fucking faggots shopping and making fun of me.
You should buy AION, Monero and Bitcoin.
Who the fuck is uncle oldfag and who the fuck is astro. That's 2 people I'm supposedly am now but I'm not even familiar with either of them. I only just started posting on here after following enigma reddit pages. Fucking retard.
All you can do is worship fucking larpers, wheres your family member now ? Didnt he told you that mainnet will be released at Salesforce ? you all believed him.
Wheres your Drunkanon ? Didnt he promised big price action and announcements in October ? When are you going to realize link will be sub 40cents end of October ? There will be ZERO announcements this monts and you are all deluded idiots believing stupid idiots. Its not about price action, its about YOU being idiots and falling for every bullshit hoping that you NEETs will have millions "because of"
Enigma's spies on suicide watch
Old Fud, saw this 2 months ago. Judging by the amount of post of OP, he is most probably a discord faggot.
Your out of thin air argument, basically amount to all fucking tokens. Go mine if you don't like it.
refute this FUD then LOL. You all acusing me of FUD but cant refute. If its FUD then please proceed and refute all my points if you are so obvious i am fuding, no im not because you CANT refute
Not selling bub. I have a third ball cyst in my mutt sack that came out of thin air. You can put it in your mouth and decide if it’s real.