We are being targeted

if you've hung around here long enough, you too have probably noticed an influx of nazi/fascist/white supremacist/anti-semitic posts lately. I think we're being set up and surreptitiously being made to look like some sort of extremist hate group. crypto enthusiasts on this indonesian basket weaving forum are subtly and steadily being associated with extremist ideology. what can we do to mitigate this attempt at character assassination currently underway?

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Other urls found in this thread:


found the jew. gas yourself, kike

You telling us that 90 to 110 year old Germans are hanging around on Jow Forums. Somehow I think you are a faggot and should return to ifunny
>ib4 no answer by OP because he is a faggot

KYS optics cuck

Don't you ever talk to me or my feuhrer's son ever again.

Show them Reddit

Let's start posting pics of bitmex's CEO with the caption based, or apologize.

Unfortunetely this kind of behavior was already commonplace on other boards here for years. It might be just catching up stronger here now.

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I wonder why people concerned with self improvement would come to a board about managing finances

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The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>nazi/fascist/white supremacist/anti-semitic posts lately

Soon the rope hebe jebe

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seems like I've hit a nerve here

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Definitely a psyops/trap situation. Before the invasion of paid idiots, any racism would be in an obvious shitposting or funny context - tongue in cheek.

Now it's racism to make people looking for crypto news associate crypto with retard alt-righters.

Obvious paid campaigns are obvious.

I've also noticed that searching for straight porn will always bring up some trap/gay stuff now on most major sites. We are under attack by people who don't understand learning and think we can be programmed by $15/hr retard armies.

mmm that's a lot of fertilizer.


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>mmm that's a lot of fertilizer.
TOP kek that is the first thing I thought, the rest of these NPC retards wont even get the reference

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the problem is that a cursory observation of the posts on here with no real insight into the culture of the forum would lead any ignorant person, be it a curious new user or a journalist, to conclude that this is what we are. I don't think these types of campaigns are for us, but rather for outsiders. especially now, given the magnitude of the internet outrage complex, it's so easy for someone with an agenda to find exactly what they're looking for and extract whatever narrative they seek to deploy

>it's so easy for someone with an agenda to find exactly what they're looking for and extract whatever narrative they seek to deploy

I agree generally, but would also add

>irrespective of the actual content of the board.

fair enough

I-it's for his garden

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We need some sort of final solution for this issue we're having.

No. It's actual fascists. Take those bait posts with an interracial couple and then some noob bait question like "why isn't bitcoin pumping when the stock market dumps? How can it replace gold?".

Jow Forums is full of government operatives, just look at Jow Forums. The FBI runs the white nationalist movement, why wouldn't they be here?

true, that's a reasonable assumption. my question is: why? and what can we do about it?

There is a group of people that are like a disease, another group are the white blood cells fighting the disease and trying to alert the body of the infection. Both sides have a purpose and a mission. It looks like the body will surely die.

>being this new

yes but Jow Forums the most resilliant board have seen against nazi
most people here not care about

Tis true OP. Noticed something similar recently.

I don't think it's a set up I think it's just a few autists recently attracted to crypto because of conspiracy theories.

I'm literally a Jew and have been here since Jow Forums opened and the shitposting has definitely spiked recently.

Nice try kike you aren't fooling me

Don't drink the kool-aid and you'll be fine. Beaten paths often have poisoned waterholes.

You can't beat the jews in their own game

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