Which twitter TA fags are worth following?

Which twitter TA fags are worth following?

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ohheymatty.. on yt

unironically none of them

well you cant TA speculative market

These ones really post quality TA and you can learn a lot from them. Crypto Cred also has a Youtube channel with a bunch of tutorials and a free Discord group with TA classroom where you can also learn a lot of stuff.
@redxbt, @Venici_Crypto, @BluesCrypto, @HsakaTrades, @CryptoCred, @CryptoZyzz, @TheCryptoDog, @CryptoDonAlt, @CryptoWildWest, @VentureCoinist, @Tradermayne, @CryptoGat, @ActualEquation, @overheardcoffee @BTC_Schmitcoin

From those people Mayne, West and Crypto Dog also have a free Discord where you can talk to them if you have any questions about TA. Discord Crypto Cartel is worth checking out as well since it consists of a lot above mentioned traders and also contains a TA classroom. The people I've mentioned are the ones that I have been following for the past 2 years, they don't own any paid shill groups, they show no bias in the market and they just post some really valuable info.

In fact Cred is just doing a livestream right now on SFP youtube.com/watch?v=Ma0yk-O3i9w

bro if you believe in ta youre either a pajeet or a newfag
either way ur gonna get rekt lol

>@CryptoCred, @TheCryptoDog, @CryptoDonAlt

they are based.

Is that faggot CryptoLain still around?

This guy is legit.

I also like following @bbands (John Bollinger), because I love Bollinger Bands.

sooo its a thread created by ta twitter fags to shill ta twitter fags

fucking scammers

kek this

Yes follow these accounts and follow their charts exactly as they post them.

Form your own opinion faggot follower

none of them

none, and I say that as a trader.
literally just backtest the strategy you want to use.

how simple is it really to have a consistant strategy?

CryptoCred is exactly what I needed, starting with his course now.

if I remember correctly if you simply "brute force" a simple strategy with software only ichimoku is making money, all other simple strategies consistently lose a small amount of money.
I mostly use RSI but not in the way it was designed to.
I also tried trading forex and stocks but despite being right I was losing money on fees and spread, so for example instead of gaining 3% I lost 0.5%.
My strategy says BTC won't go over $6425 on Bitfinex and that you can short it even now.
Are you willing to risk it? I have almost the same amount of credibility as twitter fags.
I suggest googling some strategy and manually testing it on some shitcoin using "bar replay" on trading view.

what settings

I don't know, google "backtesting technical indicators" or "backtesting ichimoku", but I think they tested it on stocks, some people on Jow Forums claimed to use ichimoku for crypto on default settings, I find that hard to believe

Ichimoku was created in 1969, could it really still work today?

if they were good they would be rich and not spending time doing ta on twitter

Also if you are really new to trading I would recommend watching DataDash TA videos and The Chart Guys introduction to technical analysis first (after that check out some other videos from them since they are really helpful as well). Good luck

Can't find it

I googled now and I don't see it either, only scam pages with trading ebooks,
the only interesting thing I found is this

TL;DR it doesn't work,
now I'm curious how all these bots are programmed if the indicators are shit? spoofing only?

Based and red pilled.

TA is a meme retard


lain unironically quit trading to get a job after getting wrecked


So he danced his last dance? Did he say what kind of job? Does it involve knee pads?

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