1. The LINK team 100% follows Jow Forums knows the memes

1. The LINK team 100% follows Jow Forums knows the memes.

2. The mainnet will be out in 6-12 months. If you think before the end of the year you're delusional, there's so much testing that goes into this to make sure it runs smoothly.

3. There is no collusion between the mods/delphi/LINK team in order to surpress information.

4. Way less people know about Chainlink than you might think. At the SF Hackathon many high level VC's were walking to the LINK booth showing intrigue.

5. The information supression outside of biz is working.

6. Barely anyone at the ETH SF hackathon had any clue that LINK exists and still are in their own little bubbles.

7. Only we truly know the full future use of this project, we are one of the few with a deep grasp on potential use cases.

8. Once again I need to remind you. NOBODY knows about Chainlink. NOBODY. This is great due to once again the SEC's eyes on the crypto scene and defining things as a security vs utility.

9. Operating a node will be allowed in the US, anyone who says otherwise is attempting to FUD, the Howey test for LINK is VERY loose.

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Other urls found in this thread:


10. At the LINK booth in ETH SF a bunch of you NEET's scrambled to grab the Chainlink T-shirts and they were gone way before any other booths. FUCK you guys, I didn't have time to grab one.

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Listen guys yeah the pie in the sky idea that somehow a peer to peer oracle system is needed to make imaginary vending machines talk to each other could make us rich but chainlink is not the project old money is not gonna buy the token where 1/3 of the supply is ready to be dumped by the devs. Sergey is an obese philosophy major that reeks of hot cheetos all those "partnerships" the ex-marketing director of pf chang's is tweeting about were the result of the pure disgust people had with Sergey's smell. Truly a stinky token

Can you provide proof for the claims you're making? Just want to feel extra comfy right now.

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Thanks insider, I trust you completely for no reason at all.


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Don't worry OP i believe you.

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>Once again I need to remind you. NOBODY knows about Chainlink
everyone knows about scamlink and how scammy it is, burgergoy is gonna exitscam at $1.

tokens will be given away for free or cheap as fuck to make enterprises adopt it. There is no dumping.

can I get a quick run down on this delphi guy?


Nice delphi memes in your first two posts.

t.OG delphi

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So you're telling me this project has confirmed ties to the banking cartel, the cream of the crop of global legal firms and institutions as well as some of the biggest tech companies in the blockchain space focused on the soon to be mass adopted enterprise level smart contracts such as consensys, Microsoft, IBM, docusign, Intel and Digital Asset and that the solution to the oracle problem which it is aiming to solve is essentially the God protocol as described by the creator of the smart contract concept himself, ie one of the main pillars of the fourth industrial revolution and the backbone of the future blockchain infrastructure (10% of global GDP in less than 10 years) that will allow massive automation of post trade processing, thus saving all the biggest markets such as derivatives, logistics and insurance possibly trillions in saving, AND its the only project of its kind due to its blockchain agnostic and decentralized nature and has the first mover advantage, but despite all these confirmed facts it's being largely ignored by the crypto community, although it has gone up from 120 to 50 ranking in a bear market with no marketing just in a couple of months, simply because a dozens of dedicated autistic neets down vote every possible clue about it on reddit because they're the only ones who realized this revolutionary project would basically replace all the lawyers with neet nodes where 1 link needs to be worth at least 5k usd in order to be sufficient collateral for the quadrillion derivatives market, the same neets who first called btc and eth when no one was taking crypto seriously and have harnessed the power of weapinized autism and meme magick to put Trump in the white house? Do you realize how delusional and insane that sounds? Personally I'm all in.

Nobody gets it apart from a few neets.

The may know about it but not its full extent.

Every other coin trying to "interoperable" or "connect financial systems" is using some sort of tokenization method or some bullshit.

Link, is a coin designed for old world. No tokenizing, just using Fiat system still with payments. People dont get how big that is, because there is still mass hopium about blockchain tokens replacing currency or being part of the world.

Lmao, no way. the way blockchain gets adopted is through systems like link, where it is backend, the tokens are more or less useless to the people using it, they get paid in fiat. the tokens act more of a "cost of participation" like signing up for a lease on software now does of
o the legacy systems and services.

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>insider here
You're not.

i thought i got over on you smelly pajeet fucks by racing over to the table early. i got a medium and felt successful until i got back to my room and unwrapped it. maybe an xxl wasn't a bad idea? i'm not a fucking infant though so this "medium" is insulting. i'm not going to throw it away but i would need to lose 40lbs to squeeze into this.

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As a link hodler, I feel a bit worried about Chainlink address being in Cayman and SmartContract in San Francisco. Can anyone explain why two companies, has anyone asked this from the team?

SEC. obviously. take no risks till mainnet is here.

shut up retard, no one is gonna hold your hand or answer obvious questions with obvious answers. Sell so we don't have to worry about you unloading at $10 you fucking weak handed pussy.

Sergey manages to reach associate level as a philosophy major at FirstMark, one of the best VC's in New York. Here he developed connections with many important figures working with API's and Business Dev (Symbiont for example). His understanding of what it takes to build a successful project has been cultivated since day one.

Exactly this. I'm still mindblown just how under the cover this is. Companies are archaic, they simple want to operate on a backbone infrastructure that automatically swaps to USD upon contract completion.


Simple tax measures and defending themselves against the SEC going crazy as we didn't know their official stance until late last year. (Shut down the scams, allow the scene to develop otherwise)

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guys am i safe for holding my 5k linkies o binance?

>Insider that cannot even grap a t-shirt for himself, so how are you an insider ? you are just one from hundreds of ETHSF attendees, youre not an insider, just on of 3mil. people living near SF that could attend this event you dumbass. You know nothing, have no ties to team so stfu

truly, understand the following; among the nearly non-existent percentage of people who are interested in blockchain technology or just making fast bucks off it, an even lesser portion of those know/understand chainlink and the ramifications of what it will allow us to do.
Hold on to your link stack, swing-gamble if you must, but don't fucking *sell*.
Exercise patience. Most of the people who made it off bitcoin were the ones who either forgot about their -then- infinitesimal stacks, or truly understood the impact it would have, and held.

I hereby issue a challenge to any willing to take it up. Take a portion of your link stack (1-100%) and stick it somewhere you won't touch it. Don't even think about touching it.
Come back 10 years from now and post results here, if Jow Forums still exists. Otherwise, post it on /crypt/

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you can give it to your qt smol gf once we make it

As a link hodler, I feel a bit worried about Smartcontract.com not using smartcontract at their ICO distribution, total lame and SEC wont like this... Can anyone explain why ? has anyone asked this from the team?

He can't keep getting away with it!!

Chainlink uses link tokens though

I just keep moving mine into a ledger nano, completely forgot the password to access it and too lazy to look at the card I wrote it down on. Working well so far, I have been holding since ico

Only in the butthole end.

Offtopic, why do you guys all fill in your namebox as "Anonymous" ?

Look at that waist cut too. It's a skinny fit. Holy fuck Sergey & Co doesn't just want to make you rich, they want to get you roasties

Why would you even need to tell us that you are an insider? This thread made me very comfy but it's all pretty much basic knowledge that you can conclude to yourself

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you're right in that these are all conclusions that anyone informed could have drawn together, you're wrong in assuming that many people involved in this space care to discover that information. stay comfy and resist emotional manipulation.

user, your comparison of buying link to a more conventional participation cost is honestly a genius way to get brainlets to wrap their head around the economic structure of a decentralized technology like chainlink. it's fundamentally not any different than how business and consumers today pay for SaaS, only in this case they will be paying to access a network. if anything it's a more equitable model since tokens are fungible and only expended when actually performing "work", unlike flat rate software licensing fees which are inherently poorer value for infrequent users.

Hi mike.
It's because we are apart of the internet hacking group "anonymous" and we like to put our name as such. With a Jow Forums gold pass, you can see our real names.

I have 12.5k and will absolutely go down with a sinking ship rather than sell early and risk missing out on life changing gains.

Is btc, eth, link the holy trinity for long term holding?

>Come back 10 years from now

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Crypto is much faster than the stock market, if link is truly primed to go interstellar, then it will happen in less than 10 years.

even the name is brilliant

chain... link

do you get the double meaning? it LINKs the block CHAIN. Hence, chain link. But chain link is also a type of fence

or a type of armor

or gay intercourse

i dont know fren, i think LINEs LINKCHAIN is better so it have more potential to moon

Thanks OP i was pretty spot on thinking of all these points myself, it looks like we will have some more time to accumulate unless link announces something major, but i dont think that will happen until right before mainnet...just like they said marketing will coinside with mainnet release

Put them on a hardware wallet in cold storage or you'll be chinked out of your LINK next time Binance is hacked.

binance is safer than a hardware wallet

>2. The mainnet will be out in 6-12 months
fuck off

damn that is a fucking beautiful pic (meme)
the memes will be what set is free

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Brainlets say the darndest things

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100% your comments about companies being archaic. Also archaic are the regulators. I work for a bank and if we went to the regulator with some meme-token replacement solution for a core banking system, they would laugh at us and tell us no. If we went to them with a meme-token middleware that’s going to leverage the existing systems..

these fan made infographics are so fucking cringe


i know. normies will never get it. you can smell the autism that went into creating them, completely disconnected from a normies mind

>100% your comments about companies being archaic

They really are. why would they upheave everything. wont happen. Internet only jsut now has integrated with old systems

Lurk moar boomer mike.

Buy some link and stay awhile.

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What will happen at mainnet launch?

Here's some 4chin gold for you ser

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If people want I can build the equivalent of ethhodler.org for LINK?

ok, now this is epic

So what makes you think legacy banking systems will accept chainlink then?

>Imagine not doing your research and sounding like this

I mean, if legacy banking systems don't want to bother using internet tokens, why would chainlink tokens be any different.

it sounds like you might need to research al ittle more how LINK is used.

for starters begin investigating our Queen Blythe Masters, user. We will one day worship her as pajeets worship cows for giving them milk.

the gig is up. you figured out why link is just a meme. the only thing worth half a shit in this market is btc

banking systems dont have to use LINK. they can use anything they want. but some of whatever they use is converted to LINK for payment. makes no difference to whoever is executing the smartcontract though.

exactly. why the fuck would systems that run on COBOL need an adapter that will allow them to utilize smart contract tech with almost no overheard. doesn't make any sense at all

linkies btfo

I will unironically buy this shirt off of you for 100 link

Manlet here, I'd buy it

i reported chainlink to the sec, moron.

Offtopic, you're a faggot and you should neck yourself

You're also a type of retard. The full blown type.


millions of link tokens will be gone for good.

this isnt from chainlink, its from some random reddit user