Drug Kingpin Business

How do I become a drug kingpin? I see people of color with wads of like $10k in their saggy jeans on street corners in shitty areas of my city. If they can do it, surely I can get higher up on the food chain, right? I don't even need to become Escobar-tier, I just want to earn a comfy salary.

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you need connections/customers to sell this shit consistently

what's the best way to get connections? hard mode: I have autism

You're not white, I take it?

Just turn around now, and don't look back.

I'm 15/16 German and 1/16 nip
okay, what's step 2?

are you ready to murder someone and corrupt the youth for your own personal selfish gain, user?

can I do it without murder?

How old

Where do you live

Buy weed seeds, plant and try selling online I guess

alternatively: how do I join the CIA?
lurkers please advise

maybe, but are you ready to commit murder or call a hit if you have to? would you be able to find someone who would murder for you? if you want to become a drug kingpin, your competition will not be happy, and more than likely be very willing to off you

You must be willing to do this. My guidance counselor said so.

they wouldn't know who I am because I'm a stealthy NEET

write them and ask

Oddly specific. Though honestly you should kill yourself. I'm a Paki and if I can see that drugs are destructive for a society, how can't you for a supposed 15/16 master race?

you really think they wouldnt be able to find out who you are? or beat someone who buys from you and they wouldnt rat you out? deepweb would be your only option for this, and even then would be hard due to the fact you have to ship and not be a retard, and are starting from 0 with no reviews

>I'm a Paki

>you have to ship and not be a retard
I think you're right, user.
>starting from 0 with no reviews
go first and eat some losses for dem reviews I guess.

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how could you do this to me?

because youre fucking dumb enough to ask Jow Forums how to become a drug kingpin

>it thinks yikesing me while my people are in their ascendancy and his are in rapid decline will make things better
Lmao. Keep wiping your ass with paper after you shit. Fucking subhuman.

shoo shoo paloo

>because youre fucking dumb enough to ask Jow Forums how to become a drug kingpin
well that's just plain rude, why not give me advice instead of attacking me, user? crabs in a bucket never helped anyone. let's be friends and cooperate.


He fake reported you. I'm tempted to actual-report your ass to the German authorities. You don't get why people hate drugs? Retard.

>someone you suspect is working for the CIA approaches you
>tells you to meet him at a public square at a certain time
>you arrive at the specified place at the exact time
>wait 30 min, guy doesn't show up
>suddenly a random person whom you've never met before approaches you
>tells you the guy you're waiting for is not going to make it today
>what do you do?
This is an actual CIA shit-test to weed out potential recruits.

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>Yep, this one's going in my third world cringe folder

you do not sound ruthless enough to be a drug dealer, im just being blunt with you user. i want you to succeed, but i do not want you to start making a few flips and get merced cause you are on jeromes street and he doesnt want to deal with a white autist slinging dimebags and attracting heat

I think we both know the answer to this one. Next question?

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M8 the only thing stopping me from having reported you to the German police is a lack of fluency in German. I'm using google translate atm and working it out. Don't go anywhere.

> shits on toilet for the first time
Pakis on ascend space program masterrace

well I'm not very hardcore but I don't think I would be dealing directly with minorities, I like user's mail order idea.

that was me. if you arent hardcore, the game will take your soul and turn you into an unrecognizable beast.
do you realize what you will be doing? breaking up families, allowing children to be neglected, corrupting the society you live in to line your own pockets

I don't really care about the degenerates, they will find their fix with or without me user

so you will contribute to the corruption of the youth for your own gain. propping up the welfare state and allowing degenerates to thrive? what if you are the straw that breaks the camels back user? how will you feel?

I swear, even after all these years i still don’t know if posters like OP are just trolling or are genuinely this this autistic and socially-unhinged.

Nothign wrong with druqs user
how long have you been on Jow Forums? me- 2007

this kid thinks i'm fucking around
what is sad is how I give more of a shit about the wellbeing of german society than you and i'm a paki while you're a fucking native. fucked up world, right?

Attached: german police.png (1920x1080, 208K)

theres your answer

>what is sad is how I give more of a shit about the wellbeing of german society than you and i'm a paki while you're a fucking native. fucked up world, right?
go away paki elliot rodger, you have autism and are not wanted here this is a white european board

Is this okay?
>Es gibt ein Kind auf Jow Forums, das über Drogenhandel in Deutschland diskutiert. Ich dachte, du solltest es wissen.
It's google translate so i dunno

hope you get that knock soon, user

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you will never be white

guessing all this shit will make more sense to you than me
and that's a GOOD thing, when whites are as pathetic as you only a fucking degenerate would want to be

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Watch breaking bad

nice enough to send an auto reply (in case you think i'm kidding around)

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holy shit how could u do this to me??? im ruined!
have some compassion, Abdul!

sorry mate, no mercy for drug dealing cunts, I'd massacre you all if I was able to, would not even blink

>I'd massacre you all if I was able to
t. paki

>t. paki'ing me after i stated early I'm a paki
>t. turbo retarded nigger

>IQ too low to even understand basic memes and make simple inferences

Oh I was just playing along you moron. Enjoy that knock.

>I was only pretending to be retarded

21, Germany but I have dual citizenship and live on inheritance so I can travel to the US at any time to start a business

Get licked by an Italian mobster infiltrate his gang while amassing a following of other gay mobsters turn the bosses daughter into your personal slut murder the boss then rule the Italian drug trade forever.

based cockmen giving me a legit plan
do you have experience with this?


this guy. I don't think you fully understand what you're trying to do. when you sell drugs you are stepping on everyone elses foot in the area. if you make a significant amount, you are taking money out of their pockets. how do you think they are going to deal with you when they find you?

best case scenario you are paying extortion money to a gang, and now you can't leave. have you ever even met a sociopath? a real predator? they aren't good people.

how will they find me if i mail packages using their own return addresses
checkmate, gangsters

Return to:
The Ghetto

Autism might be huge advantage, just play it low and avoid f2f contact with suspicious ppl.

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that's exactly what i was thinking. thanks

How do you? You don't. You're too stupid.

this user understands
you are an autist who needs to just learn to code and keep shitposting on Jow Forums

Best ways to get connections is to figure out your specific strengths, then infiltrate drug scene of your choice.
Internet is obvious answer for specifics, as it seems to depend on local preferences.
Dude, drugs sell themselves.

Way to get connections is to figure out your strengths and infiltrate drug scene of your choice.
Internet is obvious answer for finding specifics about local preferences.

Takes balls to go down this path. You asking means it isn't for you.

Don't throw your life away only to get raped in prison OP.

If one does f2f and wants to avoid conflicts, focus on premium customers outside regular narcosphere. Many seem to forget there are plenty of fish in the sea.

Okay do you are low IQ dumbo, I will teach you anyway.
By reporting krautanon to germs police it is *your* IP that will be logged first,
Enjoy getting into database ;)
VPN won't help.

Don't waste time on it. It's not worth the risk.
If u wanted to be a "kingpin" you could just rob those drug dealers. If they got money and showing it off , you have an opportunity.
But don't do it altogether. Or find something better and do that. It'll be much better.

>If u wanted to be a "kingpin" you could just rob those drug dealers. If they got money and showing it off , you have an opportunity.

excellent way to an early grave.

>you are an autist who needs to just learn to code and keep shitposting on Jow Forums
Can you give me more details? Why do I need to learn to code? To get a normal job?

Want to help with our Kickstarter project? I think you might find it very interesting.

Do you really think there's something illegall going on in this thread?

European laws are chill and in most of the cases planning a crime is not illegall at all. Asking how to achieve a certain crime is certainly not illegall. Only serious preparation can be punishable, if you're concretely going to do it.

I'm not ever planning to visit your degenerate nigger filled country desu

I was bored, I know there isn't much chance of euro authorities doing anything about this but it only like 2 mins and user was shitting himself so much it was worth it

NOOO please stop!

uhhh... that wad of cash is all the money they have...

You're dumb than a nigger if you think the cops care about the shiposting of a autist


>I'm not ever planning to visit your degenerate nigger filled country desu
t. nigger (paki)

Those two are mutually exclusive. Funny how these days you can't say the same thing about the new generation of euro children, especially Germans. Lol. Your women do love that nigger cock don't they?

>Those two are mutually exclusive
top kek
>average paki IQ: 89

>we not gonna sell weed, dude
>buy mdma crystal from darknet (bigger orders have huge discounts on darknet but be careful we have to sell all this shit)
>buy one of these ghetto DYI pill presses from eBay (literally dudes selling those 20 dollars; they make one single pill at a time so lots of work)
>mdma, coloration, filler (google)
>here comes the hard part especially for autists
>we have to hustle the shit; on our own because we dont have a international crime syndicate yet
>learn pick up or some other social manipulation skills
>go "party with people" in local nightclubs act as if you their new friend... hustle them a bunch of pills you made... aim for making over 50$ a night; in the beginning you might literally just cut your cost for drinks n sheit
>you build a customer base
>be careful on the next level other local dealers or even local criminal organizations become aware of you
>the whole drugwar kingpin life starts; weapons, robbery, blackmailing, prostituation, dead bodies
Thank me later.

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Germany's will be in the low 60s in about a decade.

>if you have to ask

You don’t want to do it because of the risk andnim not condoning shit, but they best way to do this is to take no part. By that I mean you get your connections, but you never see or sell the drugs yourself. You may have to start out handling shit on your own just to establish a better sum to start out on/to buy larger quantities though. Anyway, ideally you have smaller sellers who go pick it up from someone who holds it all for you, they’re all your employees so to speak. Learn dark web shit, order product, etc.

Also, depending on your state you can grow and sell shrooms for super cheap but sell for basically all profit and because shroom dealers are far and few you can set the prices how you want. Spores are legal to order online, they contain no active chemicals. And I mentioned state because if it’s a humid place that grows a lot of them, you can get away with and avoid trouble if your caught with them by claiming you didn’t know they were psychoactive and just thought they were edible so long as it’s not in a sealed container, although you wouldn’t likely be transporting them often. A spare bedroom with some plastic storage tubs could make you a big time seller, netting up to $10k every few months or so.

Hey bro, been there.
Don’t do it, you’re not old enough for real punishment until 21 that’s upside BUT
Everybody will get caught someday
It doesn’t have to be your fault
You don’t know People to sell to (enough)
Restriction on Führerschein if caught sucks
Hausdurchsuchung sucks
Everytime some one knows what you’re doing he KNOWS
Risk exposure to police/bully/hardened criminals depending on status/ state you’re in

All things considered I had a mostly good time
1 Freund dead, 1 still in jail

only because of all of the niggers

Exactly, your nations destiny.

t. nigger

>All things considered I had a mostly good time
got any anecdotes brother?

You unironically need to be college educated. Most heads of organized crim get there by being smart. You also need to murder people but also be charming and likable. I doubt any of you incel autist will ever be able to become more than a wagie street dealer

t. watched too many hollywood movies

>buy coke & MDMA from darknet
>go to raves, frat parties and other white people events
>be friendly to people, offer them drugs
>develop good relationship with people hosting the events, hook them up with free drugs if necessary
>make sure you dont sell bad drugs so people keep buying and cus ethics.

You guys are making it harder than it needs to be. If you want to sell meth, crack or heroin to crackheads on turf thats not yours you're gonna have to prepare for violence and an early death. If you're selling to upscale white people you just have to be nice to them and slightly tougher than the pussy thats already serving them. I have a friend that makes thousands of dollars selling drugs to people in raves in NYC. The whole thing is pretty chill, aside from the possibility of doing a few years in prison(which he accepts could happen and is willing to do) the whole thing is pretty low risk.

Not sure, most of the fun stuff is about consuming, less about dealing but I’ll try.
Acquaintance didn’t pay drug debts, was sniffed out while going out, guy came with 3 friends and took his jacket and shoes (in winter) as motivation to pay up
Another Acquaintance I knew was into mj and coke, worked as a bouncer. Stopped showing up, turns out he dealt in everything (h, crystal, all kinds of chem)and ratted on Russians, never seen or heard from him again ever
I brought stuff from a to b, lot of marijuana for south German standards, used ride sharing because no trains, direct connection, etc. You get fucked real bad over there, car owner decided he won’t go full way and dropped me with a backpack full at Munich central station, worst evening ever but made it.
Most of the guys I met that started to sell became their own customer, me included, so all money you make is wasted on drugs...
I said I had a mostly good time, excitement yes, drugs yes, but wouldn’t recommend


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was this before dnm or something?

why did you post this? WHY?!

The hidden Jow Forums discord is UpMcQmT we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

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dnm is dark net markets?
Although I’m a Jow Forums retard I always found the smell of ordering drugs online funny so I never did+even now better prices if you’re connected, gotta watch that margin
In darknet you have one big problem, got to ship somewhere...