Drug Kingpin Business

How do I become a drug kingpin? I see people of color with wads of like $10k in their saggy jeans on street corners in shitty areas of my city. If they can do it, surely I can get higher up on the food chain, right? I don't even need to become Escobar-tier, I just want to earn a comfy salary.

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Attached: gus.jpg (200x200, 5K)

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you need connections/customers to sell this shit consistently

what's the best way to get connections? hard mode: I have autism

You're not white, I take it?

Just turn around now, and don't look back.

I'm 15/16 German and 1/16 nip
okay, what's step 2?

are you ready to murder someone and corrupt the youth for your own personal selfish gain, user?

can I do it without murder?

How old

Where do you live

Buy weed seeds, plant and try selling online I guess

alternatively: how do I join the CIA?
lurkers please advise