Who else here /Early Adoptor and Bullish/

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gotta give katy props for not using that normie trash XRP.

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yeah she seems to know more about crypto than 90% of biz. I always liked her but this...

how many people in that pic still hold bitcoin i wonder

I thought this was a photoshop and didnt sell when I saw it.

I too like to look down on others to feel better about myself.

Bought BTC under 1$ => Innovators

Bought BTC between 1$ and 30$ => Early adopters

Bought BTC between 30$ and 200$ => Early majority

Bought BTC between 200$ and 1000$ => Late majority

Bought BTC between 1000$ and 6500$ => Laggards

Bought BTC above 6500$ => Eternal butthurt bagholders

Attached: pepee.jpg (750x699, 46K)

Same here Judy. Then I took the time to make sure it was real and I started offloading coins into dollars. I did not get enough out though and hold the rest for the next bullrun that will be much larger. Do not lose faith that you are not an early adopter despite all the bs that /biz spouts out. Not many people have alts..

I work in tech and most people I talk to do not hold any crypto. Many still think the entire field is a ponzi scam.
We are all innovators. Except you, you are a cuckold.

Based and blackpilled. Good to see others here know where they stand. How many people here are just degenerate gamblers who lose their money every week on bitmex? How many actually hold 1 btc? How many own $1000 worth of eth/etc?

I like to use BAT as a measure, there are about 70k addresses holding any BAT. Granted, many people leave money on exchanges and others have multiple wallets, so it's still a bad estimator.
Maybe dapp usage is a better one.

>imagine these levels of cope

Attached: images (4).jpg (385x382, 23K)

>Most people do not hold any crypto!

Dumbest fucking argument on earth. Literal drooling fucking retard level.

Keep in mind. Most anons split their holdings into multiple wallets. I personally do not keep all erc20 tokens and holdings on one eth address - I like to split my risks. So if you are looking at 70K addresses the real question becomes "how many people make up those 70K addresses?" I am so intrigued about how few people actually are invested in crypto.

The goal is for each person to be their own sovereign individual to empower world changing innovation. Maybe you lost sight of that goal or maybe you never saw it at all. It's ok, not everyone needs to.

>The goal is for each person to be their own sovereign individual to empower world changing innovation. Maybe you lost sight of that goal or maybe you never saw it at all. It's ok, not everyone needs to.
>Hurr durr not everybody owns crypto yet
>it's ok, not every needs to

How can you not see why this is a retarded argument?

Its anywhere from 35m - 100m
Top end is 1.42% of the global pop. Take into account that the population is expected to grow massively in areas where many are unbanked. Millenials are the equiv. of baby boomers and will be coming into their prime income years soon. Crypto has much more to grow yet. You smart.

Not everyone needs to see the goal of crypto, or have the same goal. Everyone is a sovereign individual and their finances will eventually reflect that.
Stop misquoting me faggot

Large scale adoption would be impossible because:

1) There's no guarantee that more people will use crypto in the future. Innovation doesn't automatically mean the tech will be adopted on a large scale.

2) Most of the BTC master nodes are in developed countries. The cost of mining and running a network and PoW makes it unaffordable for people in less developed countries to adopt crypto.

3) Most bagholders speak of people who buy late or ATH with derision. This just shows these "early adopters" have no interest in the intended use of crypto.

4) Blockstream has no roadmap for large scale adoption. They don't do any promotion. They have no spokesperson. Their lightning network is forever in development limbo. Meanwhile, their private chain tech Liquid is already fully functional and in use.

> Innovation doesn't automatically mean the tech will be adopted on a large scale
It did for cell phones
> The cost of mining and running a network and PoW makes it unaffordable for people
Don't confuse usage with hosting. Or crypto with POW.
> Most bagholders speak of people who buy late or ATH with derision
I bought BTC near ATH in 2014. Nocoiners and weak handed moonboys are the only ones that will truly miss out.
> Blockstream has no roadmap for large scale adoption
I agree, I have many cryptos but very little BTC because I want adoption, not better boomer gold.

>Except you, you are a cuckold.
Even here europe in tech business age 20-40 only 1 of 10 holds any crypto. Just look at the market cap. 200 B $ / 25 = real money in crypto = ~80 B $ now. Thats fucking nothing. With assuming just 5 mio people in crypto, that is ~10k in average. Thats fucking nothing.
Only question is will it be bitcoin or another/new crypto AND when will it happen. As soon as it will hit 20-30% cap of world money (so ~10-20 trillion $ real, this means about 100 trillion market cap) then will see it.

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Is XLM a good buy

Coinbase has 20 million accounts. Binance has 10 million accounts Those are probably the biggest exchanges out there. Around 30 million bitcoin wallets in total. Crypto Market cap was around 800 billion ATH, now 200. Imagine looking at this data and coming to the conclusion that we're laggards and literally everyone bought in december. Imagine the IQ of the person who comes to this conclusion.

>tfw I told anons to sell immediately after it was posted but they didn't listen
all you had to do was to listen

>Coinbase has 20 million accounts. Binance has 10 million accounts
That is a lot...

>Stop misquoting me
>Verbatim repetition of what you said

>most people I talk to do not hold any crypto
Most people also don't hold AAPL or AMZN shares...

shut up retarded npc

Even if we assume 100% of those accounts invested (probably closer to 30%), and the average investment is 1,000 USD (it is probably closer to 100 USD), then in the grand scheme of things, it is still fucking nothing.

Around the same amount of adoption as some decently popular video game, literally. If you think that's a lot then ok I guess.

During the dotcom boom a majority of people didn't invest in stocks either.

One user posted this conclusion that here that the internet made this huge connectivity possible that anybody now can interact from anywhere.

No human advancement or groundbreaking technology will be non public after the invention of the internet.

If you put it into perspective there are really not much people that interact about crypto online.

Jow Forums Jow Forums - maybe 25k frequent users tops
crypto twitter - 500 k users
crypto reddit - 1 million users

That is nothing remember Instagram has 1 billion user with a total human population of 8 billion people on earth

You have Katy Perry and other celebrities posting stuff about TRX and ETH though

>Most people also don't hold AAPL or AMZN shares
You don't get shares when you use those companies products.

again this inevitable. the ones I know from that where in the news with crypto where 50cent, floyd mayweather and katy perry. and only for a very short timespan. do you really think just 1% of their millions followers will actually save this in their head?

and also dont think celebrities are all dumb cunts. their musicvideos only resemble what the masses want to see and hear.
nas - the rapper for example was a early investor in coinbase trough a VC

a lot of people worked at amazon and bezos payed a lot of them partly in shares early on

how did I miss so many sell signals
fuck me I'm so stupid

You still think btc and eth have good gains left?

There's more

Even the next president and first lady are already in

it will take time.
getting rich quick with very capital is not possible unless you are capable or willing of scamming.
the majority of people here still believe in this day dream that money will solve all their problem.

dont be a leech off - accumulate and dca- any single digits BTC amount in the next decade will make things fun for you

People will forget and then the cycle will begin again.