We are not early adopters, we are late innovators

If you would stop 1000 random people in Paris, London or any other major European city, and ask them a few questions about crypto;

700 out of 1000 would have heard about Bitcoin
350 could tell that it is some kind of internet/virtual/crypto currency
75 would now that it has something to do with blockchain
25 could give you a reasonable, somewhat accurate explanation of what blockchain is
15 could name at least two other cryptocurrencies (or tokens)
No one would have heard about Chainlink

Go outside big cities and you can drop 30% off from any of those numbers.

Early movers will come in next bull run, and it will take BTC to 100k.
The Golden Era will begin early next decade and it will take BTC to 1 million.

McAfee might have to eat his dick though.

Attached: golden.jpg (638x359, 37K)

agreed, but we need alot of money to get to those prices.......

not even 2.5% ever touched crypto
crypto didnt even outgrown its infancy
innovators obviously

Speak to me user, it eases my mind

Not as much as many think. Total market cap means nothing, it has nothing to do with amount of money coming in.

A lot of money is now flowing into soon-to-be-dead projects in hope of getting x 100 (that is the price innovators often pay), but new money will be mostly projected to already bigger ones, those that will qualify to next gen regulated exchanges (like Blockchain.io).

This post would have been right if posted in early 2017. You are literally a laggard OP.

Stop trolling. Almost all the posters here are larping and don't even own 1 btc but talk like they know the market and future. We are early adopters, in 18 years there will be a new generation trying to get rich from our bags

>No one would have heard about Chainlink

I hope it keeps that way.

> in 18 years there will be a new generation trying to get rich from our bags

hey boomer, this is not the stock market but crypto. Things here move a bit faster slowpoke. your 18 years for boomer stocks to recover will take only 18 months in crypto.

It's true that the adoption rates are low as fuck, especially for the newer cryptos (like LINK) but the problem is we might stay in the innovator/early adopter phase forever. That's the real fear. There just isn't much motivation for the average normie to get into crypto except the price pump and now that that's gone why would they get involved?

seriously we didn't even figured out what the fuck to do with crypto. an other speculative commodity is not a fucking innovation!

the adoption of cryptocurrency didn't even start yet. when you have actual real world use case for it (aside form the fucking exchanges) then we can talk about adoption.

>There just isn't much motivation for the average normie to get into crypto except the price pump
exactly there is no use case worthy of the effort.

but you can already see what happens when a countries finances go to shit first greece then cyprus, and now venezuela. they show the potential of crypto as an escape vehicle already. but day to day where the economy is fine there is not much pressure to use it. it's awkward costly and inconvenient and overly technical yet.

maybe the next worldwide economic crisis: the collapse of all asset markets and then maybe some hyperinflation once the flock sold all their assets and currencies were printed to hell to shake people out of their wealth will be a wake up call.

or not, who knows. i don't see the future. i see potential, and shittons of problems.

>seriously we didn't even figured out what the fuck to do with crypto

uuuhhhmmmmm use it for the same thing fiat money is used atm? ofc not yet since it is not fast and cheap enough rigth now. however it will replace fiat money the same way skype replaced other ways of telephony.

I agree, OP.
No one has heard about BTC yet, my dog for example is still confused when I mention it to him.

>use it for the same thing fiat money is used atm?
you can't simple as that. there is not a point in my life i could use crypto as money. i don't get paid in crypto it's not an option, i can't spend it in a shop or a restaurant.

once we have cost-efficient and fast cryptos you wills ee them being offered in shops and restaurants alongside fiat and gradually fiat disappearing. we dont ahve those fast and cheap cryptos yet sadly. but we should ahve them in the future.

exactly so basically innovation. there is a possibility it will never take off, but any retard spouting shit about late adoption is a fucking 40 iq niglet.

Should I buy into the ICO or wait... I can just barely put enough eth to get that 5% bonus.

I want to kill myself, every day.

>Should I buy into the ICO
stupid fuck. do it if you wanna lose all your money.

>Should I buy into the ICO
that question could be universally answered with HELL NO!
doesn't matter what you want to buy never buy the ico!

we dont have them?
what is XRP then?

This. It took 30m of fresh fiat money to pump ripple marketcap by 10b recently. We'll reach 10T total marketcap much sooner than most people think.

Wrong. You are the final adopters of a technology nobody will ever use. You're not just late adopters, you're final adopters.

Attached: LateAdoptersConfirmed.png (1504x1132, 189K)

How can you call yourself at the beginning of the cycle when 10 years has already passed and litterly millions of people are millionaires/billionaires of this shit?

>30m of fresh fiat money
This is not a small amount, most people don't even have an extra 100 bucks to invest.

Most people will find a spare 100 bucks to invest when bitcoin soars back past 20k and they decide they don't want to be left in the dust like they were during the last bull. Not to mention most people will start investing far more than 100 bucks when ETFs come through and 401ks start including 1% crypto in their portfolios as a hedge.

No. Pretty sure if my mom knows about bitcoin then everyone with a TV does.

there's even less of a distribution of people transacting in crypto compared to speculating
well and truly innovators

Bought BTC under 1$ => Innovators

Bought BTC between 1$ and 30$ => Early adopters

Bought BTC between 30$ and 200$ => Early majority

Bought BTC between 200$ and 1000$ => Late majority

Bought BTC between 1000$ and 6500$ => Laggards

Bought BTC above 6500$ => Eternal butthurt bagholders

Attached: pepee.jpg (750x699, 46K)

>Bought BTC above 6500$ => Eternal butthurt bagholders

>tfw sold my 11x gains at 15k and stayed in btc...even now