The absolute state of NPCs

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The absolute fucking state of normies.

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Ben is collecting useless acronyms like I collect shitcoins

I like these people, they're the ones financing us


social media turned so many people into faggots

There were always faggots,. They have a platform now.

fair enough. It's just the way they talk and describe themselves.
>"I want to have a long career facing steep challenges, impossible odds, business turnarounds, success, failure, and the inbetweens."
Just fucking kys guy. Your life isn't a movie pitch

>I don't know what I'd do with myself if I didn't have a job

Many slaves felt self-satisfaction for well tended crops.

holy fuck I almost feel sorry for that npc.

And that blatant straw man in his first paragraph. Obviously the goal of early retirement isn't to live like a fucking hobo. The goal is something like
>get rich
>get dividends
>live comfortably on passive income of 100k a year

99% of nps are never going to retire, they will not be able to

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I am an accountant too. For some reason accountants are the most cucked of all NPC wageslaves.

People go out their way to work long hours, earning more shekels for the partners in their firm while reducing their average hourly pay to toilet cleaner level. The work is not an action movie, it is DULL AS ABSOLUTE FUCK and will be fully automated within the next 10 years.

I bet he was the dude in his office as a trainee that sucked the most dick and was fucking hated by his peers. ABSOLUTE KEK.

I am quitting this shit profession at the end of October if I don't get a satisfactory pay rise. Wish me luck.

If you start every day by hitting a guy in the head with a stick, eventually the guy will say it is a good thing, and if he could choose, he wouldn't stop it.

>no will to dominate
NEETs are like dying flowers. No will to live, no energy to spare.

This is a mindset of a person that in older times would go to war for the fun of it. Can only sympathize.

I want to hire this guy. I’ll make sure his work is fucking difficult. I’ll make up a bunch of positions and promote him by giving him evening more responsibilities. Eventually he will get so high up, I’ll trick him into cutting the bosses grass and washing the bosses dishes. What a fucking pheasant.

Every good protestant works

>being so used to adversity, that you crave it.
This is a man. Not any of the butterboy pretend-men gynecomastia-sporting fatasses/skellies,

>tfw majoring in accounting
did I goof?

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the only reason why i wouldn't want to retire early is if i started my own business and set my own hours. if i want a 2 month break for whatever reason, i just take it.

fuck slaving away for 40 years to make some kikes rich.

well he's right. you shouldn't "retire early" if it means you're gonna live like a poor fuck

if everyone else isnt wagecucking and passionate about doing so like i am, then its life isnt fair.

Motherfucker is probably a boss making a shit ton with little effort, then claims the ones actually working hard for peanuts are lazy. I'm fucking sick of bosses and their shilling. The working class in this nation needs to have a say again. We need to stop them from importing cheap third world labor first though, that takes away our only bargaining chip which is our own goddamn labor. Fucking liberals and their emotional votes ruined the dynamic of collective bargaining, those hip ironic motherfuckers.

Switch to comp-sci if you can brudda.

fucking npcs lol

i'll enjoy exiting the rat race by 40 and working on my own passion projects and interests for the rest of my life.

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What's the difference between slaving away for a boss and a client?
It's like saying a prostitute without a pimp is more dignified than one without. Both are whores.

>did I goof?
Only if you do unpaid overtime.

No accountant I know does unpaid overtime. Maybe it is different when you are with the big 4, but man... anyone who stays longer than a couple of years in these meatgrinders actually loves to be minced.

If you fear to become obsolete as an accountant, just get into controlling. Controllers are needed everywhere and are paid a good amount of money, as no one outside of Germany seems to get the even most basic concept of cost accounting.

Not necessarily, desu it's objectively better than most NPC business degrees. However DON'T FALL FOR THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTING MEME!

hahahahahaha, you can have it faggot. the rest of us who aren't NPC's are laughing at your admiration of the system.
>speaking to twatter faggot, not OP

Domination of what exactly? A steaming pile of dysfunctional shit?

But if you can live in a way that doesn't need money you can retire much easier. It's about taking a hard look at your needs vs wants, what truly makes you happy, and the value of a dollar.

If you have to ask, you won't get it. Enjoy your vegetative state.

Wild guess: many who laugh at this guy do not actually have the possibility to earn good money with their skills.

I too could easily retire in ten years. Hell, with some effort, I could retire today. But then what am I gonna do?
Lurk on Jow Forums?
Make my passion my profession and lose all passion for it in the process?

I actually like my job (freelance BI-analyst) and would continue to do it, even in part time. And people would hire me, no problem. If you mostly enjoy what you do, you have no problem doing it.
People who laugh at those who do enjoy it do not seem to enjoy their jobs enough but do not seem to be skilled enough to simply switch to a profession they can live with it.

>let me tell everyone how much I love work and challenges in life so they think I have a big dick
Honestly one of the worst types of 'men' out there

One assumes you'd be afraid to assert who you are and what you want to do because it might disclose your terrible dicklet secret

In most circumcises:
silent = scared and repressed
Fitting for a NEET, if he haf anything to boast about besides the amount of ejaculations shoot at the same tissue this day.

Uh yeah.

>Thinking I don't swallow my jizz

Uh yeah. My biggest regret in life

Can't wait to dominate the cubicle

well, not exactly

see his acronyms have prospective value, as its probable they'll provide him more $$$$$ in the future than he would've had otherwise

your shitcoins have speculative value, meaning it is uncertain whether you'll ever profit off them

best not to be delusional, especially when speculating

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>NPC: the post

well you're right about the first part. I make shit money at 30 so investing is the only way to make better money in the future. I don't want to work 80 hours a week just to potentially make money years from now at a better job. fuck all that I'd rather be a minimalist monk than waste every waking hour doing something I don't even like just to get a higher paying job. it's not a realistic option for me because I am not motivated enough by money to spend years changing fields and working my ass off. and for what? to finally have some freedom and free time when I'm old? no thanks. I'll just chill now and live small instead. fuck all this bullshit striving for more more more. and yeah maybe it's different for those that actually have something they're ok giving over most of their time for, but I've not found mine yet. most people hate their jobs bro

>But then what am I gonna do?

Careers are unavoidable if you want something decent out of life. 15-30 years of neetin it out or working minimum wage is not gonna help your longevity or independence. You might as well just pretend to like this ridiculous called "life". Beat these NPCs. Pretend you like it. Or go live in a van, and pretend you truly like that.

>I ... can't take ... it any longer
>must ... conserve energy
>can't waste ... any *cough* on strife and conflict ...

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that is a fucking cope if i ever saw one

he's an accountant. kek. ever met an interesting accountant? I haven't'.

>whatever meaning will there be left in my life if I can't tickle another male's testicles and help him get rich while I get a pittance?
Great stuff

I unironically do not know what I would do with $100,000 that I needed to spend
Even $40,000 would be enough for me to rent a very nice apartment, diet and afford whatever else I want

Living in a van is the starter and moving in to the basement to help kids not do drugs is the finisher!!

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Honestly the main reason I wouldn't want to retire early is because not working makes it harder to pick up women and make friends.

>makes it harder to pick up women and make friends.
>What do you do for a living?
>Oh I made so much money that I'm set for life and can pursue my passions rather than work
>Thinking this isn't a panty dropper

What's exactly wrong with living in a van?

But more realistically:
>what do you do?
>i sit on my computer all day checking stocks and never leave the house except to buy more diet pepsi

>be me
>be an accountant
>left comfy government job 7.5 hour work days because came to find it boring at wanted a "challenge"
>get a private sector accounting firm job
>in contract is literally says, "you may be required to work such additional hours in excess of your normal hours of work as are reasonably necessary for the proper performance of your duties and to meet the needs of the company's business"
>"No extra payment will be made for any additional hours worked"
>had to sign an opt-out to the EU working time directive which limits average working hours to 48
>dumped so much work it is physically impossible to complete in a 40 hour work week

Yeah, I got fucking JEWED. Going back to comfy gov job asap.

this but unironically

most are alcoholics cause they hate their jobs

this is me, except i didnt leave the cushy govt accounting job, but laugh at those who do

literally nothing. Neither anything with a 'long' career. Lie is all just a game anyways.

Yeah but its like going to a job interview and they ask them what your biggest flaw is and you just say some bullshit that sounds nice rather than just saying "I drink too much"

Also pepsi a shit.

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I make 80k, walk to work, never exceed 8 hrs a day, my own office

I could give it up for 100k in a competitve commuting 1 hr environment with better prospects.

What do

you were getting free money from gov and left ??

Government workers are just one step below of NEETs.

This is the cuck mindset private sector workers tell themselves to justify having a non-existent work life balance and selling their souls to Mr Shekelberg.

My colleagues are all like this. "Hah I bet you did no work in your gov job right?!"

Nah mate, I did work, I just didn't do unpaid overtime to enrich my fucking boss so he can take massive dividends from skimming value from your labor and then going on 5 holidays a year with his trophy wife skank and autistic kids.

didn't realize there was more beneath the surface...

>the EU working time directive which limits average working hours to 48
How do I move to the EU?

another temporarily embarrassed millionaire

it's easy as fuck to spend 100k in a year especially if you have kids and that 100k is pre tax

i was in a similar position, except the higher paying job also on average had 10 hour work days and required frequent travel.

it would have been stupid of me not to take the position because the future prospects would be great, but fortunately they didn't want me. 8 hour work days are already long enough.

first step you gotta convert to islam

if you can get a high paying govt job in tech or something you're fucking set. way lower stress and hours worked compared to private for only slightly lower pay in most cases and tons more job security

>NPC is perfectly content living in a van and having nothing to do all day, no responsibilities or goals or dreams

>his goals are to make his jew boss richer
>his responsibilities are to slave away his life until he becomes too unproductive so he gets dumped to the curb by his jew boss

Learn programming so you can automatize your peers out of the market

Stay at your job. The cost of driving alone will probably offset the higher pay and keep you poor forever. Driving costs 55 cents per mile and don't you ever forget it. It costs more if you're a retard driving a massive cucktruck because you think it makes you look like a man. It costs way more if you count the free time you spend in a literal cage that you paid for that transports you from home to work and back.

I hate driving.

>tfw 90 minute commute each way


>100k is pre tax
that's why you should stay in the lower tax bracket and live off less, also long term capital gains to mitigate

>slave away his life until he becomes too unproductive so he gets dumped to the curb by his jew boss

If only he could be so lucky. He will be laid off after 5 good years and replaced with another sucker fresh out of college who will do the job with a smile on his face for 8% less money. Those 1 and 2 percent raises add up after a while, you know.

>steep challenges, impossible odds

Sounds like boomer code talk for easy life at the kid's expense to me.

to build my own business but whatever helps your broke obese still living at home with mummy at the age of 36 neet ass sleep better

It's sort of like listening to feminists.

"I don't have to be a spawning unit to shit out more and more kids to get in your way in traffic and eat up your tax dollars. I have so much more noble pursuits."

"Oh that's cool what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to work unpaid overtime so I can one day maybe get a pay raise that doesn't even match inflation."

Either get a job closer to home or get a home closer to work. I hear coworkers talk about their long commutes to work (2 hours, over 100 miles is the longest) and I think they're insane. My commute is 30 minutes on a mountain bike and they all think I'm insane, even though driving my car would only shave 5 minutes off of that, while sacrificing my exercise time and all those sick wheelies.

I wish my big balls didn't stop me from riding a bike. Big balls suck.

The hidden Jow Forums discord is UpMcQmT we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

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>all just a game anyways.
This is very true.

that just means you haven't found a good saddle yet, drop that excuse dude

NEETism is literally a jewish ideology. It's the central principle of Marxism and Marx's life in fact.


holy fuck user no

Depends, just don't become a private accountant, public ones earn more and are not bound.

Like the other guy mentioned, future prospects should be considered: promotions, connections, etc. But all things equal, stay at your current job. Low expense is just as important as high income but low expenses help you keep stress down as well.

because fat?