Huge VET buys will be coming in soon. warned.
JDA software group
Volker Schmitz
Dirk Holbach
Metro AG
Huge VET buys will be coming in soon. warned.
JDA software group
Volker Schmitz
Dirk Holbach
Metro AG
Vechain- just wait two more months
No one cares. Vescam exposed. Sold all of it. So relieved.
> vechain employees need to be paid.
> mention the name of normal businesses. People will assume it’s a partnership or they’re buying our tokens
> when it pumps cash out so we can pay them.
Also, partners DONT mean shit.
Chinks don't buy cryptos.
If me or the average joe CAN'T use it. Its useless. Seriously, we can't do shit with it.
Can't wait for all the 'strategic partnership' handshake photos! SOO EXCITED!!
Scam after scam, the cycle repeats.
4.2 mil Strength X node reporting in, 10 cents EOY *fire emoji*
lmao and more articles written by vechain and not the other companies? Only legit 'partnership' is with dnvgl that seems to have interest
Tell me more about the vechain's ico OP and their great use case hahahah
My body is ready
BYD's announcement on a shitty app that has nothing to do with vechinks network made the price fucken dipped. How will chinks use it? They can't even buy cryptos. Nothing is genuinely going to make the price go up. ONLY ventards buying at any cost will.
No point in shilling it here. You'll only get muh chink answers. People want to accumulate in silence.
Price dipped after people found out vechain was a scam
>after people found out vechain was a scam
After 3 ICO's and every ICO on the platform backed by 1 guy who is a known scumbag. You're all just now figuring out it's a cash grab??
I probably know more than you think. And 1 guy? more are involved in this and you know it
omg who cares about some 2017 chink meme?
their shit only pumps once, better find some new 10x scam
Have fun paying sunny and the vechink staff. Let them pee on your family and spit on your grave while you akooomulayye
I wouldn't hurt a fryyy
Damn, you know your shit.
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning.
But the app is literally running on the network lol
Its naaaaht. Even if it was, how will this increase the price?
Oh wait, it hasnt done shit to the price. In fact, the price keeps dropping. *thinking emoji*
Chink scam. Everything about this project has been about appeasing Westerners. All these bold claims have not lived up to their promises. Why such an emphasis on hype?
You're all getting played.
Thank you, Chico
no thanks after chico exposed this scam coin id rather buy waltonchain
If you can post info that says that the app doesn't run on VeChain blockchain I'll market sell 4 mil right now, I'm waiting.
>If you can post info that says that the app doesn't run on VeChain blockchain I'll market sell 4 mil right now, I'm waiting.
Oxford Confirmed. How's that "partnership" coming? I heard OPEC and IMF is partnering with a chinese eth copied brockchain that does billions errr thousands of txs a day.
How bout you post transcations from your node. Post something that proves it is. There is nothing. Nothing showing any type of transaction to that app. And youll never find anything because thats how they've been scamming you. I dont care if you sell. Don't back up a literal chink scam when YOU have no proof of their legitimacy. *mic drop*
Oh wait! Your node does FUCK all for their network. It doesnt verify txns or anything. Its not even a node. Its their way of making you another bag holder
I market sold an entire stack a few days back.. I was getting too paranoid. There's clearly red flags with ChinkChain that most other top 100 coins don't have.
What did he expose besides the fact that wtc can’t keep their people under control and that people in the know seem to leave the project (cream,tlm,boxmining a knight or two etc..). Also accusing binance of insider trading will not please his high school crush da hongfei, but then again he is taking it in the ass from elastos and ela was caught with vote manipulation. Such drama.
I asked for info where it says the app for BYD will not run on VeChain network, still waiting.
>still waiting.
Kind of like california waiting for those buses from BYD and american jobs they were promised. Oh wait, they got scammed too.
Hey there Mr paid shill. Are they ramping up your hours for the recent damage control?
Ever notice there was two boxmining videos at Walton where he praised the fuck out of them and was genuinely impressed with the hardware and then the part 3 video was delayed. He eventually released the third video and tried to call them a scam?
That's because they refused to pay CREAM the money he tried to extort from them. Of coarse CREAM tried to spin this as Walton being shady and he didn't like how they operated (Kek anyone can see just how shady CREAM is).
they pay cream to fud other projects wasnt that obvious from the video? just shady marketing tactics overall and "leaking" insider info to cream.
I hate all of you faggots. VeChain is not a scam. Can't wait to rub it into your faces when you can't deny it any longer
Not saying cream and boxmining aren’t worth their money. It’s just that wtc has really incompetent hr, even their interns manage to cause serious damage.
I asked for info where you can prove it.
dude, look at things objectively. all the hype, all the rumors are true, the total lack of use, the scammy characters involved. i'm not saying its definitely a scam, but there is a reasonable case to be made.
Lol literally has nothing to do with vechink.
>asking others to do research
No wonder you're a bagholder. You can't even find proof for yourself. Look at how pathetic you are, backing up a chink scam. You can't KEK harder than this.
>ooorrrhh... preaaase sirrrrs, may you reseaaach fo meee. Me sow saastupid
>I am not saying it's a scam but it could be
big brain take
Its impossible to prove something that doesn't exist.
I'm not into this vechain vs walton debate (wouldnt buy either) but didnt walton forget to change twitter accounts before giving themselves a giveaway prize?