on his 1BTC 5x leverage short @6200 and will close his position as soon as he makes less than 1% gain
Faggot is going to chicken out
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(((tone vays)))
The fact that people take financial advice from twitter and RT of all places goes to show how fucking dumb people are. This faggot is going to anal rekt by the great green dildo of super male vitality.
the fact that people take financial advice from a Gargamel cosplayer is even more worrying
Gargamel did nothing wrong, he just wanted those fucking pests to shut the fuck up.
I hate crypto because it enabled ugly and stupid beta male faggot jews like this retard to become actual people through having a lot of money
tony stop posting these fucking threads, nobody cares about you
He ain’t gonna be able to cash out the fbi will raid bitmex this week
Screencap this
(((Oy Veys)))
How long till this guy gets busted for underage prostitution?
Uh - how does Tone & underage prostitution have anything to do with each other?
I shudder at the realization that extreme faggotry like this even exists.
>HODL hat
I hope Bitcoin goes back to 200.
Did he get bullied into trading?
What a terrible time to start.
There's no volatility.
cant stand the sight of this insufferable faggot
this. it's all completely legal in cambodia. nothing to discuss really.
It's gonna be so fucking funny when Tone beats all the little permabull faggots into a pulp with his enormous short shlong
>"waaaa mummy bitcoin isn't going back up like reddit said it would it would but but but it was MY TURN to get rich waaaa"
Yeah, none of you faggots are getting rich, the market is going to chew you all up and spit you back out.
Still dont know who the fuck this fag is AND WHO THE FUCK NAMES THEMSELVES TONE Anyone who recognizes him is a normie stop fucking posting this faggot normies off my board REEEEEEEEE
Can you suck Tone's dick a little harder. Jesus fucking Christ.
>Tone "I make youtube videos about bitcoin TA all day but dont have time to trade" Vays
>Tone "I short the bottom" Vays
Honestly I hope he is right and all the haters get justed so we can finally capitulate.
implying hes gonna get rich from a 1btc short >LMAO
At least Tone has a theme song youtu.be
Cry harder nocoiners!
Why would anyone give a shit what this guys $12,000 position looks like