Are stop limits a scam

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Why doesnt binance just have a stop loss? Im scared the chart will spike down through my stop and then get past the stop loss

is that possible?

I literally cant find one use for them...stop market is the way to use stop-losses and for market-buying/selling if price goes above/bellow certain price....

Binance does have stop loss though...

if i set my stop and limit at the same price does it just work as a stop market sell?

is it possible for a spike to get below your stop limit without the order actually triggering if it spikes really hard?

where? I only see stop limit

Bcs they dont want you to save your profit but rather lose them.

Stop limit is meant for people who have a high amount of liquidity so that they can "Troll" or play strategically (depends how you view it). Lets assume you have 100k$ as a buy order at 100sat. Idiots like you here think WOW its going to pump. If it goes to 100sat he has a stom limit to 95sat. Idiots like you think WTF HAPPENED WHERE IS BULLRUN. Then you see 95sat 100k and you are OMG I PUT 96 BUY ORDER. Then it goes to 95 and another stop limit to 90... etc. im getting tired explaining idiots. Its just a market manipulating tool but since you are poor then obviously you dont understand why it exists.

You can use it the same way. Like if you want to automatically sell at 100 sats then you set the trigger price for 101 sats (as an example) and limit price at 100 sats. So as soon as the market hits 101 it places a limit sell into the buy side of the order book for 100 and will immediately execute.

Is it possible for it to miss the order though

say it spikes down to from 102 to 90 in a second and i had my stop set for 100 and my sell set to 99 is it possible for it to spike past my order because the order wasnt placed fast enough?

What do you think mousebrain?

I set an order at 100 and a stop limit at 99 but the price falls to 90. WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENS?

jesus christ the normies are back here.

if it spikes through my order price faster than the ai has time to place the order then my order is now way above the price and i miss the sell

Highly unlikely on an exchange like Binance. Because you have to understand that if the market goes to 101 and immediately a sell order is placed into the buy side, the system has to match you up with the next available buy order. Now if the next available buy order is at 90 then that’s the order that will be matched with your order but on a very liquid exchange like Binance it’s less likely to happen because there are probably buy orders available from 100 to 90.

Okay it seems you are trying to be some extra smart IT guy here. Let me "Enlighten" your mousebrain.

You see there is a thing called programming and since your brain cant comprehend such a thing let me explain it to you real quick and fast.

You see if you place an ORDER and a STOP LIMIT then they are 2 orders. The code looks like this (explanation to (You)).

User 1
Buy Order - 100sat
Execute Stop Limit Order - 99sat

Now if the price falls down it will look like this

Price: 100sat
Execute User 1 Stop Limit 99
Price: 90
Execute Order User 1 99
Price 102

Basically you are already putting in the orders into the system. If you think the developers are that dumb then you are dumber.

The stop levels just add to the algorithm so trading computers can run your stops. Just look closely at forex charts and see them being ran.

If you have to place a stop loss to lose your money, you're using the wrong strat, way over leveraged, etc.

you're a retard. the stop is just the point where the ai places an order, its no different from a normal order placed by you, and theres no guarantee that it fills even if the price is now below your order

so hypothetically if the price spiked down fast enough in a big sell off with people market selling multiple points at a time your order could get missed. its not like a stop loss which is a guarantee'd wall. with a stop loss the price simply cannot get lower than your sell order without triggering. stop limit has room for error and is untrustworthy as a concept

Ask me how I know you're new

I swear they left out a stop loss to rinse more money

they dont want people to have a guarantee'd exit price because it gives their bots added advantage

i hate these chinks so much

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the University of Harvard specializing in IT Programming, and I've been involved in numerous secret projects in school and out of school. I have over 300 confirmed projects which i started. I am trained in Java and C++ and I'm the top leading programmer in the entire Corporation where i work. You are nothing to me but just another pajeet. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of hackers across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained martial arts, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Corporation where i work and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>look guys i was just pretending to be retarded

go back to redddit kid

This fuckin guy

Don’t agree with using the wrong strat but at the same time you’re unarguably right about the overleveraging. It’s a risk management/ how much each individual is comfortable with type thing.

Not a huge believer in stop hunts etc, In the market anything can happen and believing other forces are at work targeting you only divides you from the thought that each person is responsible for their own trades.

Anyone know of any good trading bots that do stop loss trailing and take profit trailing?

Looking for something like 3commas without the fees?

Interesting, I was too dumb to think of this.