Will we make it in time?

Tell me I'll make it in time to play this game next year frens

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We have the same plan. I think link will help us a lot.

I want link to moon so I can play dmc5, rdr2 and sekiro in peace

>playing mmos while not made
>not gon make it

Lmao same here. Based taste.

>Classic WoW

Why are people so hyped about this? It's just original WoW, you can play it right now. There are even private servers with orginal WoW content and without anything else. It's not like Blizzard will release a legacy product with new graphics or major new features.


And BfA is so amazing rn, fuck the drama-queens oldfags

BfA is the worst WoW expansion ever
Even worse than WoD

Because these servers are infested with chinks/bots and corrupt GM's selling gold/account services.

WoW fags are easy to scam.

Leaving aside the Azerite drama ands expeditions/warfronts, which can be up to taste, BfA is absolutely the least polished expansion released in the history of the game. Never before I have seen such a quantity of game breaking bugs in the first two months.

TOP KEK, BfA is the worst expansion after WoD. Lemme guess you only do LFR kek.
Truth right here, classic WoW will shit on BfA 100%, it will have more subs.

Beta for Azeroth

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People were very happy to play "classic" WoW on Nostalrius but Blizzard shut it down. When I did play on that private server I was reminded how much the game has changed for the worse. Will be glad to pay a sub fee to Blizzard to have a stable trusted platform that I don't have to worry about my toons getting deleted because of legal issues.

yeah I played the last lightshope restart but got pretty salty when the GM's turned down the mob spawn rate after they hit 60 (making it very hard to level afterwards). And then their guild happened to get all the best drops on their first MC raid (chance of 0.0001% or something).

My plan is to take vacation time when classIC drops, and yes crypto will pump by then fren

My plan is to become a millionaire when Classic gets released, then enjoy WoW in peace

Blizzard is a fucking joke at this point, so I highly doubt that Classic will be good. They will most certainly fuck up the servers, meaning that they will cheap out big time and either a)not have enough servers which will lead to overpopulation or b) enable sharding and completely fuck up the community. There's no fucking way we're getting 50+ servers per region like it was back in the day. Also, normies will cry and they will cry a lot. Expect a cash shop where they sell lvl 60s within the first year of release.

classic wow will be trash, unlike most of you zoomers i actually played it. Most of the content is there in live already, it's old and boring, today it would present extremely easy content.
>Lack of addons
>managing 40 people
>playing with 56k modem
>trash pcs
>boss abilities could crash/lag the server if multiple guilds were doing it at the same time
Those are what made it difficult.
There are a million other inconvenient issues they have removed over the years too.

rose-tinted nostalgia goggles

Warlock's siphon life with damage component
Eth is finished

>million other inconvenient issues they have removed over the years
like mmo and rpg parts amirite

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this. vanilla is the god of games.

Classic>>>>Beta for Azeroth

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Don't you zoomers realize that you were playing Vanilla when you were 12-20 yo and even if the game was good (it wasn't) you are now 15 fucking years older?
Don't you think it likely that your sensibilities have changed a little? That the sense of wonder and immersion will be broken by you already knowing the maps and the in-outs of the zones? That you will find nothing to do in the endgame besides raiding, grinding three different BGs, camping Southshore and farming runecloth?
You might think Vanilla was a great game, I won't argue that with you. I disagree but I won't argue. But I guarantee 15 years later you won't find anything of what made it great left.

You should all listen to this man.

Might be fun to play while tripping at least once desu

you plebs disgust me. ChainLink is for furthering your entrepreneurship goals and helping your fellow white man break free of jewry and to live a morr fulfilling life than sitting in a office for 40 years

you can say whatever you want, but gameplay in Classic WoW is secondary. I still remember my vanilla guildmates and the good times we had raiding ZG and leveling in STV. I still remember my GM and the shit that went down in MC and BWL and the people that I raided with. Ask me what I remember about anything in WoW after WOTLK and the raid/group finder. The answer is nothing.

tfw vanilla wow is the only place where I ever felt at home. my life has been hard, struggled a lot, abusive parents, depressions, homelessness - wow was the only place that gave me comfort. while some will find this very pathetic, I accepted this as a positive thing in my life. I spent countless days with this, but I would do it again.
I will most likely play this until I die, again and again and again.

This game has been out for 14 years, you can go play a significantly upgraded version of it right this moment!

Just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in.

>make it
>roll rogue
>spend the first week of release power leveling and getting in front of the heard as quickly as possible with new found free time
>hit level 40
>spend the next week camping stranglethorn vale 24/7

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I'll ask you what you remember about Classic instead.
Oh that's right, you already said that. Leveling with your pals. Raiding with your pals. Bullshitting around with your pals.
You and your pals grew up, those times have gone and most of your pals are probably gone too. You cna make new pals, sure. You'll find out that a bunch of boomers trying to use videogames as a medium to chase a nostalgic feeling and pal around is a lot different to a world of enthusiastic bloomers exploring a game world together.

never underestimate the power of a community. why do you think so many people choose to stay Amish in real life? I swear, some of you faggots fell for the "world is just a big shopping mall" meme

meant to tag

Classic runescape is fucking dope. Classic wow will also be dope.
Both brought the concept of what a MMO could be to new heights when released but lost their way by further and further catering to casuals.

looking forward to pantheon mmo and for ps4 sekiro


literally going to 24/7 this game with a warrior to get rank 14 gear and absolutely destroy everything.

I forget, what was the most based and redpilled race for PvP warrior? NE for Shadowmeld? Undead for extra trinket?

Personally I prefered Orc because of the stun resist.

Because people want to play Classic on a reliable server with good MS. Not very fun playing classic wow on 200ms and having to play with 100s of chicoms.

/who Xiao on any private server and you'll see what I mean. It's not hard to understand why people want this. Also WoW was officially dead after MoP

Pic is current Blizzard fan boys (you)

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>Never going to have Warcraft 4 because of this piece of shit game.

100% this.
I’m too dumb to play Starcraft, I want another rts where you control like 20 units max


I can ignore a cash shop. I can't deal with the handholding of the current game.

>he doesn't know rank14 gear was dogshit compared to pve gear

The point was that in a game where transmog didn't exist, with GM plate gear you could RP as the Emperor of Mankind.
Or whatever the Horde gear had you look like I guess.

Lmfao, wrathbabby detected. You do realize rank 14 gear existed way before T2.5 etc came, right? Rank 14 gear (at least for Fury and MS) was infinitely better for warriors than T2.

BC was actually a good expansion. WoT wasn't terrible either. I hope classic wow eventually includes BC

Ha ha! NOOOBS!
Pro tier NEET here, playing image related as we speak. KEK, everythings paid and pizzas on the way. How does it feels to "invest" into Crypto post 2013. STAY POOR PAJETS!

Ps: I still don't have a girlfriend and I'm all alone, gaming feels that "void".

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