Jewish tricks general

jewish tricks general.
post em to help frens make it

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don't use toilet paper
just take a shower

Cut your own hair

Don't pay for TV and use cardsharing

Flush toilet once a week.

Go to self checkouts and weigh everything as celery


something something ketchup packets

on the blue boards lookin for them jew rackets

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Torrent movies and music unless you’re a brainlet to pay for shit like Spotify and Netflix

Jewish tricks as in
> stealing the coins out of a fountain
or more like
> grab the power over all the finance institutes and enslave nations and people and create laws that people are jailed when they expose you

There are no Jewish tricks wow lol can you believe this guy, next thing he will say “the moon landing is fake” ha whatever this guy is a doofus

I siphon gas out of various cars in my neighborhood. Never all of it because then they'd know for sure, just enough to make them think "didn't I just fill up? I need to get something more efficient because this is ridiculous"

You are insane did you bring your tinfoil hat to this thread?

Slaughter the messiah

Woah what the hell buddy

OP said Jewish not nigger tricks

I wear a tinfoil yamulke

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You guys hate something for no reason, relax there is better things to do than spread hate

Buy your socks all from the same maker, model and color
When one gets torn you don't have to throw a pair away; you keep the single, wait for another one to get unpaired then match them

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>subvert positions in finance and media
>promote multiculturalism to hide amongst the horde
>call anyone who points this out an antisemite
Am i doing it right, OP?

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>He cares about having matching socks

Never gonna make it, sorry

that is actually really smart thanks
just make sure to have socks for summer and for winter

That's more like a gypsy trick.

>he doesn’t search for damaged cans at the supermarket to get a discount
>he spends money on hobbies and interests
>he owns anything more recent that a crt tv
>he orders food when out with friends instead of eating at home afterwards
>despite all this he still believes he will make it

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Point out a false statement and I will take it back.

>he doesn’t appreciate the elecectricity savings of led v crt
Enjoy being poor, gentile

Friend had that idea. Faded at different rates.

Here's few for you Goyim:

Place our agents and helpers everywhere
Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans
Start fights between different races, classes and religions
Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way
Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials
Appeal to successful people’s egos
Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail
Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism
Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us
Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary
Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism
Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect
Rewrite history to our benefit
Create entertaining distractions
Corrupt minds with filth and perversion
Encourage people to spy on one another
Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor
Take possession of all wealth, property and (especially) gold
Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.
Introduce a progressive tax on wealth
Replace sound investment with speculation
Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments
Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

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>Be naked or kill someone, skin them and use that newly obtained organ as a warmth material.
>Create new weapons or tools from the bones of the body (for future killings).
>The blood collect it and store them in your newly created bowls from the bones. You can use this blood to drink it.
> The meat, well thats obvious, eat it. You can live in the forest by cutting trees with your newly made tools and create fire by using the old African trick. Then you can boil the blood as well.
>Hair you can leave it on the skin for more warmth.
>Create a cult of people who think like you and dominate the world with your newly founded tribe of the blood cultists.

Why, so you can twist my words and make it seem like I’M the crazy one? No thanks you racist

Point out what was a lie in my post and I will take it back.

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Yeah sure believe a guy on an anonymous imageboard, have you no decency? Anyway, I’m out of here, got better things to do than waste my time with bigots

Pretty much this. The more you pay attention and look, the more obvious it is.
Everyone in Congress and in the Senate should take a DNA test.
Those with dual citizenship are unfit to operate in politics.

Spotted the jew

So you are saying that what I said is the truth and is not debateable for the future?

k thanks

Buy a book of raffle tickets online, print out a little laminate card and lanyard and go door to door selling tickets for a non existent raffle to benefit the charity of me.

>not using public restrooms instead
Not gonna make it

>I’m out of here
Good, plebbit was on the last block, faggot


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itt: poorfags anonymous

Well I'm not wrong

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>use grocery bag for garbage

>no need to spread hate
>t. Jew
The irony levels here are astounding!

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kek, my african flatmate at uni was stealing toilet paper towels from his gym to save money.
This niggas dad was an big african diplomat too and rich af.

>tfw i buy 20 $ of celery every month

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>mfw goys are stealing napkins while I'm printing money out of thin air, loaning it out and charging compound interest.

>mfw goverments can't pay loans back and we take all the natural resources as a collateral.

>mfw when we start to tax you for breathing. (Carbon tax 2.0)

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why da fug i gotta drink blood? in forest theres gotta be river around

I caught someone siphoning my tank a few years ago on camera. Threatened to have them arrested unless they pay me $100 a month. Still getting paid.

They should have beaten you

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And add an assault charge? Nah.

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jesus christ I want to nail you to a cross you filthy jew fuck

>turn off lights when leaving the room
>turn off water while brushing teeth or washing hands
>return seasonal attire after events ie Halloween, parties with dress codes
>eat as many free samples as possible at stores, free meal
>bring instant noodles or frozen food with you on vacations so you don't have to go out to eat at tourist traps
>never use ac, only fan and windows
>always buy generic
>ignore standard price labels, only check the unit prices (price per pound, sq ft, kg)
>always carpool with other people to save gas and car mileage, it helps to pretend your bad at driving
>always have other people cook for you, it helps to pretend your bad at cooking
>always buy things in bulk, toilet paper, tissues, condoms
>always separate bills at restaurants
>never get drinks or soda when your out, only water

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>he doesnt damage cans to get them cheaper

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Tbh if that's their motivation I wouldn't say it's evil.

How will they hide when they're the only (((whites))) left if every country is muttland?

great work jannies! all these Jow Forums posts are certainly enriching Jow Forums!

diversity is our greatest strength after all

How do they pay you