LlNK has been the 5th best investment you could have made in the past 3 months

yet everyone's shitting on it. why?

Attached: Untitled.png (728x413, 25K)

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share your source user ty

>next to dogecoin
...user, it's just a meme

you need to filter to only show top 100 otherwise you're gonna get $1000 mcap shitcoins in your list

Link to the digitex futures airdrop


> if you ignore all the coins that have performed better coinbase pirce checker(oops i meant chainlink) is #1


Seems about right. I remember link being ~2000 sat a few months ago...but..most of the linkies on here bought it when it was 50 cents-$1.

They might have dca’d a bit, but I bet on a average they are still in the red on it

Because link is a 'band aid solution' according to Enigma.

The Enigma devs are literally BTFO CL in its own telegram just now

Because we can. This is Jow Forums after all. The point is that despite all our FUD it still looks better than anything else.

>Makes band aid solution
>Real solution is band aid solution, guys. Trust me

Because it's a worthless ERC20 token/meme and you all fell for it.

I have sympathy for this statement

Not shitting on it

But why do you guys have to made 5 threads at once instead of one. It is a massive spam and makes you look either like a scam or like retards or both.

Just make one thread and nobody will shit on you anymore

>What are filters
Never gonna make it

What's with all the enigma shills on biz in the past few weeks? New bounty?

went all in link around june/july and im up about +50% now

Link FUD is getting even more retarded than usual.

Well you know how many bandaid solutions are currently running in the world because we have no better option? Sometimes it takes a very long time for something better than a bandaid solution to come a long.

biggest scam of 2018 cant believe people are still falling for it

Don't buy LINK like I did Jow Forums...

Attached: 1523802685093.jpg (900x900, 179K)

yes, and the meme runner up is dogecoin

Got etp, hot and link. Not bad.

awful distribution.

Link fudders see an opportunity to use eng for link fud. I have done it in a couple threads myself. It'a good fun.

i DCA'd enough to now be up nearly 1.5 BTC. just flip all your shitcoins to link if you want any hope. No real investor holds on to shit that dies by 70%

h o l o c h a i n

Attached: 1536861630866.jpg (238x212, 7K)

Ive actually made money in crypto in 2018 thanks to link & holo.

>you guys
>implying he's not one of us
Never going to make it