Crypto will never have volatility again. This is what a mature market looks like.
Crypto will never have volatility again. This is what a mature market looks like
This party is boring. I am leaving.
NO! They said we were early adopters!
This is it, there will be no 100k bitcoin. There will be no alt booms. Its just sideways at 6k for the long term future.
lmao another fud post to curb the masses. go suck on a bag of shit user. i just saw two 10x's pop off in the last few weeks. so you and your delusional best friend can fuck right off and never return
Where is the FUD. The reality is that BTC is a stable coin now. We have gone days with basically zero movement. Boomer stocks are way more exciting than crypto.
Bitcoin has been highly volatile for the entirety that it has ever had a price, but in 2018 all that came to a stand-still and it will remain this way forever, even during a global economic crisis.
I'm always down for a good larp, but desu you're existence annoys me. I just went up 60% in the last 3 days, what are you even babbling on about "stable". Yeah btc might be bouncing on support but child please, you've clearly not been here long. Go study a basic chart and come back. Respect your elders you sperg.
Every new asset is volatile until it matures. We hit the maturity point with bitcoin which is why its going sideways now. Its bad for excitement, but now maybe businesses will use it.
>We have gone days with basically zero movement
>when it matures it goes sideways
We went sideways for 2 years you morons.
Riddle me this. How can we have so much good news, Fidelity, BAKKT, NASDAQ, White House interest and yet absolutely nothing moves the market? When it was small the mere mention of anything crypto related would pump the market. Maybe it just can't boom anymore because it has settled into its true stable price. Seems like we are done with the massive growth periods.
price suppression by whales
The point of my low-effort remark is that Bitcoin is far from mature, and it will go to 100k unless Proof of Work mining is flawed or some other hard to foresee event.
This bear market may go on a bit longer, but it feels more like the price is being suppressed.
Exactly. Look at all these shorts.
So let me get this straight. When BTC went parabolic to 20k that was natural. Now that it has stabilized at a reasonable 6k it is being suppressed. This makes no sense.
OP is a Fed shill
You can't just say people with ideas you don't like are shills.
are you millennials dense? We've had THREE bust cycles where btc literally goes sideways for 2 years before the next halving.
The only time we had an extended bear was when Gox died and that was special circumstances.
>It was super healthy in 2015.