Reminder that the only way you'll be rich is if you work towards self-employment.
No one ever became rich working for someone else.
Reminder that the only way you'll be rich is if you work towards self-employment.
No one ever became rich working for someone else.
>being angry at people you voluntary work for
This guy won’t have his money for long. Plus for $200k there are way better ways to fuck with a guy. Sad!
That's either one hell of a lawn or a very tall pile
Being this poor
Oh man that is the face of bliss haha
Yeah he could have hired guys to gangstalk his boss. People would have dismissed him as schizo and he would prolly kill himself. Even x thinks gangstalking is not real. Cheaper and more effective.
How bad life is in america that people there think this is a good idea
Its not voluntary if the options are either work or be homeless. Thats a form of coercion
He'll be broke if not dead in 5 years or less
Tell that to the early employees of Facebook and Google
Those employees were given equity in the company in the form of shares. They were working for themselves.
Fuckin based
Reminder that the lottery jackpot will be $1,000,000,000+ Friday and someone in the US will very likely receive 800 million dollars in cash before this week ends.
He won 125 million and look how fucking happy he is.
>if I post a brainlet meme I'm right
>in cash
He is though
>my only options in society are wageslaving for shit jobs or starve
>wait what do you mean, how did my boss get to be a boss? God made him that way as He made me an indentured servant
still 200k on shit after you just won life...seems like a faggot.....
It's going to be one hell of a ride when a typical npc receives 1 billion dollars suddenly. I wouldnt be surpsided the winner going bankrupt in few years =D
He could have worked at McDonald's. He CHOSE to work for that man.
>t. has never had to work with trust fund babbies who only got their job because their dad is an executive
Shit is hilarious. 200k of manure is more than a shit ton of manure. I would recommend he not do it every week, though.
>No one ever became rich working for someone else.
Lots of Surgeons, Mathematicians(who work in financial industries) and Lawyers are rich while working for other people. These three professions are vastly more profitable than your average entrepreneur.
I wish I could have that face of happiness
I used to think this. But even as an entrepreneur you work for you clients/customers who can me way more demanding than a boss. They may be financially incentivized to be as demanding as possible.
tldr: You'll suck dick if you want to make money. The one choice you have is which dicks to suck.
They would never allow someone to win that much. Some games never have a first prize winner
It would be pretty impressive if someone blew through 1 billion on a few years
bossman living in his head rent free
Jackpot is 868 million cash option is just under 500 million.
Your post reeks of retardation...
The guy is retarded. He's gonna have to pay to clean and then cut the guy a fat check.
Mega million is 800+m today but expected to reach 1Bn by Friday. Who is the retard again
Good thing I am a mathematically proven lawyer surgeon
I'm self-employed. Like a man who is 5ft11 is king of the manlets, we are the kings of the wagies.
Yet we are still wagies. Gilded cagie wagies, but wagies nontheless.
thats what u call a choice
>Cost to go to school to become a Surgeron/Lawyer/Math
>a math degree and no experience
Doubt he cares with that smile.
why do Jackpots have to be that much? Why can't prizes be 100k and below? That is honestly mocking what's wrong with the unequal distribution of wealth; especially into a poorman's hands.
>throwing a tantrum because you have to choose between two bad situations.
congrats, you are a child.
This man is the PRECISE depiction of a top tier brainlet
>Spend 200k on shit
>Spend the 5+ hours it takes to load and transport shit to location
>Get caught and possibly charged with trespassing, littering and property damage (Probably a 5k bail bond)
>Run risk of being sued for property damage (can range from 10k-200k)
Fucking retard here, I hope this bastard loses it all
Yeah but think about how he made his bosses house smell like shit for who knows how long
Nice cope, but they were employees working for the company.
Its not even 0.5% of his networth I would say its worth it. Its like spending $5000 on something at a auction that your rival really wants just to have it when your networth is $1 000 000
>tfw it won't be me
I'm going to end it if I don't win, after all, i'm a supreme gentleman.
nigga you pay a fucking truck driver to pick it up and dump it Wtf are you talking about
>All these ass hurt comments
Who cares if he's a brainlet, look at his face. That's the face of bliss. Let's admit it, you are jealous of him. Both of his money and his bliss, but mostly his bliss.
>you will never be that satisfied
>Its like spending $5000 on something at a auction that your rival really wants just to have it
Can someone explain this feeling to me? Ive had friends mention wanting to try to sleep with acquaintances gfs even tho theyre unattractive or wanting to buy one of kind items from friends just to take it away from them. Ive never experienced this feeling but it seems kinda odd.
>Schedule a truck driver's availability and truck usage (24+ hrs)
>Call and setting up order 200k worth of shite including transaction time and clearing with Bank(1hr)
>Driver to wait for the loading of shite before take off (2hr)
>Drive (1hr)
>Having the shite unloading onto your avg size lawn (2hrs)
You do the math faggot
have you ever experience dominance user?
you call a soil company or whatever, say I want x amount of cow shit and to deliver it to this address address and dump it on rhe lawn
phone call takes 15 minutes tops
5 minutes doing a wire transfer
do you think the guy in op manually shoveled shit?
God you are a bunch of salty cucks. What's the use of getting rich if you can't fuck with people you don't like and do some crazy shit every now and then?
As long as he isn't doing thisnkind of thing weekly only an NPC wouldn't see the lulz in this...
You fags don't want to win at life you want to flee from it.
Everything in life has three choices when somebody does you a wrongo
>Do nothing and be thought of as a weakling
>Hey Fuck you! (nobody cares here.)
>Go overboard and be thought of as a cunt
Yeah you mean $400 million right? Such a lucky goy should be honored to be able to make the (((requisite))) tax ehm....donation.
This user is right.
I'm a trust fund baby and everything get handed to you on a silver platter.
The only thing you have to do is not screw it and keep doing what you are told.
In my case I had a major blow up with my dad and not only did I get fired but he talked with the rest of the big shots to get me blacklisted on most of the jobs.
Now I'm working in the same field in a place I made for myself despite all that.
The problem is people still treats me like a trust fund baby while i have none of the benefits. It sucks but that's life.
They would be liable then, you have to physically dump it from the truck yourself.
All of the "rich" doctors and lawyers have their own practices or are partners (part owners)
I agree but this is a technicality. Unfair.
its really really really easy to spend money user. not understanding this means youve never had much acccess to the shit.
oh give it to me, i'll make it last
if you personally deal with clients or customers, you don't have a business, you are self employed.
I have a business with a few pajeets doing everything and all I do is manage them 1 hour a week.
It is pure bliss and it makes more than any job I could get with my qualifications.
I do work 24 7 and have been for many years, but I work on whatever the fuck I want and don't deal with any BS personally, always a layer between me and BS.
Only reason I work is because while i've made it, I want to make it even more before I retire.
what you need 600 mil for goy?
Don't forget taxes, fees for attorney goldstein and charity for little niggers
Here is your 300 million
You will receive it in 12 payments of 20 million
>tfw i'm winning the lottery friday but will have my accounting firm accept it anonymously and you fags will be the only ones i tell
oh no
only 20 million
details or larp
It was already $900,000,000 when i posted. I'm pretty sure ticket sales tomorrow will almost double the jackpot like it did last time it hit 1 billion. Taxes is 39% federal, my state doesn't have state income taxes. So at $1.2b or so, $800m will be the prize after taxes, possibly a full billion dollars if it goes to 1.5b+ before taxes
Delete this
>Lots of Surgeons, Mathematicians(who work in financial industries) and Lawyers are rich while working for other people.
You need to inherit a math brain to become a surgeon and a financial bean counter and not a lot of people have that. Average Joe has a better chance of getting rich working hard for himself, delegating responsibilities and have the discipline to follow through with plans.
Nice larp, fag.
fake news
There was a guy that did this to a business parking lot but I don't think he was a lottery winner.
its from one of those fake news sites you idiots
Michael Jordan is worth 1.6B and worked for the Chicago bulls.
Sucks to suck. The reason they treat you that way is because your dad will get over hiself eventually or you'll inherit a fortune after his death. Because he wouldn't have raised you as trust fund baby if he didn't eventually intend to give you your milky. Right now your in time out.
Sounds like my old man. He cut me off too. Your Dad is just trying to control you. Just keep telling him to fuck off and he'll eventually give you his money because who else is he going to give it to?
Dealing with pajeets is literal hell
Confirmed larp