why do banks like Morgan Stanley publish in-depth fundamental analysis for free? are they trying to trick me? or do they really want me to make it?
Why do banks like Morgan Stanley publish in-depth fundamental analysis for free? are they trying to trick me...
advertisement. it's like the crazy people in the city centre make a fuzz about the end of the world: once the socialist revolution happens they're in charge.
I met with a pretty important guy at Morgan Stanley, my mum set the meeting up since they went to college together and she wanted him to give me advice.
They’re all total brainless, seriously. They will often delegate and redelegate and redelegate so there fancy portfolios full of “research” look really glossy but 90% of the work was done by first year junior analysts parsing data from their machines. The data the machine has is somewhat valuable but it’s the same data every bank is using hence why they are essentially in gridlock.
He then told me the most important job in banking is “acquisition, allocation, and retention” of clients, that you ONLY ever promote the instruments that the bank offers, and that these instruments are put together in the back office by a bunch of mathematics guys.
So basically it’s so compartmentalised that no one really has a comprehensive view of what’s going on, this is why they often get outperformed by small hedge funds run by a handful of people. The key is then to promote the BRANDING and to constantly treat clients to dinners and shit. So that even if they can get a better product at “Smith and Jones Banking” they stick with your product because rich people are also brainless and are terrified of not using “the big name”. It’s like how the vast majority of really rich people use iPhones unless they’re in tech because they psychologically “trust” Apple more.
That’s when I realised that really rich people basically think like roasties since their whole life they have received the same asslicking treatment as attractive women. The exception are self made entrepreneurs but they are actually the minority of rich people, the people you want to approach and get invested are people who inherited their wealth.
>They’re all total brainless, seriously. They will often delegate and redelegate and redelegate so there fancy portfolios full of “research” look really glossy but 90% of the work was done by first year junior analysts parsing data from their machines.
you must be really retarded.
financial advisors job isn't soley on portfolio management. there are thousands upon thousands of money managers and portfolio managers.
as financial advisors it's our job to assess your risk tolerance and LONG TERM investment goals.
our main focus is FINANCIAL PLANNING and choosing the appropriate blend of mutual funds and ETFs and other investment vehicles.
if you think we are brainless try passing your series 7 and 66 and CFP and tell me how easy that is.
By the way I'm also in crypto. some of these guys who are all in on one coin is seriously the most retarded thing you can ever do in terms of managing your risk vs reward
good luck user.
Based user triggering the fuck out of morgan stanley kikes
Why can't you manage your own money so well that you don't have to work for other people then?
When I say portfolio I didn’t mean stock portfolio, I mean these glossy thick physical portfolios they print out full of their priceless “research”, and of course it’s about risk management. They handle accounts of people with tens of millions if not hundreds. Plus a huge role they have is assessing valuations in the context of mergers and takeovers etc. I’m not an idiot I understand that they operate as a well oiled machine for a very specific purpose. But my other point is if your net worth is like 200k you’re better of making a few calls of your own using your own research than listening to these guys research that will net you 6% annually. I have been trading in stocks and options for six years, my average return has been like 19% a year, not counting crypto, but my binary outcome rate is really high, for every ten trades I make about two bad ones and I’ve had almost a hundred positions over the years.
Like everything a lot of the influence these banks have is branding though, if you don’t know that then you have no idea what you’re talking about.
please how can I be like you and make 8 good trades out of 10
where and how can I start
He's larping. If he could he wouldn't have to work for a living.
managing wealth on a personal level is very different from actually placing buy and sell trades for clients, thats what SMAS are for so financial advisors can focus more on financial planning.
i.e retirement planning
retitement planning
college funding
estate planning
coordinated tax strategies with your cpa
we are not stock brokers that pitch you stocks like you see in the movies. its a very different role from the money managers that manage funds, etfs, smas and the like
ofcourse its all about presentation and perception you think we are going to give clients economic and investment information on Mead notebook paper with scribbled notes?
wtf is your point.?
if you can manage your own portfolio and trades I commend you.
i have met doctors and business owners who are too busy to do what you and i do.
honestly though i hope you have a game plan of the markets turn sour on gour 19% gains. high beta portfolios will be down way more than the overall market.
just because you can fix your own toilet, people still need plumbers
Improve your reading comprehension pajeet. I’m not criticising the presentation, I’m just saying the presentation plays a bigger role than substance. That branding is integral to these firms, MorganStanley and Goldman Sachs are not these titans of industry commanding the best and brightest minds of our generation. They are salesman, and what they sell is of pretty good quality but they’re gonna TELL you that it’s of the best quality imaginable.
I have a pretty good idea of where to invest when the market turns sour, it’s something with extremely slow and stable growth and rock solid fundamentals and it isn’t some precious metal.
But yeah good luck with your career.
Post said analysis
favorite books or pointers in the right direction user? you sound very fascinating
>presentation plays a bigger role than substance.
LOL. just because you are a self-directed POS know it all, this couldn't be further from the truth.
and I'm not a pajeet or indian nice try.
you're just a an arrogant asshole who thinks his gains in an all equity high beta portfolio is fair comparison to balanced strategy with moderate or modest gains.
like i said good luck if you are trying to retire in the next couple years and we have another financial downturn.
good luck liquidating your high risk positions when the markets suddenly open up much lower the following day.
>my average return has been like 19% a year
> my binary outcome rate is really high, for every ten trades
you have no idea how many times i hear people brag about their gains but NEVER EVER have statements to show me their profits and losses. not even a 1099.
and 200k aint shit.
if that's all you have you don't meet our minimums.
you fit into the typical normie of what we call a fucking "piker" who bitches about commissions on odd lot trades.
Been trying to find a good fiduciary who is also in crypto. Any chance you have a throw away contact to post?
they really dont
Morgan Stanley research can easily cost 1 million per paper
sometimes even way more
they are paid by the banks to shill their (((crap)))
Equity research is essentially a commoditized product and in many cases the company they're covering in their (((research))) is also a banking client of theirs meaning they can't really actually talk freely and truthfully about the company and instead have to spin it in a good light
everything in sell-side banking exists to generate more investment banking business. Research is essentially a cost center.
Because fundamental analysis is gay as hell
wrong. financial advisors that work for some banks, especially the larger and well more well known ones do NOT have to shill their own crap.
they can sell a wide range of funds and discretionary managed accounts that aren't even managed by the bank itself.
now a days there isn't an incentive to sell proprietary products. it's "open architecture" for the most part in some of these places where it isn't even the custodian in some cases i.e annuity contracts.
do not be so ignorant.
>Because fundamental analysis is gay as hell
>Why can't you manage your own money so well that you don't have to work for other people then?
assuming I'm not a partner at a independent advisory firm?
assuming I'm a wagecuck and not an entrepreneur?
the sheer ignorance of some of the people on Jow Forums is quite staggering
and in all their rudeness expect to get reliable and sound advice from random strangers.
Yes. Fundamental analysis is mostly a meme to trick normies. Unless you're talking to managers and reading figures you are just a news cuck. TA is everything.
>By the way I'm also in crypto. some of these guys who are all in on one coin is seriously the most retarded thing you can ever do
If you think you can "diversify" crypto by buying more tokens then you are the tard master. It makes literally no difference how many shitcoins you are in, they all follow BTC.
fundamentals matter more in the long run you idiot.
TA is only good for shor term trading.
>the idiot who trades crypto and thinks fundamentals don't matter
so you mean to say the reason why crypto and blockchain and decentralized internet matter now more than it did in 2010 has nothing to do with fundamentals??
seriously go neck yourself
>they all follow BTC
Assuming there won't be more USD and other euro pairds directly to more cryptos.
>arguing with brainlet is like beating a dead horse with a stick
>the idiot who larps as a wall st exec and thinks that "diversification" means buying multiple shitcoins
>series 7
>series 66
LMFAO. dude...anybody with a fucking undergrad finance degree can pass those. try taking the CFA or the CIMA, CRM. then talk.
diversification still helps you fucking idiot.
if you're all in on one coin and it has a double spend attack that shit could go to zero. it's akin to weeding out business risk to all the morons who go all in on one stock or company.
there are certain things you can't diversify out of which is systemic risk or the overall sentiment of the crypto market.
but two shit coins is certainly better than going all in on just one.
you seriously can't be this retarded
CFA has nothing to do with financial planning. sirs
and if you majored in finance in college and not economics you certainly cucked yourself.
the fact of the matter is nobody should take anyone seriously in this thread when they think having a series 7 makes them "finance savvy". kys
>CIMA - accounting lulz.
I'm not a tax planner, analyst...these are very different roles
CRM - record keeping. top kek.
alrighty then wagie!
lol i didn't say that. but having the CFP certainly does make me finance savvy.
i hate wall street investor faggots like you, you're all so fucking sleezy. everything is about wining and dining, aesthetics and bullshit to you, and you trick actual hard working americans into giving their money so they can "make it". If you knew how to make it with their money why the fuck can't you do it with yours?
get hit by a taxi
#1 rule in life
NOTHING is free
>thinking CRM means record keeping....
>thinking he knows anything when he has a license that a glorified car salesman can acquire.
this is true. most rich people are completely retarded. they were just lucky enough to get the "rich" NPC upgrade
obviously, like every social class, there are exceptions to this. in general, though, most people are retards
>you knew how to make it with their money why the fuck can't you do it with yours?
"making it" is different for everybody user.
depends on your lifestyle.
being a millionaire may be making it to some. but for others, we set the standards and goals much higher.
don't be jelly. envy comes with the territory.
i never heard of the CRM because it probably doesnt even matter to have one here in the US.
If you want to be quant you're better off getting a PHD in mathematics or something similar.
tell me how much the passing rate is on the CFP.
and what fucking credentials do you have?
most analysts are bunch of anti-social incels who like to number crunch and are bad with people, especially women.
keep on hating. lmaoo
i know of some people at union square ventures you can check them out, i'm not sure on what their minimums are i havnt really bothered to ask
"Risk Tolerance"
Is that another word for how much bonus you can make
Thanks for the post. Interesting stuff.
certain people have different degrees of risk tolerence, it refers to how comfortable people are with volatility
younger folks are less risk averse, in the case of crypto some of us younger guys are okay with waiting through a 90% correction.
I'm sure you grandmother or mother in this case would not be comfortable with this type of risk given they had plans to leave their job or retire on a specific year maybe in 2019.
THAT is risk tolerance and investment time horizon and how it can vary from person to person.
half you biz morons think making money without any consideration to risk is a misnomer
go neck yourself