/smg/ - Stock Market General

Cheshire Cat edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:
pastebin.com/mrSchZPg (embed)

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:
pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed)

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:
pastebin.com/y9PRQLR3 (embed)

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Suggested books:

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


please respond
is AMD a meme or will it moon, is it a gamble or is their earnings good?

You only had to listen /smg/.

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welp.. looks like we missed that one huh? wouldn't be suprised to see some FOMO buy and lose their shit tho

ment for

yeah Im in a demo too now, check out grid options it looks p cool

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Who else watching SHLD for the $1 tomorrow

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What is bitcoins guarantee?

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How long does it take to get verified on Robinhood?

thats alright i picked up some more at $137. last week i had an order in for $149 hoping for a "dip"
V is the future

BGFV has a nice divi

think it's gonna freefall tomorrow? tempting to short the hell out of it.

only took me a day but ive heard it varies

I have no clue.. I haven't really looked into it would be happy if someone could give me the run down though.

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What broker(s) would y'all recommend for forex?

It was instant for me, only friends who didn't put money in or just some shit like $20-100 didn't get instant verification.

until it doesn't have one.

i'd rather risk it on a high div reit than retail

Chinese mosquitoes are pansies compared to texas mosquitoes
texas has the biggest and most aggressive mosquitoes in the worla here
they seriously nightmare


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why dont people buy before EX div date and sell the next day?

how do u find stocks like this?

game winning strategy:

buy equal positions in SQQQ and TQQQ
- every time SQQQ spikes move your position over to TQQQ at a rate of 2:1 with the performance of SQQQ for the day
- everytime SQQQ falls mover your position from TQQQ to SQQQ at the same ratio mentioned above

prove me wrong NPC's
(((gonna try this out next week am I a retard)))

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because it isn't a qualified dividend. you're not provided the best tax benefit of 15% or less for most people. if its not qualified youre taxed based on your income.

holy shit


I give it a week before it returns to single digits.

Also check stocktwits for the weekly trending stocks.

because every newfag and their mom has come up with that brilliant fucking strategy and realized it doesn't work.

Congratulations... you wanna know how I know you are new?

Time to follow ramo2020?

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>how do u find stocks like this?
you get lucky.

is it too late to jump on sheild? do i have FOMO?

thinkin i might put 20$ in and hope for 900% gain

I'm not sure about the long haul 900% as I've no interest in those, but if you're looking for a quick 20~30% take you should eye it hard for the next 2 days

I played spooky games for Shocktober and now I'm quietly sitting in the far corner of my bed with all lights on and doors locked. I'm so bad with spooky stuff

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sears new designation is SLQQ we /inverse etf/ now

Mother of god.

>is it too late to jump on...

That phrase is pretty much the definition of FOMO.

how the fuck does he know?

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he had a 14,000$ position @ approx $1.50

the chosen ones... also wtf is this?

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Well I followed him.
>inb4 his next pick goes -900%

Don't be so negative guy. Let's make some gains.

post it in here too

you can see the difference in he's picks when he really hypes something you know its gonna be good


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What the fuck? So im assuming this is a shell company and this guy is someone who gave the laundering efforts away? Because theres no way in hell a company selling brick and concrete like a dozen others just jumps like that.

he's been shilling it for about a week and nobody would listen

he says to invest in all of the ones he mentions. probably just in case. i might get a chunk in all of these

kek me watch scary movies to help sleep at night
really like the monster ones where people torn apart
calms me for some reason
watching "boar" atm

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They invented the God Brick
the ultimate brick
think super legos

I dunno planes, it seems like he might be onto the secret to how to win at stocks. Meanwhile TLT investors.

seriously who is this guy

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big boom baby!

Or trade it in accordance to the stochastic indicator and stop being a retard

Everytime I hold a stock overnight... it just crashes to hell... not bag holding anymore... damn this market.

can you do me a favor and buy a share of TLT tomorrow and hold it?

T-thanks for the cheapies!

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RIP in peace my BLNK gainz from yesterday

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>tfw stuck bagholding because of the limited daytrades meme

Uncle Powell is all you need. I'll hang onto the ROPE instead...

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About to put $20k into TQQQ. Am I gonna make it?

10-Year Bond Yield is mooning.


>inb4 anounces fed rises interest rates tomorrow

If green futures mean a red day... red futures must surely mean a green day...


I got my pink wojaks cocked, locked, and ready to rock in any case.

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that's not a healthy way to live, friend

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futures all turned horribly red right before market open yesterday... problem with the pre market data is its super volatile and anything can happen at the last minute really. its pretty much a weather report - just gives you a chance to have an idea of whats happening

That ship has already sailed, it's free falling tomorrow. Although I found a diamond in the rough that is said to jump significantly tomorrow, $HSGX....check it out, tell me what you think.

dilution, this is like drys with out any fucking actual tangible capital.

is it pretty much over for chinese stocks?

im at -10% do i sell off and cut my loses or cling to them? I fuckin hate trump so much man

Got a couple calls in, hoping they pay off.

Short term maybe, Im still holding onto JD and BABA though long term

If you invested earlier like in march (like I did) it would have been fucking great, but its going to cool down and not be mooning anytime soon. Good long-term though.

Hey guys, this guy gave his money to a totalitarian state, that claims it isn't communist, and expected returns on investments!


How do you find companies to buy?

Everything online is about vetting companies you are thinking of buying. But how do you discover new stocks?

Do you just randomly hear about people shilling them and then go vet them? There are too many choices.

right here friend, also youtube

what do you guys think about $ABUS

good chance of rebound tomorrow?

you can literally find just about anything you want right there, if you can't find what you want, get off your ass and do it your self.

i still hold tencent cause without wechat what is china. fuckin government hates them though

Markets. Nasdaq.com or .org is what I use. There is literally 10000 of stocks you can find in different categories.
No retard. Thats how you fall for jew scams.

nice link

time to get some IBM on sale?

>you get lucky
^ this right here
It takes some people years + thousands to learn that markets are mostly random and charts won't tell you shit


How do you guys feel about SEE

Their ticker has a lot of E's. You can't lose.

why come it go down?

Is tsla a meme? You never know when it's going to drop because of a tweet

Buy MSFT. It's safe bet at least until Nadella leaves. He's loves the cloud, enterprise, and basically told Windows Phone users to eat shit.

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ibm fell more tho, gibbe me good discount on msft and we talk

if it crashe again tomorroooe i will buy both,


a mere taste of what tomorrow will bring

Jerome Powell is doing what needs to be done, whether you like it or not. He's the hero you need.

What are the chances of further crashes leading up to the midterms?

When the powerful market isolated NIKKEI is down you know shit is about to pop off.


Anyones guess really, all depends on how jewish Mr Powell is feeling

>all in SQQQ

whats the difference between SQQQ and UVXY