>Took the bus today
>See group of homeless niggers
>One of them yells "Yo look at that white bois ugly ass shoes what the fuck are you wearing broke ass niggah"
>Another one starts calling me kmart boy
>People in the bus are laughing
>I get off the bus to avoid further humiliation
Should I invest in better clothing bros? I have 11 btc worth of alts that I'm hoarding and I've refused to cash out. I also buy really cheap clothing because I've always thought fancy clothes was a waste of money. Should I just cave in and buy new clothing to avoid future humiliation?
Took the bus today
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you just need good style. you can get good shoes on sale at aldo for like $40
yes user let homeless niggers dictate your life, good idea.
Imagine being such a cuck you write an erotic story on an anonymous forum about how you got forced into sucking bbc. Cringe.
lol at this goofy nigga still holding beanie baby coins u s a dumbass bitch
Why would you care what niggers think
I weep for the white race
They are so cucked anymore its rediculous
They assaulted you. You should have shot them in self defense.
He cute
If you care what homeless people think of you.........
this is bait
no one cares what niggers think
Did I mention that they were making fun of my shoes.
Jesus just buy some quality leather sneakers. Shit is not hard. Spend 100 on some Common Project clones that are 90 percent as good. Clean, white leather sneakers are good with every non-retard look.
niggers buy plastic garbage other niggers advertise
buy wool socks, blankets, underwear, etc.
spend the rest on a car so you don't need to be exposed to the nigger trash the democrats promote
Marshall's is SUPER cheap but has really nice clothes and shoes
user, if homeless people have better kicks than you, you gotta an hero
No, you should have stood up for yourself, you should be entitled to wear whatever you want without some dickhead thinking he can get away with making remarks like that. Start lifting weights and boxing, guarantee you will encounter less of that.
I have several running shoes/trainers that niggers would goof on but they have support and durability gay ass shoes can't offer
hell even kanye shoes can be bought for $35 from chinks it's all a joke but you can't fake saucony/asic quality
Next time tell them that you can kill them and get away with it.
I was wearing new balance shoes. They were pretty dirty because I jog in the park every morning.
Should've gotten back at him with the best smug smile you can muster and own your fucking look
get of a pair of these
>being this unaware of another culture
you stupid fuck you really think a bunch of black folk give a fuck about what some loser is wearing?
I feel cars are a waste of money. What with gas, insurance, and trips to the mechanic when it breaks down. I'll probably just start taking ubers.
Stop worrying about what retards think.
Great idea. OP pictured.
Did they have nicer shoes than you?
new balance are nice
I run in the saucony and lift/basketball in the asic
niggers can't relate to functionality
why would you care what a bunch of homeless niggers would think, I'm on probation for a weed arrest and niggers at probation complement each other on their jordans and they're total fags
I can outrun all of them
put that shit to the test faggot. next time you're there call them niggers and see if you can outrun them in your 'functional' shoes..
These shoes as ugly as fuck. I don't understand why normies love them so much.
Really guys, redpill me on these. Am I missing something??? They look fukking ugly.
I will, I do 9 miles in training once a week (atleast 2-5 miles a day minimum)
I weigh 220 right now and lift regularly
I know I have better cardio, all a nigger could do is cheap shot me and even still I would beat their faggot ass
sorry that happened fren, maybe dont live around thoes types of people
adidas ultraboost or new balance fresh foam are very comfy
Wtf is that abomination? It looks like you are wearing two fucking Gila monsters.
They only fit a very strict style, but that doesn't stop normies from wearing them with bootcut jeans and cargo shorts.
Why? So they can rob you when you get off the bus?
Buy a car, fuck the niggers.
post proof too.
weighing 220 doesnt mean shit. whitebois like you get ko'd by skinny black dudes on the daily. it's not about how much you weigh, it's about your mentality.
none of the whitebois i know have the warrior mentality that black folk have. there's a few, but a NEET like you definitely doesn't. just reading your posts makes it obvious.
i hope you've got health insurance coz boy you're gonna get the beating of a lifetime. they'll take your shitty ass new balances too hahaha
top fucking kek
if they see you with nice shoes that means they know you have money, they're going to jump you next time.
if you can't afford a car don't dress nice.
very really nice
nigger you think you are soooo tough. keep running your monkeybrain gums. talking animals arent special we got parrots too. Watch out for the white men, the white boys may be correctly afraid of you dumb nigger ass but the white men will beat you down gun you down and hang you in the woods
I could fight if I need to, but I'm not saying I would win against a trained disciplined fighter
a random homeless nigger wouldn't be a problem unless I got stabbed by surprise
or a 1 vs 1 nigger vs match no problem but I respect martial arts and training and I know people could best me there
I bet you were foaming at the mouth when typing this, larper
never seen it happen. i have seen 'white men' who fucked with black folk for no reason getting beat up/robbed and even shot up tho.
what's funny is if you autist neet whitebois on here actually started treating people with respect, you'll see that black folk will actually help you get money and even get a woman. but no, you'd rather just sit here posting hitler memes angry at how you tyrone is banging your sister and how the jew is taking your money..
the last puffed up super muscle bodybuilder nigger that played tough with me was bleeding out his face with his teeth pushed through his face right out of his fucking thick nigger monkey face crying. say what you want but you cant change facts. Theres a reason white men kept niggers as slaves and it wasnt cause they were tough like the jew tv wants you to think
keep typing nigger, white MEN are going to kill you if you dont do EXACTLY what they say
that 'homeless random nigger' has had more fights in his life than you can imagine. go ahead give it a try see what happens.
you think it's easy living on the streets? homeless people (regardless of race) are some of the toughest motherfuckers you'll find. combine that with a mentality of literally having nothing to lose and you'll get your ass killed.
the more i read your posts, the more i realize you really ain't about that life. so quit trying to be, or atleast keep it on Jow Forums coz i'm telling you, you will get your ass killed if you pull this shit IRL.
The man's name who clapped? Albert Einstein
post a pic of what you look like. no face necessary.
i already have a pretty good idea of what i might see, but just wanna have some good proof..
obey or die nigger that is your only choice
blacks as a whole are a problem but individuals are alright lol
you're not wrong I've had a nigger wingman and had a conversation with a black for 15 minutes today but they need to keep in their lane
(maybe it's the jews pushing this tension)
they can't help with money through legitimate means though that's just retarded
that's just retarded
oh a homeless nigger fought over a bottle of alcohol oh my
how could I compete with my training speed skills nutrition and mind
get the fuck out of here
Funny how you white boys are so tough online but never say anything to my face
>if you can't afford a car don't dress nice.
Sound advice for all.
>should i invest in better clothing
no, the reason niggers are poor and remain poor is because they waste all their money on frivolous shit like namebrand clothes, shoes, weed, watches, phones, etc. of course these niggers are going to defend their distorted worldview. just ignore them and realize that by not caving into their social pressures, you'll end up financially superior to them
IF we catch you harrasing white boys we will kill you. If you behave poorly we will beat you into a crying ball of nigger. If you do exactly what we say and follow with 'thank you good white man' we will let you live and return to africa or live by our rules
blacks as a whole aren't a problem. the problem is that you as a white man are finding it difficult to accept that your fellow white men that you've been so loyal to are the very people who have been fucking you over since you were born. the black folk are trying to create their own lane and have successfully done so and managed to get out of the white man's system.
the same goes for the jew. the jew was the first western minority to figure out the white man's game and best them at it.
they can help you more than you can imagine with money. black folk have the hustler's mentality, i.e. they're extremely good at business.
you see that nigga arthur hayes? that dude isn't doing anything other than hustling, but in a legitimate field.
'legitimacy' is just a lie created by the governments to keep you in check. the business world is as corrupt as the dope game or whatever, which is why you see all these ex-dopeboys in the rap game for example absolutely killing it..
if you make a black friend (who's a decent person) and you're loyal to him, he'd give you the shirt off his back if needed. that's how the culture is. it's a culture where disloyalty and lack of honour is frowned upon.
>kmart boy
go try it then. hell at best you'll improve your mad fighting skills right? nothing to lose.
they too busy watching blacked cuz hahaha
nigger you know you robbed your freinds and your so called monkey nigger freinds robbed you, more than once. We both know this is fact. So get off your nigger equality trip and realize every technology you use was made by white men. USA was founded by white men who kept niggers as slaves. Obey or die
post a pic or shut the fuck up, lil scrawny ass asparagus lookin motherfucker ahaha
Niggers tease others as a way of showing affection and starting a conversation. They probably liked that you were taking the bus with them. It's a sign that they were trying to befriend you. When this happens, don't feel awkward, just laugh at yourself. They do this to each other all the time. You need to learn to not take yourself so seriously when being around niggers. This actually helps you. It makes it less likely that you get shot.
No joke, I do research on these things for a living.
that's the fakest bullshit I've ever read
you come at us with your preconceived notion that "white society" is keeping you down
go kill youself faggot you've been given unlimited opportunities in a society my people built
jew media has warped your mind to dehumanize the "white man" and we will exterminate you if you disrespect us anymore
You should have said "At least I have a home lol"
tell your momma you love her and your sorry. You are gone nigger gone
This stops being true when the subject they are "teasing" is a "white boi." They aren't teasing, and they will jump you if you try to say anything back, even if you're laughing or agreeing with them.
>The one black guy one Jow Forums always defends black people as not being violent and says its only the "ghetto" blacks who are violent
>Immediately resorts to violence and how black people are better at violence when called out
nah nigga white society is making us rich now. see black people were complaining about that shit only when we still hadn't figured out the white man's game, now we just make money off you.
look at the zoomer white culture today. look at the clothes they wear and the music they listen to. yeah we made our own lane.
the jews did the same. they made their own lane.
lmao you can't even hold eye contact with me beta, keep dreaming
you think this is sustainable?
nothing niggers have built is sustainable in the history of man
lol when did i say black people aren't violent? black people can be violent if needed. it's called having heart. violence has it's place in the world and will never go away. learn to accept it.
would i encourage violence against a whiteboi who tries to rob a black dude keeping to himself? hell fucking yes.
would i encourage violence against a white guy keeping to himself by a black dude? no way
get it right
the human body has been p sustainable hasn't it? go on look at yourself. looks p good doesn't it?
Stupid nigger you fucked up. I told you to behave but you keep running your monkey nigger fingers on that keyboard we designed. You are going to be rich no matter how much money you get. But you will die and you will know that white men are your master when its spinetime at the nigger drop
with homeless the only move is to show respect and if they decide to be rude to entertain themselves, your best options are ignore, or find out where they sleep and kill them (everyone should kill at least one person in their life, and with a homeless, there's really no risk)
It's a form of teasing, yes. I know it may sound racist to the core (because it is), but you need to pay attention to the context. OP was entering their territory, so they're in full control of the situation. OP had to be tested by the group.
They call each other by slurs all the time. It's a good way of getting an idea of what the other person's intentions are. If you get nervous, they put in you the 'racis whiteboi' category. If you accept the bullying and laugh at yourself, they will befriend you and respect you. It's like a rite of passage to see if you have the nerve to handle them. Pay close attention to how they interact between themselves and you will notice that this is a pattern.
all jew and nigger inventions have destabilized society
you can't find 1 example contrary
oh a nigger stole the peanut butter recipe what a fucking invention go kys faggot
Black people are doing well in society these days. I don’t dislike black people I just dislike liberals and almost all black people are liberal as fuck and think I’m racist which makes me dislike them. Kanye is doing great things for African American culture.
Regardless I will always hate your kind. You killed a friend of my for a fucking laptop and killed a family member and didn't even fucking steal something. I wish there was a white country where I could just fuck off too but there isn't so yeah we always going to be enemies blackboi.
i hope you realize that your shit isn't triggering me in the slightest if that's your intention. i know what you must look like IRL.
here's a tip. next time you see a black guy, try and talk to him and keep it real with him. tell him about how you're feeling shitty because you're broke and can't get pussy. he might actually help your ass out.
the whole black people beating up skinny, frail white dudes thing for no reason doesn't happen irl.
just buy a stick when some nigger look at you, just beat them and scream at them
hey i'm sorry to hear that shit man. just realize that evil runs in all of us regardless of how much melanin we have. i feel you tho, if that shit really happened to you, i can see why you'd hate black folk..
well everything the white man came up with destabilized society for p much every minority, so what's wrong with black folk playing the white man at his own game?
Just gonna leave this here...
it's the jew game that tricked retards into putting up with your uppity bullshit
do some research jesus christ
look at how great integration treated us
society is frothing at the mouth
what we built is crumbing because of your habits and niggardly ways
you can not comprehend what i look like nigger. you are a stupid talking ape. But you did fuck up running your monkey gums on the chan talking tough about how niggers beat up white boys. Well you are going to get hurt real bad, by white men. The hippy days are over and we are going to put you niggers back in your place
the jews aren't the ones causing you to be broke, it's the white man you hold so near and dear.
the jews just happened to be the first non-white group to figure out the game the white man had set up for the rest of us and not only capitalize on it but actually significantly beat the white man at it.
no one's frothing at the mouth except for folks like you who still haven't figured out the fact that your own people sold you out and still refuse to believe it.
btw, here's a hint. trump winning was a good thing for everyone, not just white folks.
naw i know exactly what you must look like. you won't do shit, whiteboi, either integrate or stay mad. your call..
those niggers were probably just mad because you weren't wearing nice shoes for them to steal and trade for crack
you better call your jew owner nigger cause you both are going to find out the hard way that we dont want africans in America anymore and if you think computers and airplanes were the last thing we made to dominate you, you are wrong. The truth of your own death and your jew owner is shocking and burning and very real. Nigger get out
be broke?
my family and myself are millionaires and we are being cut down by socialist taxes paying for nigger babies that grow into criminal faggots that hurt society
what game? destabilization? you think things are the way they are because it's how it is?
there are social constructs that have been destroyed and things will get progressively worse and worse
I honestly don't really give a fuck about you or niggers or jews, but this will all result in communists coming to steal what's left
you're a simple minded ape and it'll take 20 years for you to realize this
>american """"""""""""""style""""""""""""""""
Absolutely based
Well thanks for understanding I guess. I hate violence in all forms because of it regardless of which race is the perpetrator that is why I am really motivated to become good at it since I was a child. One sword keeps another in its sheath kind of thing but above all I just want to be left alone and be able to start a family in peace but modern life keeps people of all races and creeds rubbing shoulders and I don't see this ever getting resolved if people like me cannot find a way to live a peaceful but segregated life that isn't in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.
lol keep dreaming whiteboi. the slavs were supposedly the toughest your people had and even they get their asses straight murdered by blacks
good for you. i don't like welfare either by the way so we can agree on that. the rest of that shit doesn't deserve a response
stupid nigger what does a big giant nigger killing viking look like
any nigger who says white boy is fair game for getting killed
i feel you. learn to fight and get a legal gun to protect you and what's yours. the rubbing shoulders thing is entirely up to you, life is way easier when you realize there's douchebags in every race and start to judge people by the individual merits rather than skin colour..
looks like the guy in that pic i just posted.
i call a white boi a white boi coz i call a spade a spade. if you were a real man and happened to be white, your race wouldn't even come into play. you're not a real man, however and hence = whiteboi
>3 posts in under 4 minutes
Dude, go outside take a chill pill, lol
haha i don't have shit to do right now so i'm just enjoying this.
>enjoying getting angry
BDSM shit nigga, just close the thread
Who gives a fuck what some literal niggers say lol?