Hey Jow Forums how can I make a good amount of money from doing close to nothing?

Hey Jow Forums how can I make a good amount of money from doing close to nothing?

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>buy bitcoin when it drops to $300
>sell bitcoin when it pumps to $38000

bump for interest


Ah, the question every man has been asking since the beginning of time...the first question on the path to true enlightenment

You must realize it’s either a shitload of work, or a shitload of luck. Shitload of work (smart work not hard work) has a much higher chance of working

this user is correct. however, working hard is only for certain people
here's a way to find out if you're lucky or not. go play poker and if you get bad beat all the time, congrats.
there's a saying - unlucky at cards, lucky in life.

Idk that sounds like some false equivalency...

probably so, but take this anecdotal evidence with a grain of salt
i can attest it is true in my life. i am so fucking lucky in life, i sometimes feel a slight amount of guilt. i try not to abuse it though. i always get bad beats in cards so i stopped playing. i will retire this month due to shitcoins. so there ya go

>there's a saying - unlucky at cards, lucky in life
i kinda believe that

But I wanna be lucky at both

put $1,000,000 into the S&P 500 and make $98,000 a year in interest

be a overnight security guard at a storage facility

Options trading. Don't blame me if you go broke though.

>user's shitcoins crash just a month before retirement

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Knee pads
You know the rest

Oh boy, it's that easy?

Use the power of visualization to bring riches crashing down upon you

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How are you getting rich off shitcoins in this market? Good trading?

Real estate.

I unironically tried to do exactly this but boomers have ruined it like every other job. You can't just sit and read you have to do regular phone app tours of the site and check in at multiple locations after he showed me that i just walked off site Kek.

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Can I borrow a million dollars?

Stick it to the man.
Right on brother

that honestly sounds like something i want to do. i need a job that involves walking but isn't hell like amazon

Be a girl and stream video games

Just keep buying rental properties and put them under professional management.


my friend is a security guard but he also manages a team of security guards which are send to locations. It's the absolute opposite of what you'd imagine. I don't ever see him or any of his employees well rested. Constantly in a rush and always on stand-by. He makes great money (35~ EUR/hr), but I wouldn't trade it for the amount of work he puts in. It's one of the easiest fields to get into if you just get the certifications and police approved documents (in my country). Would take you literally a week to get your education started AND a job. A week.

I'd say the more work/time you put into, the luckier you get. It's all about being in the right place, at the right time, with the right knowledge and enough capital.

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You mean in order to receive money for your labor you need to actually perform the labor? Shocking. How dare those boomers

what if you don't have that much money to start with?

You are not getting your order filled.
Set it for $2k-$2.5k.

Have fun only buying 1/7 of what you could and probably selling low because he just keeps going down past your buy in.

Start small. If you go the index fund route, you can start with as little as 3k.

become a politician and charge 200k for a 1 hour speech at universities

go to one of those websites that gives you like 10 cents for every 5 minutes of ads watched

You should focus on finding a way to do nothing rather than winning Money:
Then you will realise that you only need to Make people do the business idea you find.

Remember : there are Indians with 2 master degree who work for 3$/h that you Can hire with internet