Is binance down?

I can't see any buys in the last 30m, is it happening?

Attached: bin.jpg (225x225, 5K)

ctrl r friend

everything i hold is on that exchange.

funds are safu.

matenence frend

It's weird I've got that both on my phone and computer even after reboot.

alright thanks friends you've been friends

sir, vi aar on mantannunce

Twice in one week? I think a yankee purge may occur before bakkt to please the imperial overlords.

maintenance will be extended by another 6 hours to 2018/10/19 14:00 (UTC).

exit scam¡¡¡

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This happened last year (or maybe it was Jan/feb) After they said 6 hours it took like another full day on top of that. Same bs synchronization issues excuse too

Pic In case you haven’t seen/heard

Attached: 6AFF2160-C22B-4DE1-89C6-B6564867BEB9.jpg (2732x1098, 461K)

Can't wait to be 100% into decentralized exchanges next year

Oh no no no my fundus

fuck u chink pang

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Srs fucking with people’s livelihoods and shit

So glad I happened to dump my trading alts for BTC minutes before everything locked down. You just know there will be some fuckery going on to take advantage of this, and bitcoin is the safest place to be when that happens.

funds are safuuuuu

>the CEO is a 40-year-old fetus
why did i trust the eternal chink

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How many BTC to have his boipuccy?

XRP base pair coming

Attached: rsz_1504792224903.jpg (90x90, 15K)

Back in 20 mins too lazy to screenshot it but it’s on their homepage