Are men good investments? Should I settle for someone with a stable job in their 30-40's or someone on a decent study path in their mid 20's? Preferably I want to remain a neet house wife all my life.
Are men good investments...
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Find someone who's already stable and in a good position in life.
nice larping fag
also - Tits or GTFO
how do I find such person who has not settled down yet
I got triple dubs, that warrants a pass on my tits.
Find a divorcee.
this but dont marry too soon so they wont be suspicous and want a prenup
God does not allow divorce you kike.
Make some pictures that make you look attractive and post them on a dating site perhaps? Specify what you want in a man.
>that warrants a pass on my tits
That's where you're wrong, sweetie.
POS. Why don’t you actually try and be real and find a guy who you love for their personality and who they are and want out of life rather than what’s inside their wallet. Nasty gold digging bitch
Nothing warrants a no tits post. You're embarrassing yourself.
You'll always find a gem on the chan, even in the shittiest tier threads
> great personality
> With a stable life
> Stable income
news flash, they don't exist. Whats wrong with not wanting to settle with losers? As if everyone here post braps and tits because they conceal a great personality.
You know the rules hun.
the rules don't work nowadays, plenty of newfags to give it the attention it wants even if you don't
Same user here...JFYI, this is just one website riddled with trolls and NEETS that have a bitter taste for society because they can't function normally. So they come here to let loose and not be judged.
If you really are justifying your train of thought in comparison to this website. You're literally straw manning me right now.
Learn how to suck dick really well
30s-40s guy. He'll have a lot more cash, be better at sex AND you can jettison him for a younger model once he can't get it up anymore
Plus, you seem extremely cynical. Why don't you just try a few dating apps? If you're a halfway attractive girl and don't have a shitty, dull personality. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to click with someone who has similar views and interests
togtfo posts are only required when the posters gender is irrelevant to their post. OPs gender is perfectly relevant to her post unless we want people writing "I want to remain a neet house person". Everybody else in this thread knows this but you four - so fuck off back to AOL
i'm 30, wealthy and good looking to be honest
>i'm 30, wealthy and good, looking to be honest
>i got triple dubs
Women can't even count anymore lmao what's the point?
Fuck relationships.
Invest in BTC.
Tough to say with no pics. The guy needs to want you as well. Be in great shape and suck dick like a champ and you'll have plenty of options. Be fat with a "great personality" and this whole thread is meaningless, get what you can get.
just don't be fat.
Srlsy, im datin a land-whale right now, she has ultra cute face, but every time i see her on swimming pool im disgusted. i like her, done get me wrong but just looking at her fatty body turns me immediately to rage mode.
U must be in shape. especially the older u get.
if we wanted to, we would go whale hunting (dont ask my how i got my own land-whale)
and then just sell ur body well, that's it.
They do exist, they just aren't interested in you sweetie. You sound like a pretentious bitch, no man worth his while is interested in dealing with that. I wouldn't be surprised if you're a single mom as well.
how did you get your own landwhale
how did you get your landwhale user?
Ive travelled all the way from europe to fuckin sydney to realize that when You look on the photos, you always have look at ther shoulders, they never lie. than she moved back to europe. she is nice but fat. im constantly pushing/phishing her to the gym. and she has even gained 5-6 extra kilos.
This site is full of boomers now who will say go for a 30+ year old, but really you should go for someone in their mid 20s.
People who are single in their thirties are experienced, they know what they want and how to get it, this is actually bad for you. You want someone a little green, that way you can make sure to nurture his dependence on you and gently pressure him into getting promotions and making more money etc.
A man in his 20s can still be shaped and moulded by his romantic partner, this is key for you. I can post more advice if you want.
You could get someone with a stable job in their mid 20s. There are plenty of 30 year old boomers, no need to look older than that.
Do you think you'll cheat though? The stable guys are such losers generally. Like not disgusting but so boring, like the definition of NPCs. I'm just thinking of one couple I know where the only possible reason she's with him is stable money and neetdom for her lazy ass. He's white though and fairly average(normal) looking so she could get away with having someone else's babies no problem I reckon. He's too much of a pussy to demand parental checks.
This is true. Aim for a virgin OP. Don't worry, there's lots.
end it user, if they lost all their weight they gonna have horrible loose skin anyway
What are your thoughts on the band genesis?
Yes men are a good investment. Government welfare is a ponzi that's about to collapse. Get in early and get a good deal on a provider before prices skyrocket.
her skin is really nice, if i manage to make her fit (she has to as im a sport chad. skiing, climbing, football, and tons of other sports just name them). we will see, i need an access to pussy right now (and she is ultra cock hungry so i get 9/10 sex), so i give her 2-3 months to get fit otherwise see ya
afaik there are not that many retards among 30-40 celebs breding with young girls
ITT a used up roasties who wears pants, votes, and doesn’t believe in obeying men wants some Disney prince to take care of her. The absolute state of modern women.
Yeah you got triple dubs, right you dumb cunt
The absolute state
>gently pressure him into getting promotions and making more money
I have a sister who is a master at this. My brother-in-law is making 300k, he went from assembly line to executive suite while she neeted, shuttled kids, and made meals for the family. Of course BIL works 80 hours a week...
>dating a fatty
user I have some bad news for you
Yes retard men are the only investment women can make as they suck at making money and investing 95% of the time. Finding someone to leech off of is in your biology because in caveman days if you tried to compete with Grug he would bash your head in with a rock because you are weak and frail compared to men. Find yourself some nerdy beta engineer you will grow to hate because of his lack of spine so you can waste away in the House he pays for and further your misery. Forget about finding someone who actually makes you happy it’s all about the money just like the kardashians and your other favorite insta thots told you.
You should spend some time researching successful men to get a really good ROI. The absolute best can be hidden gems.
>triple dubs
Well math checks out, this is a woman indeed
kys fucking roastie get the fuck off Jow Forums and kill yourself while you’re at it
of course they exist, you're probably too ugly to ever have a chance
men who have only money and the capability to provide, but not status or Chad tier looks, have already settled down. Men with no money but who look great are banging the beta’s wives on the side.
Men with the full package are playing the field. I’m one of them; I look good and have money and don’t want a family just yet. Eventually, I will, and so it is with other men in my position.
When men like that look to settle down, they give off certain signals. Learn what that looks like and get good at catching those men who want a family in the brief time they are available.
If your clock runs out just go for a boring provider. I’ll still be around.
This desu. Once they get fat it’s already too late. Impossible to bounce back for white women.
That's a quadruple dubs you dumb whore.
Are You a virgin? If not you should probably learn to deal with losers
how boring
you actually want to be someones hoe for life just because he will finance your doing nothing all your life
pathetic, really
>ITT a used up roasties who wears pants, votes, and doesn’t believe in obeying men wants some Disney prince to take care of her
You just described all the girls I went to high school with. Needless to say they're all unmarried still lol
>triple dubs
umm...yeah...woman confirmed, tits were not even needed
back to the wagecage with you, neet housewife is over.
You sold your great future for shekels and voting rights
I've turned my hopeless orbiter from landwhale to cute slim girl.
She even wore braces which was not necessary.
Iron hand, bizbro.
I would say this is a male shit test.
If she can't follow orders aimed to better herself, it's a dump.
Both partners need to do their best if you want your family to thrive. Much harder things tham simple weight loss.
This is why MGTOW exists