How is this guy so chad?

>carrys around a thin piece of gold and snaps off pieces to make purchases IRL

total chad move

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keep the change ya filthy animal

This is the future

Or the bronze age.


Like the early days of BTC

Which stores would accept bullshit like this?

what can you buy for a chip?

Stickers and t shirts

And what do the stores do when they've collected 1406 chips during the day? Melt them into a new bar??

He probably does it and the people at the register just pocket the gold to pay it out of their own check in the assumption it is worth more than the McDouble he bought.

Yes, but you need a dedicated SchiffGoldMelter™ for that, you can purchase it with Bitcoin from

Attached: shiff.png (1198x523, 590K)

They make silver ones too

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What a dumb idea

This is like the medieval ages all over again. Gold dilution in coins when?

You’re born a chad. It cannot be taught.

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Lol gold is being mass produced in labs arouns the world and when someone blows the whistle it will be worth nothing

Peter Schiff bangs perfect 10s. You faggots bang fatties.

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You're an idiot. No one can do large scale transmutation like that.

Fuck off peter

Yeah, so much better than BTC.
When will he stop shilling his shitcoin?

This is his wife. Look at her.

Attached: 74CEE688-A1B4-4301-9521-82AF96E70B67.jpg (900x900, 148K)

she looks pretty grainy

She’s 51 dude

u missed the joke plen

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