3 coins no one should ever buy
3 coins no one should ever buy
Don't lump Nimiq in with this shit. sage
Read op before I saw the pic and immediately thought it was:
Hello miner cuck
>investor cuck
They ICO'd faggot
Agreed, these are truly shitty. I only really like privacy coins now, at least they have a use case..
>he bought ICO for nimiq
>a coin that is exclusively owned by miners looking to dump their bags on retards that dont have the mental aptitude to see through their shill spam
wow now thats what i call cringe
Bragging about an ICO lol
anyone I have ever met that has been anti PoW has been a S O Y BOY, every time without fail.
Only one of those I've heard of is 0xBTC because it got shilled here hard by pajeets. Might take a look into the other two, thanks user
I agree, those 3 coins are shit, but saying mining sucks is retarded.
ok so quickly looking at the charts
looks like a dead shitcoin
more stable than tether, could be an accumulation phase
solid downtrend but volume is decent, could be worth a look in when it finds a bottom
So yeah, Ethergem looks dead but I think Nimiq and 0xBTC are worth looking into
Dude the heat from your mining rig is making you sound insane. go get some fresh air
I only have a gaming PC lul, I'd rather buy
you for got FUN lmao
Kneepad girl on suicide watch
Why specifically these 3 coins? Why not any of the other 100s of shitcoins that are not Bitcoin?
because these 3 coins are specifically shilled consistently by miners (the only people who own them) to retards who are literally to irresponsible to even be left in charge of their own money
The electricity you are wasting shilling could buy you a toilet you street shitting mongoloid.