What are you procrastinating on right now biz?
What are you procrastinating on right now biz?
better get around to it soon
21 and just getting my feet wet saving for startup capital for an ecommerce website and an investment fund and i could be making content for another endeavor i have on youtube with literally 0 overhead or anything stopping me from putting out what is quintessentially a product on youtube but alas im on Jow Forums
Cleaning my flat before my boomer parents come over in 4 houres to stay for the weekend. Need to get rid of all the beer and wine bottles, and ritalin pills that litter this place. The floor needs vacuming and washing. Fuck I hate this shit
t. 30 year old bloomer
Have some audit workpapers that I need to finish.
Finding a job.
Formulating a solid plan for return on investment on hte business I'm opening next year.
I mean, I have probably 6-8 months to go before I start, but still.
Starting earning I guess. Also rejoining the functional training gym
cleaning my room and a couple other messes I've made
obtaining enough money to buy an apartment
My shitty transcription job because Mr. Shekelstein is paying me pennies for it. But I can't find anything better.
theres no cant wont or mustnt
get srs
I was in a crash that paralyzed me from the waist down. I can't drive anywhere to get a better job, and most work from home shit is a scam.
Literally everything. I just wagecuck then waste my time on my phone. I have plans to start a few projects this weekend so no more dragging my feet. I have the free time i just waste it. I also can't drive but I couldn't afford it anyway. I'm 27 ;_;
writing a book or killing myself, not sure what i want anymore
based and ultimatepilled
i have to get a passport
>squats and deadlifts
My friend is in same situation, he drives everywhere with some homemade adaptations.
My friend has been trying to teach me his trading techniques via TA, and hes had huge success with calls, ect. After the JUSTing that is 2018 i dont even want to look at a chart again, and he really wants me to get motivated to trade again.
Wouldnt this make you a doomer?
My tax exams
Putting off finding a new job, been managing properties for 4 years and pretty much hate either the job in general, or maybe just the company im with, idk if I should find a job in same field, try realty sales,or try to do something federal bc think it would be cool to work for d r u m p f admin in some capacity
don’t find. Make a job.
Pushing my code with a rectangle overlap check
Yo I have similar plans, 20yo
Stick around buddy
A report for work.
i thought about getting donuts an hour ago and here i am browsing biz\
About your friend: don't do it. If you get into trading and your heart isn't in it, all will go wrong and your friendship will end.
If you find trading, find it on your own.
I've gotta finish writing the performance evaluation for one of my employees. I'm too lazy to finish the last 3rd of it.
i have to order some shit phone accessories for my busn 201 project, probably some random stats/finance homework too
i should probably go to the grocery store
i have random wood triangles to put on my wall that ive been putting off
i should clean my kitchen/livingroom and my own room (2 roommate dudes, so living space is a pain when nobody wants to clean)
x86 assembly
somewhat ironically unironically this
Same. I woke up late and have run out of breakfast food, so I also thought about getting some donuts about an hour ago. I still have yet to go get them. Now I am going. This is my last thread. Now I go get donuts and coffee. Then, I read the git manual.