Almost 28

>almost 28
>20k in savings
>25k in shitcoins (80% down from ATH)
>5k in various (((stocks)))
>degree in engineering but stuck in some dead end job earning almost double minimum wage
>physical and mental health JUST'd
>feel like ending it everyday

Is there anyone on this board that is more JUST'd than me?

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some of us only have a couple grand in crypto/life savings, be grateful or kill yourself faggot. you have the capital to easily make it by trading shitcoins but you're here complaining

If it makes you feel better, i make 160k a year and have less wealth than you.

>2K in crypto down to about $500.
>Pulling in the same amount of money but I'm a deskmonkey.
>20k in credit card debt
>100K in mortgage and car debt
>Feel like I'm just existing to pay off debt and think about commiting suicide everyday so I just drink until I can't feel feelings and wake up in a cold sweat every morning.

I want to die.

If you have a degree in engineering get a real job you idiot and stop complaining on this lady fucking board. Complete larp you either have a shitty paying near min wage job or you have an engineering degree, they both don’t apply.

>keeping 25k in shitcoins
Whew Lad, convert those to BTC/boomer stocks, what are you doing? It sucks being lied to thinking your degree would get you that 6 fig job right after uni, the hard fact is if you don’t live in some shithole like Jew York, or have serious connections odds are you won’t make that kind of money until you are a legit boomer. Be grateful you have a comfy job and aren’t a filthy trade fag breaking his back all day with a bunch of illegal Mexicans in a ditch and that you are smart enough to have obtained a STEM degree. If you dump those shitcoins for BTC you will have a nice nest to fall back on if you sell half of them at the peak of the next bullrun.

Exact same feels here. House keep breaking and up goes the credit card debt.

Age: 26
Original investment: 47k
ATH: 300k
Current: 41k

I had a strong hunch at 300k that I should cash out. I fooled myself into thinking that selling at the top of the normie hype would be "too obvious" and I reverse-psychologied myself into thinking that holding would be a smarter choice to see where this goes. I figured that I bought in so early that it was literally impossible to see my portfolio ever go back under 100k. So I really didn't care as I watched my portfolio go down. I always thought it would be interesting to find out where the floor is and never bothered to cut loses and miss out on one of the biggest things since the start of the internet.

It was only the past couple weeks that I've started to feel really miserable thinking that I could've bought a house and been years ahead in this game of "life". I'm still confident in the crypto space to catalyze a true revolution of economics but at the same time I struggle with thinking we'll ever see true mass adoption in our life time after so many people got burnt (myself included).

Feelsbadman. :(

How do you end up with so much debt
What is your problem
You fucking Americans are fucking us all over again

> to see where this goes
well now that we're down here, might as well see where we go from here

Owning a house sucks dick you're not missing out on anything except big bills out of nowhere because a raccoon got in the crawlspace and tore up all the duct work one night. I'm thinking the HVAC guy put the racoon down there desu fuck tradesmen bunch of scamming cunts.


Nobody told me home ownership is such a scam. Everyone I trusted advised me to buy a house. WTF is wrong with boomers.

Tradesman are almost always backwoods retards, does owning a house under 35 suck that bad tho? Would you rather just rent and pay a landlord? I’m highly debating buying a house in the next year but the market seems terrible and a bunch of extra housework and costs sound awful.

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I suppose. But at the same time, I would be happier losing 6k of my original and saying "was fun while it lasted", than getting utterly JUST'D and see everything go up in smoke.

Damn. Fuck that racoon.
And I think I might enjoy big bills and being considered an "adult" than still living with my mom at the age of 26. I mean, I'm lucky to still have the ability to save money while living at home which is a luxury that many people don't have... But it's starting to get a little embarrassing.

Same here dude, pre house I had 5K in savings and no debt.

It's ruined me.

Yes I'd rather just have a landlord be responsible for all the damage when the skylight starts leaking. House upkeep is absolutely ridiculous in both time and money.

Hopefully I can sell this thing and break even in the spring. 6th year I've owned it. If i ever buy again it will buy new construction with a warranty.

What's ur degree and what industry do you have experience in?

Learn to fix shit yourself, pussy

>tradesmen are dumb
Yet who do you call when shit breaks, or you want something built?

Yeah between wagecucking, doing yardwork, and crying myself to sleep I'll become roofer and hvac expert. Got it.

I call the dumb tradesmen because you don't get a manufacturer warranty on anything house related unless it's installed by a "licensed professional" 100% scam

Just keep being a whiny bitch.

The only thing that makes me happy is knowing all these tradie scumbags are going to die with intense back pain and worthless knees.

>did trade school meme because it was offered for free
>never wanted a job in the industry and just use it to fix my house
Feels Goodman, enjoy your debt lmao

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>Original investment :20k
>Current : over 1million
God damn it feels great

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Because you have no idea what you're doing. They aren't going to warranty shit you install yourself.

>about to be 31
>130k in savings
>25k in shitcoins
>never had a gf
>still live at home
Life is stupid

Man that does sound miserable considering We’re probably near the top of a housing bubble maybe I should just wait. Seems like I’m throwing money down the drain renting, but not owing the Jews 100k for a mortgage feels fucking good.
I call a tradesman because my time is extremely valuable and I don’t want to spend all day doing pleb work. Lmao I mostly just like ribbing tradesmen on the ch0n because you lot get butthurt so easy, I did remodeling for a little bit there’s some cool people in trades but breaking your back all day in the weather fucking blows.

suck it up pussy, there are children literally starving to death every single day around the world

Not my problem.

>am 28
>1k in savings
>0.5k in shitcoins (80% down from ATH)
>2k in various (((stocks)))
>degree in engineering but stuck in some dead end job earning almost double minimum wage
>physical and mental health awesome
>Have a 10 roastie
>love life - perspective is everything


>got about 100-150k
>no clue on what to do next
>want to continue
>thought I just work for a year as a bartender
>I have no college/uni diploma, always made my own money. fuck that schlomo cuckshit, but sometimes you just have to.
>Big Brother watches everything, you cant live of 'air' or ((they)) will pay you a visit sooner or later
>year passed me by and I feel dead inside
>wagecucking fucks with your mind, especially spending a year with all those drones and their instagrams, facebooks, their shitholidays and snapchats.
>They say in my country ''You become who you spend time with''
> I quit that craphole before I went insane.
>doesnt matter, it's all the same everywhere
>arrogant fucks who make half or even less than I make
>but they wear the suit, on the outside they're the bigshots
>So Im a neet for about a month now and it's delicious.
>gotta grab myself together and keep on truckin, reinvest the money and keep on growing. If I stay in the comfy zone I fear this is 'as good as it gets' in life.
>im just stuck and feeling lethargic

Thanks for the vent Jow Forums

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60k in bitcoin
Own 2 houses
Not rich by any means
But super comfy
Life's good

Suck it up pussy.

if you have income and no debt what the fuck are complaining about?

In a world full of people
Only some want to fly
Isnt that crazy?

>degree in engineering but stuck in some dead end job earning almost double minimum wage
Did you go to a shit tier school?

No degree
100$ in crypto ATH was 200k
80k debt
Not a joke

what im saying is: your problems are only problems for people who are pussy ass bitches. grow up

why do you think so many people are living in vans bro