Shill me your Cryptopia shitcoins

Who knows a coin on Cryptopia that is guaranteed to 10x? Ive got 0.1 BTC sitting on there that I want to quickly turn into 1 BTC before the next bull run

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audiocoin this shit will explode so hard, partnership with apple incoming


Idex is where the 10x's are m8

Pic related.

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these guys really pissed me off by raising the minimum trade on doge from 10 to 100 without warning last year. complete bs


Ellaism. buy my bags

Damn, this one actually looks decent. Low mcap, good mcap to volume ratio, non pajeet website and active twitter. Thanks user, def will put it in the running.


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Probably Masari. Still relatively unknown outside of Jow Forums Low market cap and low price and really low circulating supply. I wouldn't take to much of a gamble on it but its worth getting a little because the reward seems far greater than the risk.

Bitcoin green


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No there is not, kek.

I would say this too. Low supply, unique developments, seems to be flying under the radar right now and undervalued.


It's not under the radar at all. It's been shilled on biz since forever now and there's a dozen thread about it on r/cryptomoonshots.
The cryptopia coins OP is going to want are ones that are still unknown. Cause once biz pumps these low cap's time to get out.

Only decent coin on there you might not know about is Masari because it was recently added.

Based VIT poster.


>time to get out
Oh, user..

hush when trading opens again, DYOR on this one


ZAP, heard it here first anons.

show source of apple partnership


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