Chad always wins

Chad always wins.
-millionaire boyfriend
CEO. And cofounder of several trust funds
-Angel investor
-aesthetic and fit, cheekbones etc, not a Manlet

"But user, women dont Care about money! Just be yourself! "

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So biz, Why arent you a Chad CEO scoring hollywood hotties such as Emma Watson?

No one?


t. Emma

No. No one cares.

>Emma Watson
she fucks niggers, probably ''chad'' is a cuck

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>newfag cant greentext

She seems like she would be a dike with all her feminazi shit


>believing that movie stars are the prettiest girls the world has to offer
you aren't allowed to even see the cream of the crop, let alone meet them. This guy is pumping and dumping another actress for fun, the woman he's going to marry/have kids with is off limits to the general public and has never had to work, not even as an actress.

We ve already established she is a whore that's willing to do bestiality for money .If you ve fucked a rat for money and fame why not a monkey too?

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Who's the ugly roastie on the left?


This guy has extremely homosexual bone structure, particularly the mandible and brow.

>thinking average user has even a remote chance of landing that
get real faggot
she doesn't have a lot of options because literally 99.999% of men are below her

what causes white women to age so poorly?

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that woman is BASED


He's actually out of her league. She found a keeper.

Why do foreign women think it's okay to hit men? If I ever get slapped by a foreign women I'm hitting her back.

What if she doesnt hurt you ? would you hit back?

God that bitch is fucking ugly

God, she looks terrible

>>Jow Forums

Lmao power shot right from the fupa

> winning
> dating Emma Watson


Status wise maybe but looks?

Literally walked past 100 girls hotter then her on my way to work this morning.

When I was younger and didn't know better, I actually was slapped by a Brazilian and French girl. I was sleeping with them at the time so it wasn't a huge deal, but looking back on it, I should have slapped them back.

1. It would have shown dominance
2. They probably would have been turned on by me slapping them back, and I'm being 100% serious about this

In the future I'll hit back, as long as it's not some spoiled American girl who will sue me if I do

yeah right pussy. If you even tried, Id unironically punch you up and wait for the cops to arrive and then say you were trying to sexually assault her. not even whiteknighting.

Idk why goofy white boys always think they can do dumb autistic shit and try to fuck with people... but when you give them a little dose of reality they start crying like pussies, threatening to sue, spouting autism about the legal system, or threatening to hit women

lmao.. white c u c k s

Bros before ho's

You're a fucking weirdo and I'm probably bigger than you. Take your racial fetishes back to Jow Forums, faggot.

nah not goofy ass faggots who try to passively aggressively create awkward situations with people in public for their own amusement

you have to go back nigger

descending dubs, checked
on the real though, if a bitch thinks she can throw hands, she's getting chin checked

If I were Chad CEO, I would not pick such a girl as Emma Watson. I would not pick her even now. Her voice is annoying and her entire social media presence, as well as her interviews, show that she is an insufferable cunt.

No, if I were Chad, I think there are better deer to hunt.

Doubt it m8, id literally cripple you. The fact youre siding with a passive aggressive nerd is enough to prove youre a huge reddit dyel faggot.

I dont have any racial fetishes, just funny how white people think subtly fucking with people, especially women, weaker people etc is fine.

Then threaten to beat them up if they dont succumb to their bullying.

>if a bitch thinks she can throw hands, she's getting chin checked

Lmao pretending to hump a girl in public should get you an ass beating instantly you subhuman. if you hit her after she defended herself you'd get unironically stomped by any guy with morals

if you don't have a M.O.B (Money Over Bitches) tattoo somewhere on your body, will you ever truly make it?

make sure you don't hit them in the ear; that can cause permanent injury from overpressure. side of the jaw is a good place.
not advocating hitting women here, just an experienced slapper of people in general

nah you can go back mr dyel passive aggressive fag "le meme hump grill in public xDD.. oh nooes muhh chin ;_;"

kys cucky

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>pretending to hump a girl
are you really so uncultured youve never seen that dance before?

its some dumb nigger dance and it looks like youre humping something. i dont play videogaymes xDD anymore so i dont know if its from fortnite or whatever

basically its autism. if you did that shit on me or near my girl id literally break your nose and then when you call the police id say you were sexually assaulting my gf. not that you'd dare to do it with a guy there.

u mad beta male?

>I dont have any racial fetishes, just funny how white people think subtly fucking with people, especially women, weaker people etc is fine.
>Then threaten to beat them up if they dont succumb to their bullying.

You have serious reading comprehension and are too stupid to notice that I wasn't siding with anyone but myself, you actual cretin.

There's nothing about "fucking with" people in my posts, and there's also absolutely nothing indicating that I'm white. You're the kind of person I dispise and I would absolutely love to fight you.

Sticking up for yourself if someone slaps you isn't "subtly fucking" with them you disgusting shitstain cuckold. You post racial garbage and threaten violence like some kind of animal. Hilarious that that's clearly the image you probably post on social media trying to dispel. Stay true to your genetics, scum.

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>moving hips side to side
are you really this dense user?
ur so tuff bud

what you were implying was it was wrong for the female to hit him. you dont understand there are big differences between men and women, mentally and physically. you are a brainwashed SJW c u c k who thinks "women are equal guys" so you can justify hitting them like the limp wristed fanny you are

If i was publicly mocking a female and she decided to hit me, i would literally laugh and move away from her. Its like if youve taunted a child and it's lashed out at you. You dont then stamp the child to death. if you cant understand this concept you are literally a subhuman.

>There's nothing about "fucking with" people in my posts

thats what you were implying by acting as if she was in the wrong

>You're the kind of person I dispise and I would absolutely love to fight you.

i guarantee you id deform you lmao. ask yourself honestly, how many fights have you been in irl?

> You post racial garbage and threaten violence like some kind of animal.

the fact you dont understand that pretending to hump a woman in public isnt an honorable thing to do, and the woman has every right to clock you one, proves you are mentally underdeveloped

> Hilarious that that's clearly the image you probably post on social media trying to dispel.

no clue what youre on about here. i dont use social media at all.

>Stay true to your genetics, scum.

What, being a male with honor? Yeah ill stick to that. Now go and fantasize about how you could totally beat up a 60kg woman lmao

>someone standing close behind you moving their hips quickly from side to side

>hehh i was only doing the floss dance! its technically not humping! i didnt technically touch you!!

>pretending to punch someone in the face but stopping close before you do it

>hehh so funny! i diddnt really touch him, so he cant hit me or stop me! thats the law!! It was just a joke, if you react violently your a psycho!!! nerr nerr!! hhehehe

i wonder what its like to have such severe lack of self awarness

>What, being a male with honor? Yeah ill stick to that.

You're a mentally ill white knight threatening to beat me up on the internet. You're using every buzzword in the book ("SJW! c u c k ! limp wristed fanny!")

A real life schizo internet tough guy, haven't seen a specimen like you in a long time

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she already looks like a fucking grandma, skin under the chins all saggin and shit, sad tits, bony chest, 4.5/10 AT BEST

>not a manlet
he's absolutely a manlet, she's like 5'1 mdget tier and he's not much taller

What would be an example of such a woman?

hurling insults and posting frog pictures isnt a valid argument

glad i won the debate and have superior morals and reasoning

now fuck off fag

Couldn’t she have said something lol. She also didn’t have to punch him. Just a facttttttt

>wealthy and good looking
>dating a used up, narcissistic cum dumpster instead of a 18 yo virgin qt because of (((fame)))

He's a cuck.
He's not a Chad.

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>Idk why goofy white boys always think they can do dumb autistic shit and try to fuck with people...

fuck off with your self projecting you stupid nigger. everybody knows it's the fucking nigs that are constantly starting shit. fucking pussy with your massive inferiority complex

>floss dance
>pretending to literally assault someone
totally the same thing brah, youre so right, ill right the wrongs of my logic asap

>implying im a nigger
fuck off white pussy lmao

is isnt attractive at all
i saw a hotter girl working at a gas station today

>pretending to rape someone

amazing. how funny. how epic. it was just a prank bro!!!

whatever you are, never forget that your people are incapable of building anything. your ancestors were destroyed by White people's ancestors. you are literally only alive because some White man didn't kill your pussy ancestors for fun. now you're talking shit on a fucking shitcoin board and pretending to act as if you have the ability to protect some sheboon from a fucking fortnite dancing fag.

Fuck this thread is still going.

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>im such a tough guy my ancestors were vikings and yours didnt build every thing like mine and invented every invention! yours did nothing and we could have KILLED them if we just wanted to!!

>*spends life on offshoot of japanese anime forum*

>*gets rekt by literal vietnamese peasant farmers*

>his own women are fucking shitskins en masse

>his countries are getting invaded by foreigners

>ive personally only fucked and taken the virginity of white girls

>he isnt going to do SHIT about it

>he spends his time threatening to beat up females if they react negatively to his childish pranks

yeah but your ancestors were ""vikings"" lmao

that incel 56%er goblin cope

feels good man


this back and forth is one of the worst exchanges i've ever seen on here in all my time since 2005

the lack of self-awareness is amazing

>buying a Jow Forums pass

the lack of self-awareness is amazing

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I'm glad you determine your real life feelings off of internet argument you pathetic mongoloid. Enjoy white knighting online. I'll slap the shit out of you if you want to post your personal info in this thread.

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gonna get raped

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It takes good interpersonal skills to be become successful. Despite your technical skills, almost all of it relies on networking with people. Finding large customers or investors, you really need to be good at talking to people on top of all the other complicated shit involved with running a business, fund, or whatever you got yourself into. Chads naturally possess these skills and do good.

Jow Forums likes to think that you can get rich with $500 and a binance account despite the aspergers. Sure, this has happened but it's very rare and luck has a lot to do with it.

ahah i was waiting for this dumb faggot response

the amount of time you spend daily clicking your little CAPTCHAs alone is worth more than the $20 I spent in Ethereum to bypass this shit for an entire year

Not to mention I use a VPN because I'm not a little cuck

Same retarded poor zoomer logic I hear whenever I spend money to save time lol

kill yourself

she must be such a pain.
just the hypocrisy would drive me mad.
be against guns yet have armed guards
go fuck yourself

>taken the virginity of white girls
in your dreams rakesh

knowing people like you exist makes me feel so much better thank you user

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>expecting a rich, attractive, famous woman to date an ugly NEET

If you were Brad Pitt would you date some ugly chick? The question isn’t whether women like Emma Watson will only date rich successful chads, the question is whether the average woman will date an average looking guy. Your post is retarded and contributes nothing to the argument.

she almost 30 now. Not a catch no more. Bad investment of time and other resources.

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>yo say that shit to my face irl not online see what happens, post your address on Jow Forums

lmao pathetic. id batter you

>he pays to post on Jow Forums

I dont need to dream. its reality.

I bet youre a 25+ incel. must be rage inducing lol

"fucking with people" =/= violence
therefore, a violent response is unironically animal level shit and you are arguing FOR women having the right to beat people if they feel like they are "being fucked with"
he didnt touch her. therefore she has no right to hit him.

no rakesh, i bet your angry everytime you look at the mirror and see your shit colored skin, or every time you have to pee, when faced with your tiny shitskin micropenis that looks like a miniature turd...

oh how is your trading going kumar? lost -90% and feeling angry? yes let it all out little poo

>But user, women dont Care about money!
Most people figure out that this is a lie before they leave high school. Men are providers. Get off Jow Forums and go out and provide

took two (i believe one other but never asked) and virgins are boring

I like that you're too scared to post your race. You're so proud of not being white but you're terrified of what the white man would say about you if you post your race.

What are you? Tell us buddy. Be proud of your mutt skin, your dirt colored eyes. Be a proud minority and tell us. If you don't, you're pathetic and scared of the white man. Are you a little flip? A street shitter? Let us know guy.

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I see more attactive women every time I leave my house

Who is that old woman on the left?