
What went wrong?

Attached: sears.jpg (1200x900, 147K)

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Allowing other retailers to undercut them on their flagship brands in the past few years. Mostly the tools and stuff

Malls are department stores are dying
Everything is dying. You never have to leave where you live since groceries can be delivered to you and you can work at home

>You never have to leave where you live since groceries can be delivered to you and you can work at home
This, soon we will be living inside a simulation within a simulation

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Adamant refusal to change business practices in the face of change in the market
They went through a billion CEOs who were like 'hey I wanna do this new thing'
'no no we just want the old thing to work instead'
'??? fuck it I'm leaving'

Sears is literally the embodiment of the typical baby boomer.

Had plenty of good times, took advantage of a format while it was still fresh and viable, but later on refused to accept that those good times were over and if it's gonna survive it'll have to adapt.

I wish they had a service where you can order stuff and a store will hold it in a locker for you until you pick it up(so neighbors can't steal it, and you don't have to wait at home to sign for it). Why couldn't Sears have done that? It's like everyone's terrified of innovation.

buy it up cheap now you idiots

Thats a PO Box you idiot

Oh you poor child

Eddy Lampert gets a ton of shit for his handling of Sears and most of it deserved.

Sears pioneered the catalog when that shit was bonkers to think about. They failed to follow through despite being one of the first big e-tailers mostly because the company culture was focused around physical retail. It didn't specialize or narrow it's focus like other retail giants and because they were anchor stores in dying malls they literally just began to crumble under their own weight.

This doesn't even get into the issue that in retail you need incredibly passionate and innovative executives in C-Suites which Sears did not have and the revolving door up there pretty much guaranteed they were fucked from the get-go. If they could do it again they should've gone balls hard on e-commerce and we'd all be Sears Select customers instead of Amazon Prime.

Nothing. Their CEO slowly but surely sold away its profitable assets to his own private equity fund at firsesale pricing before bankrupting the rotting husk, thereby absorbing all profitability for his own gain while letting the shareholders bear the loss associated with its debts. Pretty inspiring. Based Lampert.

Didn't he lose almost everything though?

>not getting lost in the alternate realities produced by your shattered brain
You'll never make it

Attached: cyberpunk aesthetic.jpg (564x369, 37K)

He went from 4 Billion when he took over to a little over 1 Billion. He's wasted a ton of time and money trying to salvage this wreck. He's not without guilt but I'll give the dude credit for trying. I can't imagine having been one of his initial backers, they must be fucking livid.

kek. why the fuck would i buy anything there when i can get it shipped to my house for way less via amazon

You have to rent that long term and they come in different sizes and stuff. Why can't I get a locker for a single delivery whenever I happen to need it?

Ofcourse, but that's the risk you take investing. No money is free

There IT team was shit....they signed contract with Infosys (indian IT giant) ...many pajeet joined from India at illinois HQ