One of everyone's favorite 90s kids shows had an episode that makes a lot more sense to us now...

One of everyone's favorite 90s kids shows had an episode that makes a lot more sense to us now. It's honestly worth a watch now.

It's only 10 minutes, watch it. What did you learn, Jow Forumsantines?

>dat symbolism
>dat real-world application of ideas
>at the end of the day, old man Kelso (the store owner) is the wealthy one

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>>dat symbolism
>>dat real-world application of ideas
I always wondered about this.
>Having all the money in the world
Then it just gets replaced eh?

Is T.J. the most normiest of the normies American style kid?

This is great!

this has always been my favourite episode of any cartoon every. I've watched it so many times. Who knew an old disney show could be so based

I had completely forgotten about this. Very eye opening even as an adult.

fucking amazing.

One time I tried to set up a playground economy using acorns as currency.
For some reason people weren't enthusiastic.
So then I tried selling sharpened sticks as weapons.

They missed the part where you have to go trough a maze of bureaucrats to get your business licensed and have to give up 60% of your stickers to king Bob.

>not bobaucracts

Never gon make it.

they got right the part about the rich owning 80% of the wealth and transforming the place into a third world country, then instead of wisely relinquishing some to stay rich within a healthy ecosystem, instead holds on until the system is overthrown by the people
BTC and XMR going to the moon

based and redpilled

when will BTC and XRP become the worldwide standard

We did this with acorns at my school too.

this is fucking insane. golden find thanks op holly shit this is absurd

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7:03 subtle





Clerk tries to shill the gang some alternative stickers from Japan after selling out all the "currency" stickers. Also, check the nose.

Recess confirmed for early redpill.

tfw u have no mon stickers or alien stamps

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>No one's got money anymore. But I got these bitcoins.

>yeah right, you think I'm dumb enough to fall for those magic internet beans, come on guys lets get out of here

Used to hustle pokemon cards back in my day

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>jews?! I don't want jews!

King Bob is a proper monarch - he doesn't interfere with this shit.

damn that was good.

i had a friend in school who was always in trouble for selling shit. he would just move on to different items, i remember him printing out porn and selling that at one stage (before everyone at school had the the internet). eventually he started selling drugs. now he’s 29 and has a legitimate business worth 30 million.

Anyone remember doing this with Pogs?

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i remember doing this with yugioh cards, and buying up all the snacks some teachers sold to re-sell at a profit

The resistance never stopped


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The real lesson is that these trends started because the shopkeeper sold stickers in exchange for real dollars. Shopkeep is the true winner.

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Is everyone getting recommended Recess on yt now? Is this the new Plastic Love?

Chinks who make the stickers are.
And the jews. Theyre involved somehow too

Chinks are the closest thing to Jews anyway.

kek TJ becomes a jew on the playground

One time I bought a twelve pack of sodas when they were on sale and sold them during classes for less than the machines on campus, I made like $5. It wasn't worth scaling, though, and at the end of the day I had to deal with a cooler of water which was unpleasant.

There wasn't a lot of economic opportunity at my school since most people were rich (I was not) and could easily satisfy themselves of any material desires.

dude lost all his money because of the devaluation. mind = blown

Yeah women shouldn't drive


the comments kekekek

This demonstrates that it's impossible to get rich (truly rich) with hard work alone; you have to be willing to exploit others labor while paying them less than what it's worth.

>while paying them less than what it's worth.
Labor/employment is a mutually beneficial transaction, it has no intrinsic "worth". You're perfectly able to acquire capital and invest in your own means of production if you think you're not getting enough compensation for your labor, as is everyone else.

our school didn't allow kids to bring in snacks/soda but some teachers have to make a living so they'd buy those box of 50 hot cheetos at costco and sell it to us for 25 cents and sell soda for 25 cents as well. my friend and i would just buy up the whole box before class started and start selling it for 1$ each it was low effort since all we had to do was take money and give change

>some teachers have to make a living so they'd buy those box of 50 hot cheetos at costco and sell it to us for 25 cents and sell soda for 25 cents as well

Fuck that is sad.

>tfw been selling hentai that I burned on CDs

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Fucking based

Burned CDs

kek. can't believe I just watched an episode of recess on biz.
couldn't help but equate nano with the mon stickers in this story...but of course its every damn coin in one way or another. That shit mooned hard and was king for a it's garbage. No one wants to trade alien stamps for nano.

The real tragedy is he found ways to get paid a large salary without providing any value to society himself. Thats no different from stealing from society

I see that success coming