I just don't want to do anything. Like If I had unlimited money I would sit at home and browse the internet, read books...

I just don't want to do anything. Like If I had unlimited money I would sit at home and browse the internet, read books, and watch anime.

>apparently this is wrong

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It's definitely not wrong, there are actually very few things in life that are. I'd go for it.

What's your plan on how to achieve this?

no drive to assert his willpower herbivore scum

you like comfort , you don't like change. it's not bad but it's not conducive to growth or success in life.

>If I had unlimited money I would sit at home and browse the internet, read books, and watch anime.
That's probably why you DON'T have a lot of money, because of this attitude

Is your endgame really just prolonging your wait until death?
Christ Almighty.

It's not wrong in a moral sense, you wouldn't be hurting anyone if you could use your own money.
It would however horrible for your health. A human needs to feel busy and useful in a social setting to thrive. You should pcik up a social hobby opr volounteer or something.

what else is there

This user gets it

are you me?

Not for me. I think I'm a Schizoid or something. I'd be fine just living in a big house not having to go anywhere or do anything. I would want a wife though. That's all.

Experience to experience user, simple as that.

>you wouldn't be hurting anyone
such a brainless cop-out

Pushing others ahead of you towards death?

Unlike you actually tried other things out and then decide for yourself what you actually like to do as fun and what not your opinion is highly likely flawed. You are probably depressed and therefore stayed at your home all the time. Then you actually made your self content with it like a prisoner that starts decorating his cell because he is in jail for live.

In your case you build yourself a imaginary cell. Escaping from it seems very hard in your view but a lot of people would kill for that. It will pay off if you start to make the first step


is what notch does every day and look at him,hes a jaded trump supporter

embarrasing and a waste of capital

I've been a NEET for 10 years now and it's really starting to get to me. I have crippling social anxiety which makes it even worst, I want to do something but cannot. It's a horrible cycle and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Grass is always greener on the other side.

having to work to survive is definitely a lot worse, you're just a little pussy bitch who's never seen the other side and your hiding has given you extreme social anxiety. if you went out and got a job and endured and cured your social anxiety eventually you could actually enjoy the freedom of being a NEET except without all the mental problems. you can't make the comparison because you haven't had both.

it's wrong, because without the effort of others, you wouldn't have an internet to browse, books to read, or anime to watch
essentially you want to be a welfare queen in terms of intellectual capital

This except I don’t want to be indoors, ever. I actually hate being inside any building. On my days off work I usually step out the house at 5 am then come home at 7 pm and shitpost for three hours before passing out.

If I was a billionaire I’d just walk around all day long, maybe have a few dogs.

looks like my gf, except her upper lip is thicker and her nose isn't as flat as this gook

>>apparently this is wrong


basically you would live like a parasite wasting your time browsing the internet (other people fill it up with websites), reading books (other people write them), watching anime (other people produce them).

why? you are not prolonging your wait? eternal life or suicide?

why is this considered a parasitic lifestyle? If you can pay your living expenses without having to work or do anything else, why is that 'wrong'?
I'm genuinely curious, no troll

you might be depressed. find your dreams and pursue them, fren.
you might surprise yourself

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Think of it in a more primel state. The tribe provides all your needs and you give nothing back...

why do you make an exception for fiat currency, but not for items of actual value?

>You would live like a parasite wasting your time browsing the internet (other people fill it up with websites), reading books (other people write them), watching anime (other people produce them).
You could make that argument about tons of people who are working jobs that are ultimately non-productive. I don't think it's fair to call OP wrong when society itself is encouraging this kind of behavior through automation.

>jobs that are ultimately non-productive.
such as?

Work will set you free


OP, you still haven't told us how you're going to accomplish this.

Off the top of my head there are grocery store greeters and baggers, and in my workplace in particular, there are at least a dozen extraneous workers that are there solely because of mismanagement and nepotism.

those jobs are to pad stats and give the company more leverage with the government

yeah my therapist kept implying it was wrong but was never ever blatant about it

just constant circular conversations after which he finally called me "boring" and I stopped going

lmao at the dipshits who think climbing the corporate ladder is any better

>sit at home and browse the internet, read books, and watch anime
That's doing something. Be proud.

Some peoples endgame is Candy Crush or Farmville. You don't realise what's good until you start doing it, with more money you're more likely to stumble upon nice normal things.

right, but we do not live in a primal state. the system has excess capacity in just about every facet due to technologically induced efficiency (and no I am not implying things are efficient). I still don't understand why you revert to thinking in this manner. It sounds like you're just reacting emotionally to something that activates some cognitive dissonance. again, no troll, I genuinely want to understand your perspective.

>Some peoples endgame is Candy Crush or Farmville
tfw this is me but I'm trying to fix it, it's depressing

wtf are you on about?

>work work work
>produce produce produce
>consume consume consume
>thank you mr shekelberg schnozenstein for your breadcrumbs
>let me lick your boots and clean your asshole with my tongue

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>get a job, neet

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