I was the guy who posted here a couple of weeks ago about losing his virginity to a pornstar. Well it was amazing...

I was the guy who posted here a couple of weeks ago about losing his virginity to a pornstar. Well it was amazing. I'm so happy crypto has been able make my most wildest dreams come true.

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>losing virginity to a pornstar
>with a virgin limpdick

a thread died for this

kek. good choice.

i hope it wasnt the ugly bint in your pic related OP

LMAO, this. Please don't tell me it wasn't that bottom tier roastie.

>user learns a new word

Attached: kek.jpg (607x383, 40K)

I wanna do this too. How did you got about it ?

I want to do this OP what did you do?

who is this beauty?

The one that cost $8000? kek

"Losing Virginity to a PornStar" is like "I Just Bought This Disrupting Altcoin AMA, it Was Amazing"

Kim Wexler from Better Call Saul?

what's wrong with her? she looks pretty hott

Ignore them, they're over 30 kissless virgins

ops trolling.. the girl in his pic is $100 bucks.. not $8000

I had sex with a pornstar from a tinder date once. she's has videos on brazzers and naughty america. what a legendary evening that was.

is that ashley fire? i'd pay to eat her ass all day

goood for you dude. am glad it worked out.
hey now your no longer a virgin. next step is getting a girlfriend i assume?

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Whats that pic from, looks interesting.

>tfw literally got asked between two girls who I wanted to fuck tonight and spaghettied so hard I went home with neither

who was it and tell us more

Gravity Rush 2

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You fucked Ashley Fires? I've seriously thought about this. I will die a virgin without seeing an escort. I know that Ashley Fires escorts and she's probably my favorite pornstar. I bet her ass smells amazing. It's one of the nicest I've ever seen. How much did you pay and how thoroughly did they screen you?

They're all on Eros.