Cant stop working

Im a shift worker who works a month straight and then gets two weeks off. Problem is I can never relax on my time off because I feel like I should be working.

how the fuck do i get out of the working mood? Its been two days and I'm getting stressed since I feel like i should be being productive instead of drinking beer and shitposting.

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drink s o ymilk
do HRT
in short: lose test

>buying shorts with broken pockets

how much for a wife like that?

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cuz she a thot

doesn't make sense she could have bought the no pockets version and paid less since its less material

Same here. I work for myself but that makes it even worse, I literally cannot enjoy any time off as I feel guilty. The workaholic meme is true and it's devastating in social terms, I simply don't spend time with my friends anymore because I'd rather work. Even when I force myself to take time off I can't last long before feeling like shit so I can't even play games. My only escape is the gym.

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That sounds familiar. my parents run a small business and they work pretty much 6am to 8pm making bankrolls but causing major stress. The gym is definitely the highlight of my day, really lets me focus on one thing.

If you're going to make it in the foreseeable future, meaning earning fuck you money, then keep going as it is.
Forget about your deadbeat looser friends, they will never know how the dopamine rush feels after you make big cash. If you have some serious money to your name then you will unlock all kinds of interesting people, places and things to do. You can relax for the rest of your life friend.

On the other hand: if you're just wageslaving for yourself until you die, then you might as well enjoy your regular friends from time to time. If that is how things are, then what are you guilty about?

The whole point is are you going to make it or not? If yes, be guilty as much as you can and fuck your regular friends. If not, then there is no reason to be guilty at all.

This is a persnoality trait. not much you can do. you need something to occupy your mind. or else you feel like your waisting time, or that you should do something. you can basicly not sit still

find a hobby, and or something to learn, a challenging game etc.

you can relax with things that need effort.
pretty normal for sertain type of people
I have a friend like this. he needs to do something all the time
I also have a friend who loves just relaxing doing nothing

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Take that work mood and put it towards your own projects

>I literally cannot enjoy any time off as I feel guilty.

I'm like this but I'm also lazy. I just shitpost all day and feel guilty about it.

Wait about a week and a half. You’ll begin to relax, enjoying your freedom, conveniently before you start wagcucking again.

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and we all work togheter.

the guy that works hard. ofc earns alot more than us. He is a true inspiration and I always try and catch up. + Work can be fucking extremly fun, and challenging. my father worked 12-15 hours a day 7 days a week. even took his job on his vacations. But he loves his proffesion+ he has his own company.

work is not bad as long as its enjoyable and you feel like the challenges increase in difficulty and level up.

people like you OP are the reason the world goes around. be proud, people can call u wagecuck or whatever. But there is just a miniority of people that pull the weight. the heaviest weight. and only truly blessed people are able to pull that weight, and as reward you get better living than the rest. more respect, and more cash. and if your boss dont appreciate it leave and find a new company to work. or start your own.

remeber people used to work way way way more than we do today. and the work was insaly
physologicaly taxing as fuck.

OP kind regards, and the utmpost respect from norway

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Your just a NPC mate. Can't buy a soul no matter how much money you accumulate.

imagine the smell of that ass.

This is bad advice

Well, share your experience then and tell me exactly where I'm wrong

That's really kind. Its absurd on how productive my coworkers are too. most office workers i've know only work 3-4 hours a day max while we will work 10 plus hours easy probably because we are in an industry that rewards hard work and yeah I think we mostly enjoy it though everyone over 40 is divorced.
Good idea, I have a few hobbies i've neglected

your not an NPC. They should be thanking you. But they wont cause they have zero insight.

(I am extremly sick used to work a shit tonn)
as I said people like you are the people, competent people want to work with. there are few of your type, and they make shit go around.

keep up the good work. and be proud your abouve most people just from a mental perspective.

take care

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You are the perfect wagecuck npc. The dream of all corporation owners. Congratulation.

you dont fucking get it do you.

he can be whatever you say

there is the

only a handfull of people that produces tangible results. without these people

the world would fucking end.
zero fucking insight.
abselutly zero

you like your life. then pray to good these people dont stop working. you dumb shit.

I don't see anything negative and liking your job and having a drive to do it. But is would be healthy to also gain fulfillment off other activities beside the work.

BTW you're exaggerating a bit in your post.

>she bought it that way
yeah doubtful, scissors to a pair of old jeans for thottieness

Yeah same, unemployed and feel this way 24/7. Need meds just to sleep, wish there was an actual solution (don't fucking say 'get a job')

Get a hobby which really takes your focus. Something which you're really passionate about and like to work on every day.

Hello Fellow Power Plant Brother
I just finished an outage and I'm completely depressed now that I'm not working 7/12s and taking home 2200 dollars a week.
I really want to kill myself at this point until the next plant shut down occurs.

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Just do something usefull with your life? If you don't want to get a job then start a business (even just a small online business for fun), study something useful/interesting (e.g. physics, CS, finance, marketing or a new language), get a new non-shit posting hobby, get fit etc. Tons of lazy people manage great to do great things with their lives.

t. lazy but push myself to work hard towards my goals

yes I am exaggerating it. to get a point accross to npc, cucks trolls, that says people that work hard are dumb etc. when we are fucking done without them.

I have seen this all throught my childhood and late adulthood, how just a single man can have such an exrodenary inpact on work enviroment.
productivety, making other workers preform better. and in general being literaly gods compared to other people.

(worked(work,partly construcition conctrete etc)
1 guy can producse for 10 normal people, extreme forsight for problems that can appear.etc

there was a story about a weilder that only worked a couple a days a month, rest of the time he was drunk as fuck. and nobody could do it as good as him. soo they had to fucking wait for this cunt(god bless) to get sober and do what normal people could not.

they excist and its very reall. handful of people produces insane results.

therefor we should with outmost care, take care of these people, and help them. atleast thats my view on this.

When I was in school I was guilty for not working. When I was working, I just worked.

Then I took time off, the feeling came back almost immediately.

This is not an objective fact about reality (one must work) or even a good thing (a lot of work ranges from neutral to net negative to pointless in absolute value).

Its just the culture we live in.

Once I was in a car with a friend and we were leaving a Walmart. There was a man with no arms with a sign. My friend said, "Why doesn't he just get a job".

When people need help we give them a boot to the face, usually.

Think about the morals of a society that tells children they're no good failures that will never amount to anything. That sorts and grades them "average", "above average", "below average". And a system that forces them into increasing levels of com[petition for a tiny number of jobs with social prestige.

Sure, we SAY all work is valuable or deserves respect, but that is plainly not true. We look down on people who make less money, people who don't work, can't work. Conversely, we endow people who happen to have won the genetic lottery, and survived the social darwinism of schooling, with esteem beyond any expectation.

The system is successful insofar as we internalize it- if successful we endorse the system, reify the system, and we accept its values as self-evident virtues.

Unfortunately this is how populations elect leaders that oppress them. Its how abuse gets institutionalized. Its how societies and cultures collapse, as over time, the damage becomes so severe it implodes the structures that maintain quality of life.

The brainwashed are twice victims. First, in the destruction of their freedom to know what virtue is, and then, when they lay their own bodies on the altar.

Even if a wageslave aspires to NEETdom, he will face hostility from every angle, including his own mind, to the degree it has been colonized.

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ALRIGHT If she's asking for it, I'll put my giant dick in her thicc ass. But really only because she's begging for it, I don't really care. I know she loves to be filled.

Your built like this because that's what you're meant to be doing with your life.

(((they))) have won control over your mind. It's (((their))) plan to have you work non-stop. You're supposed to enjoy your life goy.

Fuck if I know it's friday and I have a rdp connection to work, puttering around with some things, drinking whisky, and set im status to away so people don't think I'm a loser

lmao you are not a prophet nor intelligent
kys you attention seeking faggot

lmao except that's what you need to do. get a job and a hobby that you do by yourself and another with friend/friends/family.

Jordan Peterson says you should take on as much responsibility as possible and adapt to it. It's ok advice, don't be known as a cuck - be selective, but don't back down from challenge and don't sit around doing nothing on your time off. Op comes here so that's a decent start ahead of everyone else.

>advice from juden peterstein
lmao wash your balls and clean your room bucko you low brow mongrel, oh and don't forget to pet some stray cats while you're at it.

I was in a similar situation. I worked three days then four off. Not easy but certainly doable to pick up an extra two shifts each week so I signed with a staffing agency. Once I finish my second degree I'll try for 72 hours a week but I'm still making decent money with just 60/wk. I want the financial independence meme so if I can keep it up for 4 years I'm there. Sooner if crypto takes off but I'm cautious, mostly in stocks for now. Take home is a bit over 5k/mo. I met a girl on discord and might be moving to her city if things work out. Took two weeks off to see her, hot date tonight actually. Would be making about 15k more if I move so it might just be the right choice even if things don't work out. But I'm already in love, just hope she decides to love me back.

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dude good for you. keep it up

Should I just start asking Asian girls out?

They love you sincerely but are high maintenance and expensive (at least the Chinese). Go for an ameorcanized one to save yourself cuture shock.
t. Enjoyer of Asian braps

Your pic answers your question subconsciously. Go for a walkabout.

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probably the best female ever posted on biz. thank you OP

I ran a similar schedule
What I liked to do was plan a weekend trip or something of that nature for each off stretch. You have to really embrace that lifestyle and take advantage of the time you have.

tfw no cute asian gf