What's the point of this board anymore?

What's the point of this board anymore?

Attached: 1539759538378.jpg (400x344, 28K)

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develop a coherent Bog pill.

everyone hated it when newfags flooded this board from october 17 till march 18. and now that they are gone you guys are still complaining.

heh says a lot of people here

socializing without having to look at porn and gore

holy fuck. This isn't fair

It's pretty hot when I poop on the street for the 6th time in the afternoon in uptown calcutta and I need to do something with my hand while I bat at the flies. Hello channel 4!

not the real pic:

To connvince people to bump your shitcoin through deception and funny memes.

Fuck even in the real picture its sad,poor man

its a congregation of like minded autists who are trying to get rich without being censored on reddit