Not gonna make it

>he can't weld
>he doesn't make 200k a year
>he doesn't work for himself
user I…...

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wtf welding has to do with anything.

Attached: DkOcW9qV4AEvAY6.png (1673x2018, 2.72M)

He wants you to believe he takes home $200k a year by welding.

How about I weld these nuts to your chin sonny?

>the trade (treated like a slave) meme

If it were that simple everyone would be a welder (spoiler, not every successful person is a welder).

In other news, OP sucked his 4th cock today before making this thread.

How long before they perfect automated welding machine tech?

Attached: Rankin_Two_Axis_Aug2012_e_6.jpg (1600x1067, 101K)

>he wants to have health problems from his job at like 30

>he doesn't have the talent to weld a fat bead
>he thinks everyone can be doctors they choose not to
Someone has to dig the ditch for me to lay the pipe in user
Redditfag confirmed

>he doesn't break his back, destroy his joints and go deaf and blind by 45 wageslaving 70 hours a week
>dat money doe

Nah, fuck off
I know a welder, hes married to a fat roastie, lives in a trailer, and has no relationship with his kids (who are budding degenerates). based!

Literally every welder I ever knew was a problem child who did it because there were no other options.

I know 2 welders who I trust that make slightly less than what OP claims. They work on oil rigs and other land projects 8 months a year and chill the other 4. If you have an IQ of 115 you can be a team lead easy and make bank because everyone else is an npc. One of them gave me a really good recommendation on boots. Buy thorogood boots.

It's the return of the tradesman threads

Golden bullrun confirmed

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90% welders


study kids dont be a stat

>take OP's advice
>start welding
>make 200k a year
>start going blind
>get cancer
>cancer treatment costs 500k
>blind as a bat
>no other useful skills besides being a nigger
>brag about making good money to die young doing shit nobody wants to do

>couldve just bought TOMO and chilled

the absolute state

Attached: TOMO.jpg (224x224, 9K)

>when your job turns you into a ghoul

Attached: whaddyawantsmoothskin.jpg (1920x1440, 314K)


Attached: The Carpenter.jpg (720x922, 126K)

Underwater welding is close enough to that

Instrumentation master race

Attached: smug instrument tech.jpg (500x300, 59K)

welders on the shop I used to work at would blind each other on the reg out of spite / vengeance. If they were pissed they'd intentionally get your attention then fire up the arc welder.

How good of a contortionist is that machine?

That's literally begging for a lawsuit.

Most welders I know or have come across are fucking losers