Wtf is bakkt

Wtf is bakkt

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jew kikery

wtf isnt bakkt should be your question

you knucklehead, someone explain to my wife's son what bakkt is

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It's an upcoming crypto exchange made by the same company that controls NASDAQ

It's no big deal at all, ignore the bulls that keep saying it will change anything.

What happens when you eat a Tide pod?

lol what I went to their website and it looks like shit wtf is this scam

not only does it make you hallucinate, it makes you shit orange and purple.

A way for wall street to come in and ruin crypto. Be wary of anyone who supports it, they have no fucking clue of what the implications of bakkt will bring

watch this if you want to know about bakkt

fill us in user, how will it ruin crypto?

they are planning to set up a 'holding facility' to store your crypto. Then they can issue IOU bitcoin or 'paper' bitcoin to save you carrying your BTC around. They can then inflate bitcoin by producing more IOU's and you won't even know about it. same thing happened with gold back in the day


inflate the supply therefore decreassing price... or inflate the price?

no inflation is good, i guess price can still rise if demand outweighs inflation. But the point is they can control the price to meet their own demands, wether thats up or down

It's a finna big deal u feel me nigga?

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shh mommys gonna make us rich

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I not know fren

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Since no one ITT has actually answered your question...

Bakkt is a business entity set up by ICE, the intercontinental exchange group that owns the NYSE and Chicago stock exchanges. Bakkt is the crypto arm of ICE.

Yeah but gold mooned hard after that

back in the day when blacksmiths hand made swords bro

everyone looking for any excuse to see BTC moon. fucking dumb pieces of shit, BTC aint going no where until people with BTC decide to start spending it with each other and use it as a currency like it was designed for. This whole shit with hodling has backfired


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is there any saving it now?

But we already have tether.

the delusion in this post is sad

explain then faggot

Glorious gif

you go to the emergency room and wreck the emergency room

ruin? isn't it to facilitate being able to use your crypto in transactions without everything getting taxed with complicated laws? i thought it was an end run around the regulations

Bakkt is institutional money who realize they are getting left behind. They're coming on board but people are delusional if they think Bakkt will make them rich. They're coming to try and take over the space not pump your bags of shit coins

(((ignore it, goy)))

So many boomers, jesus christ