Favelanon general thread

Prolly the father of my dogo edition
Favelanon general first thread - Get better or Die

>If you need penis growth / enlargement
Search for JELQ, there was a bunch of anons that followed routines and achieved solid results, JELQ works maxing your blood pressure that will result in "growth" or to achieve your natural maximum penis size.
It's free, no need to invest anything or buy some bathmate. You just need proper warm-up, respect routines, your body and have good nutrition.

>if you want to increase your height
If you are an teenager you can try to do a lot of things plus the solution I'll show, it works for people that reached their final height or to individuals that still growing. It doesnt need investment and wont make you any type of prejudice. Its a setup of exercises to make your body flexible and that empowering your back muscles and torso help to correct your posture, the gains can go from 2cm to 15cm. It's based on postural correction, exercises and to get more flexibility and stronger back muscles.

>if you doesnt understand how World works
Read the books (that are free again) "48 laws of power", Sun Tzu "Art of War", Maquiavel "The Prince", Dale Carnegie "How to make friends and interest people" and "Eclesiastes" from the Bible (Roman Catholic Version). This are basic human knowledge of social interations and human behavior with atemporal truths, this will help to you understand at a primal basic level why some people fail and why others cant even compete.

If you need intra specific guidance I can help you, just tell me your story and your problems in the most "imparcial" way, I'll give you solutions that at a primal level will help you to find the solution and wont fool you over.

>thanks to
Today my house was robbed, some user gave me $4 and another friend, Parson, sent me some help now, I lost every electronical device that were in my home and with that all Private Keys, and I warn you guys to have different backups to avoid that.

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shoutout to wallstreetbets


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Yo buddie!
Thanks for the help, greetings to the guys of Wall Street Bets of Discord.

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My dogo from far photo.

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Just because its friday are you all dead, lol?

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cute dog

It's a street dogo, I found it and bought some food for him and petted.
This is my dogo that I adopted on the favela, thats why I said the other appears to be her father.

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guide me to become a normie. how do i become normal when your 26 and most women prefer experienced guys. is it possible to fix this without humiliation/embarrassment.

background: kissless, virgin at 26 in November. no real life relationships. anxiety and depression and self esteem is very low. also unemployed but im doing training to get work. pros: have car and car license valid for 10 years but thats about it lol.

>still no favela gf

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Thats your dog OP? Thank you for caring for that creature.

favelanon, you are a faggot, gtfo my board

You wont become a normie, but if you means to have a "average life" :-Yes, you can make it.

As you didnt had previous experiences you wont never be a "normie", this is a lie and I wont lie to you, but that doesnt mean you cant achieve average sucess or even more than that.

The average normie is a normie because he had average experiences, not the worst ones that fuck people mentally and not the greatest ones that Chads have.

They ain't the first ones to be chosen, but they aint the last.

You cant become a normie because of that and there is no problem on it, we can build you to the best version you can be, fix your social anxiety and try to reduce depression mental damage at your social relationships.

How much you have of time/money to change your situation?
I have a rich gf, no joke

Yup, this photo was last holiday that I was working in the house of a rich guy, let me see if I can find her puppie photos.


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I hope you get shot in the gut, favelanon is an angel for saving doggo

Here its her when I adopted her, same shoes because I just have one shoes, lol.

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Favelabro :3 desu senpai

When she started to grow.

Hope you have a good weekend fren.

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Three weeks ago, tomorrow I'll write something in a paper and take new photos.

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When I got her she had vermins and a lot of things, My luck was that some guys donated me enough money to pay the vet and buy her food.

She had taken all vacines, will do castration next month.

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Also, I'm just asking about your finantial status and free time because we can acelerate your mind rewire process and upgrading through psychiatricians and good terapeuts, but if you have no cash doesnt have any problem because you can reach it anyway.

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that dog deserves snuggles, i hope your both doing ok

She is a good dogo, she changed my life for good, I had to do a lot of things that I never did before to be able to get food /money for the vets for her.

There was a day she was bitten by a bee, I ran to the vet and it costed like R$400,00, this day I learned we have to save money to be able to try to save things we like.

(Brazilian wage is like R$1.000,00, so I paid almost half wage to the medication and less a hour of treatment, but atleast solved the problem)

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Photo of the day the bee have bitten her.

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Monday and Tuesdays are filled but free any other time.

Money is not too bad but im in process of moving houses either by private real estate or public housing commission run by govt.

sorry for long delay was doing house chores lol

p.s thats a cute dog!

plz keep dog safe, so beautiful

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I’m sick of this retarded faggot. You don’t get a fucking general. This isn’t your personal blog, no one wants to hear the daily third world news

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let's be honest, the bee didn't sting her on accident. she ate a bee didn't she?

Get my email so I can send you after my telegram.

So, have you ever gone to an psychiatrian? Are you currently on any medication or treatment?

[email protected]
Yes, I'll change after just fixing some things.
Thanks, other pic of the bee bite day.

She likes to play with anything, insects included, the bee was prolly on her water and she had thought it would be fun to eat it or play with it..then it happened.

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>acelerate your mind rewire process and upgrading through psychiatricians and good terapeuts
You’re lucky I care enough to bump. Are there people who unironically believe you can get gud with women by seeing a fucking shrink?
Tell me one thing this guy has ever done for you.

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when did Jow Forums become a personal blogging site

the absolute state of Jow Forums

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Dude, can you even read?

Depression can be both psychological or chemical, a lot of researchs already came to that conclusion. If the user brain got fucked because of something or it was naturally fucked with some proper treatment he can get functional again.

Lol, dont you know that depression its a mental ilness thing, it isnt yada yada and proper treatment accelerate the cure.

Lol, SMG can do it, the entrepeneur poor fag can, but why I cant?
The trash is full, dont you saw yourself on the mirror?

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I mean really


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Good weekend 2 u.

/smg/ is to talk about the stock market.
/entp/ is to talk about side businesses and hustles.

your "general" is to just talk about yourself...

Hate to break this news but it isn’t going to help him find women. And his ineptitude is probably the reason he’d depressed.

sage and ban this faggot

psychiatrian? yep. my psychIATRIST wasn't helpful though. and i just started seeing my psychoLOGIST so i cant say if she is any good or not in helping me.

medication: Avanza 30mg every night.

ill email you soon.

Your fucker, I'm offering life consultance for free and not just that.

Tell me one fucking real hustler on /entp/, you cant.

I already told many business advice and other topics related, but I know you will continue shilling I'm doing shit when there is more than 30 shilling topics out there.

This is your opinion at all, you dont have any fact that support you, but I do.

That's why I'm asking him if he already gone to a professional.
Its a old psychiatrist or a mid/new one?

how in the fuck are you not banned yet

Hide this post and continue your life dude.


seriously wtf
ban this fucking faggot

He literally just told you it did not help.
Here you are on a BUSINESS AND FINANCE board talking about fucking jelqing, how you got robbed in the slums, this is shit nobody wants to see my man
Won’t stop until it 404s.

If you guys continue mocking me I assure you I'm gonna mock you guys even more.

Fuck off your pussie faggots, everybody can talk shit and you wanna say shit to me? Fuck off


>Its a old psychiatrist or a mid/new one?
old, i don't feel comfortable talking to him about my social stuff.

new and i had 1 session with her so far.

>fuck your mother if you want fuck
I can’t sage this trash enough, like a true telegram 3rd worlder he cannot form proper english sentences.

I like OP, to me Biz is one of the few places I feel comfortable. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with posting the occasional thread thats not about shilling shitcoins.

Bro, I'm currently into a treatment too, your psychiatrist wont prejudice you, even if he wanted he couldnt because of the profession ethics so you can say to him that to not have experienced things that are normal to the majority you suffer and regret your puberty.

If you want a private conversation just send email, no problem.

Treatment take some time, we cant flip decades of mistakes in seconds, so you need patience.

There is a light on the tunnel end.

I'd rather take 100 chainlink threads than 1 jelq'ing thread.

Hide it pussie boy.

It's not that I don't like you or what you do. It's that you're a fucking namefag.

Lol, guys can be namefags of many types and you wont say shit.

You know why you are mad, pussie?
Because some guys are answering and they are treating me like a human being, then you with your narcisitical shit doesnt know why people reply to me yet you are ignored, then you continue on your bullshit.

your a fag fag

ill email you but im not sure when i will email. most likely 7 hours or so because i have some stuff to do right now. ill definitely email though

dont let the other posters get you down bro.

No problem bro, an user donated me a Jow Forums pass, others motivated me and helped me too. I wont give up on you or any other user because you guys doesnt gave up on me.

Save my email, feel free to send whenever you like.

Dont lose your hope

so can you not get banned if you have a Jow Forums pass? well fuck

don‘t listen to these retards who have nothing better to do in their lives than get on your nerves in this thread... keep it up favelanon

Thanks fren.

Again with bullshit?

Good night frens.

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Its chicken meat, fish meat and meat, egg, potato chips, potato cream and other things.

Looking from this angle its really ugly, sorry.

my sister's ex posted her nudes on Jow Forums a couple of years ago and they are still there on the archive to this day. What can I do to protect my sister's identity?

Haven't told my sis or our parents about this yet. Found the pics randomly while snooping the archive.

post them here and I will run it through my software that wipes image's from the internet

seems legit.

First of all: consider this a secret and tell her with and after see if her wants to talk to your father/mother (wont recommend)

From there you both can go to a lawyer and "smooth talk" her old bf or just go crazy mode against him anyway.

There are many nudes out there, dont sell panic because if this get attention then it will become a problem.

Until now just you know this fact.

Also, silently report the photo for jailbait/CP and take those google archive links and take them down reporting them.

Dont put light into a problem that just you know.

Good night, going to sleep

Thank you for the sound advice, sir.

Kys, monkey.

its amazing even a favelanon eats like a king

bro I live in west of US and I cry becuase of how bad food is here. its like eating rubber plastic food from jail

mc cucks burger cuck everything is disgusting processed

favelanon I am in a 1st world country and I envy you bro

me gusta mucho los churrascos


one mans trash is another mans treasure

>your food is not trash but many will never understand what real mayo is

doesnt know how to make his own mayo using a couple of eggs and a blender

favelanon I am watching you

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thx for sharing the wonders you can find in Brazil and other south American countries

central America will never be like this

never compare

Same here, better food then me and i'm in Western Europe. I can't cook for shit that might be the cause though

>every post that agrees with faggetanon is reddit spaced the same and has the same sentence structure
Is this nigga actually talking to himself?

If he is then he's using different IPs to do it. That would be some turbo autism right there.

south America is much different especially euro side

Uruguay argentina and parts brazil

the food is amazing and slum eat like royalty

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if only you knew the difference

chewing gum < eating lobster

the level of autism people display by accepting western food is sad




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you kidding right?

i emailed you.